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Head straight over to the ‘most popular’ posts and you’ll soon know if you want to stick around.
Personally, I enjoy the posts that get the most comments , like How Sarah bonded with her troubled horse.
Bev’s biting horse problem is another good one.
You wont agree with all the comments – I certainly don’t – but each to their own.
If a post or comment helps you bond with your horse, or nurses it back to health, it’s all been worth it.
Horse care is something we never stop learning about, and I’ve noticed over the years, the people who have been around horses all their lives are willing to share the knowledge, and still eager to learn something new.
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Here’s some of my fave posts, I really hope you find them useful for your four legged friends:
Does your horse trust you? Conner sent this one in and it really split the pack.
Uncooperative horse – Graham sent this question in and the answers came in thick and fast
Do you pat your horse? Isabelle asked this horse care question, and you lot had lots to say on it.
A very bad idea – but some say it works 🙁
Bitless bridles – Greg has lots to say
Bev gets back in touch – and gets lots of advice from you lovely lot on her biting horse
Riding bareback – fun or dangerous?
Riding in sneakers – Karen does not like it at all.
Hard to catch horse – it’s the comments that make this post
Is there ever a good time to buy a horse? Who can help Christina?
Is a nervous horse your fault? You all had lots to say on this horse care problem that comes up alot.
How a horse rates you – A can’t thank Don enough for sending this in.
Natural fly repellent for horse care – Shylee sent this gem in. I’m sure flies drive us all mad at some point.
How Sarah bonded with her troubled horse – A big thanks to Sarah for sharing this one.
How Catherine bonded – Well done, Catherine, there is hope for all of us!
Judi has some bucking problems – and you all have some sound ideas
How to stop a trotting horse – who can help Julie?
Even more of your tips – a nice collection of horse care tips here, and the comments keep rolling in too.
Can you be confident after a fall? Julie asks, and you lot reply. You’re all amazing.
Tracy needs help with a biting horse.
Horse confidence – is doing this nuts? There are two camps in the comments. You make up your own mind…
George buys a horse and needs some help – fortunately lots of you have.
More of your horse tips – again, it’s the comments that make all these pages.
Apple cider for thrush? This comes up so often on the blog.
More on horses biting – I’ll never tire of all your tips and comments.
Horses know more thank you think – love what Lara has written here.
The magical powers of Traumeel – this comes up in the comments and my email box all the time.
Garlic for horses? – It seems to much of a good thing can be very bad.
Jealous horse? Lisa asks for help.
Horse questions that come up all the time – these 4 horse care questions are always in my inbox.
Moody horse – horses have bad days too.
Becky’s saddle fitting tip – this is genius, and what I love about sharing horse care stuff here.
Horses are not dumb – they never forget a friend.
Even more horse care health tips– never stop sending me these!
Alice’s happy horse story.
Natural horsemanship – Julie’s story.
Judy’s bolting horse problem.
More of your horse care tips.
Even more saddling a horse tips.
Separation anxiety in horses – a surprisingly popular topic on the blog.
Ellen’s horse stops walking and it’s driving Ellen mad.
Bareback horse riding isn’t for everyone, but it is beautiful to watch.
Lara’s pressure and release horse training story.
Seth shares the pros and cons of bitless bridles.
Common sense, it’s almost as good as horse sense.
The ‘How to stop my horse from biting‘ debate rumbles on
Abused horses can still love you back.
Lara’s thoughts on how to teach your horse something new.
Kathy shares a story on just how smart horses really are.
Cheryl’s thoughts on do bits hurt horses?
Horse grooming – it’s so much more than that as Wendy found out.
There are hundreds more posts on the blog, the best way to see them all is to jump on the newsletter.
And if you’ve got a question to ask, or you’d like to share anything, please just mail me: al@horsecaretipsandtricks.com

RIP Minnie xx you’ll be in my heart forever
Yes, I would like to see what you have to tell us. I am always a bit hesitant to not use a bit, especially as my mare loves other horses and plays up to get to them when I go for a ride and does like a fast gallop when I let her and I feel I like that control that I
need. What do you do if you don’t have a bit. Can you control without it?
Yes. You actually have more control with some horses. I recently acquired a horse that threw his head around as soon as the bridle went on. He was all over the place, jumpy and unhappy. I decided to give my bitless bridle a try. He was a new horse! More responsive. More calm. And much happier.
