Got sent this link on bareback horse riding which I had to share.
I know it’s an old vid, but it’s beautiful.
Just amazing horsemanship. What a team!
And Katie sent this in and it really made me smile:
“Bareback horse riding is like dancing with the wind on the back of my best friend, Dusty. The soft creak of leather, the warmth of his sleek coat beneath meβ There’s a magic in the simplicity of it all, no saddle to separate us, just the rhythm of his powerful muscles and the connection between us.
Bareback I can feel the tension in his muscles, the anticipation of the ride. His mane tickles my fingers, it’s such a bond between us, unspoken but strong, built on years of shared moments and rides through the fields.
A gentle nudge is all it takes, Dusty moves. There’s a raw, untamed beauty in riding bareback. We trot and canter, and there’s no feeling like it.
There’s a freedom in the absence of a saddle, a connection that goes beyond the physical. You can feel your horse’s every step and anticipate his turns. No fancy equipment, no distractionsβjust the cadence of hooves on the soft soil. Bareback riding is not just a skill, it’s a reminder of just how deep you can connect with your horse.
And there’s some wise words from Kim too on bareback horse riding:
“First and foremost, establish a strong bond with your horse. Spend time grooming, feeding, and simply being in the horse’s presence. Understanding each other is crucial for a successful bareback riding experience.
Don’t even think about riding bareback until you can halt, walk, trot, and canter without a worry in the world.
Bareback is all about trust – if you don’t trust your horse, don’t do it
Hope you enjoy today’s as much as I did. Bareback horse riding isn’t for everyone, but it’s a joy to watch.
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And now onto Sandra.
“Bareback horse riding, or riding without a saddle, offers a unique and highly connected experience with the horse. It allows the rider to feel every movement, enhancing balance, coordination, and understanding of the horseβs gait. Without the saddle acting as a buffer, riders can feel subtle shifts in the horse’s body, which helps develop a stronger sense of timing and aids in better responding to the horseβs movements. For this reason, many riders use bareback riding as a tool to improve their seat and posture. Sandra”

“One key benefit of bareback riding is that it fosters a deep level of trust and communication between the horse and rider. Since bareback riding requires the rider to engage their core and legs for stability rather than relying on a saddle, it encourages a closer physical and emotional connection. Riders become more aware of their bodyβs impact on the horse, adjusting their balance and pressure naturally to stay in harmony. “
“However, bareback riding also comes with some challenges. Without the added stability of a saddle, it can be difficult to stay balanced, especially at faster gaits or over uneven terrain. Riders are more prone to slipping or losing their seat, which can increase the risk of falling. Therefore, itβs generally recommended that riders practice bareback on calm, well-trained horses and in controlled environments before attempting more advanced movements or trail riding. “

“The experience of bareback riding can be enjoyable for the horse as well, as it eliminates any saddle-related discomfort, particularly if the saddle is poorly fitted. Additionally, it can be refreshing for the horseβs back, allowing more freedom of movement. “
“Overall, bareback riding strengthens the riderβs balance, improves core stability, and deepens the rider-horse connection. For those seeking to build skills and trust, itβs a rewarding practice that brings riders closer to understanding their horseβs natural rhythm and movement. Sandra”
Next up
That was just beautiful. To have such a connection with your horse. This is my goal.
OMG…This is my horse REINCARNATED !!He had even the exact same markings as this wonderful horse. We to had a very special bond. I could not believe my eyes. I just lost him 1 year ago at the age of 32..even at that age we still did the same thing as shown.
Thank you for showing me my horse reincarnated…unbelievable.
π what a heartwrming video! now that’s a bond!. thank you for the freedom ride!
I am sooo jealous. I have had my boy a year and on ground we have a beautiful bond and growing each day, but because of an incident last year through no fault of my boy, my nerves have gone so now I need to build up. How Felicity rides is what I want to achieve, the natural way. I feel if you cannot ride like she does or at least achieve it you shouldn’t own a horse. Her horse looks so calm and trusting. It is a beautiful video and thanks so much for sharing and showing it can be done. A BIG THAN YOU KEEP ENJOYING YOUR HORSE XXX
So beautiful it made me cry.
Really enjoyed the video. Excellent horsemanship. I also watch a girl from Austrailia doing the same. My goal with my horse.
Absolutely lovely co-operation and understanding. It looked like the sort of thing that is part of the TTEAM training.
That level of link-up is just so special. Many thanks for sharing this.
the right horse matched to the right rider equal this kind of once in a lifetime bond. Very touching with that song which I usually say I hate but think is so perfectly beautiful with this ride. Makes me want to go work with my horse in this freezing rain we have in WA state!
That is what a relationship between a human and a
horse should look like. Not all of that crazy
stuff that humans put on horses to make them do unnatural things. I wish it could be that way with every horse that is owned by a human. Beautiful
video. Thanks.
Harmony with a capital H.
Beautifully ridden and understood.
Thankyou X
Excellence and perfection.
Fantastic horse woman
Lovely. Thanks for sharing that.
wonderful video! Great horsemanship and such freedom for horse and rider. π
Once again I have just witnessed how it is possible to have a beautiful relationship with a horse.
The rider herself must be a lovely person for a large animal to respond to her directions like I have just seen.
It encourages one to continue to make a sincere effort to help horses enjoy the life they deserve.
Thank you very much for the video.
Something beyond, may I say, expressable beauty!
wow, how much better can that get.? The training must of been hours into days into weeks and so on. The patience the both of you had amazing..How i dreamed it was me on my horse watching you on two were just beautiful . I envy you.. May you both enjoy many many happy years together
No, THANK YOU for sharing something SO precious and awesome !!!!!! Thank you Al.
Beautiful and just as it should be! As close to how nature intended as is possible. Having that level of closeness and communication with your horse is what it’s all about.
Beautiful and just as it should be! As close to how nature intended as possible. Having that level of closeness and communication with your horse is what it’s all about.
:O Wow!
Loved it,. but sadly…horse seems very footsore or?????
Beautiful,but do you think every horse has the temperant to do this?
She knows her horse and she definitely knows what she is doing. Wish i could ride like this, she’s a true inspiration!!!!
Absolutely awesome !! to have such a connection with your horse is a God given gift, thank you for sharing it with us.
you both are amazing
Wow. There is nothing more beautiful or powerful than true love….and we were given the opportunity to feel the depth of it here.
It’s so inspiring. Thanks for sharing!
That is so true. I want that love with my horses. I need to spend more time with them.
Lovely to watch Horse & Rider At one with each other and bonding naturally.
Love This. Thanks for sharing
What are the benefits of bareback horse riding?
Bareback riding enhances a riderβs balance, core strength, and connection with the horse by allowing them to feel each movement closely, fostering better communication and trust between horse and rider.