I have a pony who wasn’t going to do well with a bitless. His nose was once broken. In the beginning, it took peppermints to keep his mind working. All that chewing really helped him. I needed a solution if I was going to ride him. I came up with a rope bit made from yhate rope. He absolutely loves it. I can no longer catch him with a halter nor a lead rope. It has to be his bridle without the reins. He positions himself and then starts chewing. He basicly chews it into his mouth 😆
I have found all my horses love the rope bit. So now everybody has one. Then I came across Duke. He was taught to pull. That rope bit was amazing. Duke has a hard time finding the leverage. The rope forms to whatever shape he makes with his mouth. It did most of the work of breaking that habit. He wasn’t happy about it. We went through a lot of tantrums and he became a fire breathing dragon. He’s had 8 years of bad training, and he thought I was doing it all wrong. Very very smart horse.
April, I did the same thing with my mare! The rope worked wonders with her, so I did the same with my sister’s mini donk, and he was like a different critter! They both love the rope because it fits perfectly to their mouth. The only drawback is that it gets nasty pretty fast. But a nylon brush cleans it up well.
Definitely recommend it to anyone with a horse that doesn’t do well with a bit!
Hi,yes you can control a horse without a bit,you can get bit less bridles,it acts like a bridle,but without bit,your reins are attached to the nostril attachment,and what that does is closes off the air going into the horse,the more you pull on it ,the less air it gets,it’s used a lot in show jumping,but take care when you first use it,you and the horse have to get used to it,hope that helps you.
Regards Brian.
you can because I have a bit-less bridle and my pony is quite under control 🙂
Years ago in a moment of madness I bought a pony called Rocky for my twins to ride.
What a mistake!
That was the most badly behaved pony that ever lived.
He would do NOTHING you wanted him to.
Eventually we virtually gave him away to a local riding school.
They used him for little shows, billed as “the naughty pony”.
I suspect that pony had been badly trained or even badly treated – but it was too late for clueless me to do anything.
It’s good to admit defeat if a certain horse is outside your skill level, and finding it a new home with more experienced trainers is wise in many cases. still, very few horses are hopeless. Occasionally you’ll get one that is brain deficient or so physically or emotionally damaged that it will never be safe around humans, but most can be rehabilitated enough so they can be useful to someone. I hope the riding school isn’t just allowing that pony to be naughty and writing him off — I hope they are actively trying to make him a better citizen.
that sounds awesome! I do a lot of natural horse man ship, so I am familiar with some natural ways to care for a horse. But I would LOVE to learn more! i want to learn everything I can so my horse can be happy and healthy for her whole life. 😀
You may also be interested in using essential oils to treat your horse instead of regular drugs.
I am using natural horsemanship on a new mare who I brought in to keep my Arab gelding from being lonely. We lost his mare of 34 years last year.
This new mare is brilliant to lead out with my horse Drakkar, whilst riding him and lovely to ride when my friend rides out with us. However is very unhappy on her own. Has even reared and very nappy. I am trying now to build up her confidence by spending sometime in the near paddock and leading her outon foot for a short while in view of my other horse and gradually getting further away to help her realise she will return.
In time I will put tack on her and walk with her bit by bit Any other remedies? Laurel :
Count me in ! I’ve learned to do my own barefoot trimming, I ride in an bitless bridle, I ride bareback, I use “slow feed” hay feeders, and I’m always in for learning more about “natural horse care”.
Sounds like you’ve got it together. I’d like to learn to do her “nails’lol. 😉 I am 65 w/ ms and havent ridden for several years. However My granddaughter gave me a mustang mare 3 years ago and I want badly to ride her. Also I’m for the idea o a bitless bridle & would love to try the slowfeeder toy feeders.I think my hesitation has to do with my vertigo as far as riding her.I believe in the essential oils but havent used any on her. I’d like to met another lady closeby that rides.
I agree with the “bitless bridles” idea, I am in my late 50’s and had horses when I was a kid, always horses around, always some type of metal bit in their mouths. Never heard of a bridle without a bit. In the past year, I now have three horses, all in their teens, I got them with Tom Thumb bits and immediately went to hackamores with all, they take the bridle easier and seem to be much more comfortable. Metal banging a horses teeth just doesn’t make sense to me.
This is great. I have a 30 year old horse, and in the spring and summer he has 5 acres of forage. In the winter he is on hay. Last winter I switched hay sources and you are right, he looks and acts ten years younger. I had no idea how much the change in diet would effect a horse! I hadn’t been riding him for a couple of years because he was so old – and now this year I have been riding him again and I can hardly hold him down to a walk!
What kind of hay were you on and what kind did you switch to? We recently moved from Illinois to Texas and my young mare has totally changed, went from an alfalfa mix to coastal hay. ❓
I have a mare that is 36 and still runs and bucks when she is feeling great. She and her sisters have lived on 15 acres most of their lives. She has lost a lot of her teeth and I feed her Purina Equine Sr. and some steam rolled oats twice a day. Also alfalfa (very fine stemmed). She actually could stand to lose some weight. In addition I have always ridden my horses in a very lite bosal or side pull. Two of them have been Superior Cutting horses, one has a Reserve World Championship. While they were showing they did wear a high port bit BUT their trainer knew what he was doing.
What is your diet?!
Totally love barefoot!! all my ponies thrive off being barefoot. and makes hillwork so much safer
love barefoot, too 😀
i think what your saying makes sence.
You can also count me in. I have always believed in keeping it as close to nature as you can. God didn’t make any mistakes and these animals know what they need to eat. We are so bombarded with all of the frilly stuff with advertisers. I look forward to your viewpoint and what you have to share.
Thank You in advance!
I have been riding bitless, barefoot, and bareback for the past two years. The horse I currently ride and work with for the past year is the second from the top of a herd of 45 to 50 head, all geldings. He is 16.2 hands high, painted draft, most of us trail ride with a 2 knot rope halter. I feel safer riding him than I have ever felt with any other horse I have ridden so far. Because I’m riding bareback I can feel his shoulders tense up before he ever spooks and I have full control of him at all times. As for natural horsemanship, the only thing natural about riding a horse is this is the position a mountain lion takes before he eats his dinner. We have to look at everything from the horses point of view.
My horse is a Thoroughbred and she is barefoot. I am very glad about that. She is the prettiest mover and I love her very much. We have a bridle with a bit and she loves it. She is very sweet and whenever we take out the bridle she gets all excited. 😀 I could just stand there holding the bridle and she would practically put it on herself. I don’t see what is wrong with a bit. 🙄
i sort of agree with you except I have a pony with a sensitive mouth so I have a bitless bridle- but yes there is nothing wrong with bits!
it depends on the horse about using a bit or not just as you use a different bit for different horses
My previous horse, Little Man, was exactly like that. He was a Percheron/Quarter Horse and was HUGE!! He was a little strong headed when he wanted to go somewhere and was a little spooky. I used a bit and made light adjustments when needed. When we finished riding he wouldn’t let it go! We would stand there for 5 minutes at least before he would finally drop it. (Maybe bec it was candy flavor) Some horses are fine without them, but I also agree with Tally and Lily about different horses need different things. He was one of those who needed it!
Well, my instructor once said “It’s not “Knowledge is power”, it’s “Applied Knowledge is power””
If we know bits sometimes hurt horses, and that it forces them to do things, why do we use it? Clearly, many, and most horses will not let you put the bit in on the first try, if we would only listen to those constant head jerks, we would THINK they didn’t like it.
I ride at a iron free barn, and the horses are the best ones I’ve ever met. They’re naturally happy. No treats needed to tempt them.
I ride a Arabian and compared to a Quarter Horse, he’s the “bombproof” horse a beginner wants. If we humans are too obstinate to try and figure out a better plan on treating horses, I don’t know what I’ll do. 😡
Hi Megan,
It is not the bit that is the problem, it is how the rider uses the reins when they are attached to a bit. A cruel or thoughtless rider can still do lots of damage with a bitless bridle.
One of my horses ( the younger one ) loves his bit so much that when I am taking off his bridle he keeps fiddling with it in his mouth for almost 30 seconds . I do not want to rush him as he is very young and is still figuring every high oout with his mouth but it is very cute how curious he is. i agree with everything else except that if your horse enjoys a bit and it does not bother them or cause them any sort of uncomfort I do not want think is is necessary to transition into a bit less bridle.
I have rescued two horses a Mustang gelding and a Appaloosa mare who came to me pregnant. I know nothing about horses but have them both back in good health and she will foal soon. She was abused and yet is gentle and responds well to kindness. He is protective of her but is also Alpha. I am trying to understand herd dynamics but there is so much to learn. These horses are kept naturally and will not be ridden. She has recently begun to toss her head and I think it might be something to do with her being close to foaling??? Could it be the feed? I need help.
Check her ears to be sure she does not have ear mites or crust or any infection.We cannot see down the ear canal but try to gently brush the inside of her ears. Also check her teeth.
Hi Barbara I have seen your comment on the Internet I have two rescue horses and have found myself in a similiar situation (my heart ruling my head) I found out very quickly that i didnt know very much about the horses ive aquired despite in my younger life I had my own horse for a number of years I wouldn’t be love to hear from you in terms of how to manage such a situation There are days when i think What have I done? Lol
Kind regards
well i have a hores (gypsie vanner) and he is a lovely hansome hores….until you ask him to do something for you e.g. riding. i love riding, but with him i never know what he is going to do! He has already thrown me and my dad off! we weren’t serioulsy hurt, a bit of bruses. But what hurt me the most was that he doesn’t care about us, no matter what we try. I really love him, but i’m also quite scared of him, not just of what he can do to me, but also because i always tell my self ‘he has changed, i know he has’ but every time he lets me down. please help me!! How can i make him love me like i love him?
Have you had him checked out by a vet? Maybe he has a back problem which is bothering him when saddled and mounted. Maybe the saddle has a defect or does not fit him properly.
How can you get your horse to love you? By being the alpha horse. It has nothing to do with love. The horse needs professional training for your safety. Horses in the wild don’t love one another. They respect one another. After the horse threw you he never thought about it again. Humans tend to relive things over and over. Why did he throw me? Why doesn’t he love me? Humans tend to humanize their horses. In the wild if a horse gets kicked by another, the kicked horse doesn’t sit and ponder Why that horse doesn’t like him and why did the horse kick him. If the kicked horse did this he would most likely be dinner for the next pack animal to come along.
You can’t “make” him love you. It has to be earned through trust, respect and hours and hours of time spent with him. However, since you now fear him because of his unpredictable behaviour, I suggest you send him to a qualified trainer for a time. Currently, he is unsafe and it sounds as though you do not have the knowledge or skill at present to cope with him without the possibility of serious injury. Honestly, he sounds like a spoiled brat who’s become a bully. Do not feel badly that he doesn’t care about you. Horses in general are much like cats. They have little need for us. So, the first step we take is to take away their freedom. Then, they must depend on us to survive. We then make partners of them through careful, consistent teaching and bonding methods. It requires years of training to be able to do this well and safely. Therefore, you are not ready and your horse has little reason to care about you. Don’t feel badly about that. Horses who are free and left to their own devices rarely have any reason to interact or care about us. I doubt it’s personal.
I didn’t do anything with my geld for about a month and he became very dangerous. i couldn’t get in the sstall with him. I have talked to alot of horse people and they said he is not properly gelded. I have to work with him at least 10 minutes a day to keep him responsive to me. One good thing to do is to have him circle you in a walk every day. It teaches him a little respect for you.
I have a gypsy vanner too. She was a rescue and we got her for free. She was skinny and scared, beaten hungry, and afraid of lots of things. The previous owners had her for a couple days. They told us she bucked and reared and kicked and bit and that she was dangerous. This is not the case. She is the sweetest most beautiful horse ive ever met I have had 0 problems with her. She just needed a family. So just trust him and he’ll know you do. Make him feel like family.
when you said he wont let you ride him. did he start to get angry when you saddle and bridle him ❓ was it as soon as you get on ❓ was it when you start to use or legs or reins ❓ i hope you’ve fixed the problem by now but its easier for others to help they have as must info as possible.
I’d suggest you take him to or have a professional horse trainer take a look at him and give you an honest appraisal about his rideability. If what you say about the saddle slipping under his belly with his owner attached and him having no adverse reaction to that, he’s likely a very safe horse. However, you need to do a couple of things to make sure. One is to have someone very qualified check for you, as I suggested above and two, you need to have his teeth checked. Often a horse may have dental issues. This is not evident to a rider, until the reins are taken up and pressure applied to the bit. If the horse has dental issues, it can react violently to the pain that a bit can inflict through no fault of the rider. These two procedures should give you a pretty good picture of who the horse you want is and whether it’s a safe mount for you.
Sounds like your horse needs a visit to the vet. Teeth problems can often display through head tossing. Pay attention to her while she’s saying to start with.
Some mares are extremely uncomfortable when they’re near foaling, the foal may be getting into position for it’s birth and the made could be experiencing discomfort during the process, much like some women do. If it’s her first foal, the discomfort may be more pronounced than with an experienced broodmare. Again, a visit to or from your vet sounds to be in order. Your vet can discern what the issue may be and ease your worry.
Hi Eunice, Been there done that! I have a horse like that and thankfully a friend of mine, who is an experienced rider is helping me out. We are starting out with groundwork (walking and trotting on a lunge line) and we found there were some holes in his training. He probably was only trail ridden behind a more experienced horse – just a follower. And she is working with me as well to build up my riding confidence (I have fallen and been hurt before!). So, bottom line, you can’t beat a little professional help to figure out what is happening. And sometimes, going back to the basics for both horse and rider can get you to the right place! Good luck and best wishes.
You need to first get the vet to see if he is sore anywhere. If not do lots of groundwork to gain his trust and respect. Be very careful as you could easily get hurt if you try to ride him before he is ready.
he is a bare-foot, but we don’t have a bitless bridel. He actualy puts his head down when i try and put the bridel on him, he is practically tell me ‘come on, hurry up, put it on already’! so i don’t quite understand why he doesn’t like us asking him to give us a 15 mins ride!
The fact that you admit you are scared of your horse is most likely 95% of your problem. Do you have only the one horse? Do you board or have this horse on your own property? Horses are herd animals and need companionship. When you lead your horse does he follow 2-3 feet behind you, or does he bump into you? When you’re leading him and you stop, does he stop or does he try to run you over?
I’m all into the natural horsemanship stuff… but most of the horses ive ridden have had bits and it dosen’t seem to bother them… and i more prefer when there barefooted they seem to be so much lighter on their feet
I’m looking into leasing my first horse, he’s an absolute sweetiepie named Dusty, part Arabian, probably part Quarter Horse, and probably more. The only problem is that he hasn’t been ridden in years and I’m not sure whether he’s broken. His owner has severely neglected him, not coming to the farm since winter 👿 . She tried to ride him once and he was a perfect angel while she got everything on, but the saddle was too big. It slipped under his belly and he didn’t do a thing, even though she was still attached! So, he’s got a great temperament, but no one knows whether he can be ridden or not, and that’s basically the only thing holding my parents back on the lease. PLEASE HELP!
Are you a new rider? A lot of red flags came up while reading your post. If he is not broken and you are a new rider, you will be broken. Don’t lease the horse until you first have seen him being ridden and then you ride him yourself. Save yourself the money, heartbreak and injury. There are a lot of horses out there that are well trained rideable horses that need a home. Look around carefully before choosing the horse. They can be dangerous. I think I am with your parents on this one.
Get someone who is a very good rider to have the first few rides to see how he goes.
Have ridden with soft hackamores for over 30 years and with a variety of horses. Hands down a stiffer hack has offered more control of the “head strong” horse (when on a horses back) without injury to its mouth. The technique necessary to correctly use them pushed me to better riding skills when I was younger. Not much help when driving though -LOL.
I try to let all of my animals run free and as natural as can be. Animals are healthier and happier that way. I am looking into maybe a bitless for my paso but my geld who was not gelded properly can be downright dangerous at times. I used to alwys ride bareback when i was a teen but I have fibromyalgia now and can’t. I would like to get that are comfortable for me and my horse. Does anyone have any suggestions?
It used to be fairly common not to geld a horse “properly.” Geldings who did not have every single gram of testosterone-producing tissue removed were called “proud cuts.”
Riding with fibro: ointment containing capsaicin on your trigger points on hips, thighs and pelvis — Zostrix is the strongest OTC. A535 has a little. I guess you could make it if you had the right peppers.
It’s never too late to go for a walk on an easy-gaited horse on yielding ground.
I’d like to get comfortable and durable saddles That won’t bankrupt me.
I have used an Eli Miller and they are great, deeply set and padded, plus a nice gaited horse, I ride a Rocky MTN but my Spotted saddle horse was awesome, I have an extra 17 inch Eli Miller hand made for sale for 1200 if some one is interested.
Hey Roxanne! I personally don’t use saddles at all. I use bareback pads for horses that I feel I need a saddle for. They’re incredibly comfortable and you still feel your horse moving under you. You can get some that come with stirrups and some without. It’s great!
I don’t know if I am ready for the bitless bridle although I do occassionally use the halter and a rope around the neck when I just want a 5 minute walk around the pen sometimes. I also prefer to ride bareback and believe that there is nothing else like it. I bought a retired penning/barrel racing horse a few years ago and it didn’t take too long before I wanted to ride bareback again. I don’t think he had ever been ridden that way as he was somewhat unsure of himself. So that new type of riding experience was something I used to bond with him. Also since I ride bareback, he is less likely to use his barrel racing manuevers on me which is good since my balance isn’t that great.
My mare has Navicular and a bad tendon. Going barefoot won’t work for her as she has to have corrective shoes or is lame.
Please try to find a natural balance barefoot trimmer to evaluate your horse. Preferably someone trained by Pete Ramey or Ida Hammer. A natural balance trim has helped many navicular horses. Ida has taken care of navicular horses before as I am sure has Pete since he trained Ida. These are extremely knowledgable people & can probably help your horse.
In the past, I always rode a super fast horse, but after having a gaited paint horse, which I only rode bareback, I have become spoiled to the gentle, smooth gait. l
After having my back broken racing bareback, I have experienced some physical problems, also b/c of rheumatoid arthritis, so I purchased a Tennessee Walker at a cheap price because he was so spirited and difficult, that almost no one could ride him. We are making good progress. The 3rd time we rode, he spun has me off like a bull while I was still mounting. He hasn’t done this again, but has come very close. We are doing better, but I have never trained a horse. Any tips? Every trainer I asked, said to get rid of the horse, but he is showing an amazing willingness to learn and is making great progress. I can’t give up on him. He has also charged a young child more than once and attacks the other 2 horses in the pasture often. He is defintely the dominant horse, but is jealous when other horses, and even persons get within close proximity of me. Help?
Too many good horses out there to put up with that.They are just like people some are good some are gangsters.When this horse kills a child(I said when not if) are you willing to live with yourself and pay for it the rest of your life. You know the horse will attack a child and so do your friends, What if a child wonders into his space it take only seconds You own a 1200lb mean Pittbull dog. Buy your self a gentle horse and put this horse in the ground
Well, I know this was like a year ago but if you see this, don’t ever give up on him, he will get better, if you train him and get a stronger bond it will work, you should probably put him in his own paddock with a sign that says don’t get to close, but he should get better, he probably isn’t gelded right, but it shouldn’t matter, as long as he trusts you, you should trust him back and really try to make it work, do not sell him, he will only have a owner that wants him gone, nobody would buy him anyway, but try your best with him, your instinct are more important than any body’s when you ride him, if you learn the hard way, that’s how you learn, not how some stupid trainer ( that claims to be a trainer) thinks.
if you can handle the horse then keep him, but it sounds as if you can’t if that’s the case then sadly 🙁 you need to sell him.
put your horse on a lunge and get it to circle you in a slow walk while you stand in the same position (don’t turn with the horse, raise your hand to hold the rope over your head when he goes behind you)after he does it a few times, hold your had up and say “Whoa’ clearly. Then motion him to come towards you, give him a treat and say “Good boy” and rub (not pat) his head. Continue this for a few minutes every day for a week. If he cooperates, add “look down” next week. The circling will teach him respect and look down will help in calming him. He might not be gelded properly. My horse is not gelded properly and he can get quite dangerous at times. I have to constatly work with him to keep him from going “wild”. The operation to fix it is risky and expensive. There are hormone shots you can get at $30 a month if you can afford that.
I have acquired a wonderful TWH gelding that seems to be highly trained as far as flexing,stretching,and when I whip the ground with my stick. I tried to lunge him but do not know how to ask him and he just kept turning to give me his “two eyes”. I do not want to mess that up! So, my question is, how to get him to lunge? I do not have a round pen.
We seem to have a few respect issues under saddle and I want to put a stop to it. (He will kick out and crow hop some. He had not been ridden in a year.) Also, he will not take the bit and I do not know if I can handle with a hackamore.
Thanks so much!
He is probably high strung. What kind of bit are you using?
There is no way to tell if anyone has tried to aid you,so here goes. Very likely your Tn Walker has never been lunged since it was a yearling. Was it a show or pleasure horse? This can make a big differece. Put him on a long lead shank and keep moving toward his rear. Most Walkers a very intelligent and he will quickly pick up on what you want. Don’t worry about hitting the ground,keep your whip toward his rear cluck or even flip it behind him, simply get him moving as he starts to circle you can then increase the size of the circle and lenght the lenght of the lead or lunge line. Remeber Walkers are not trained like TBs’ or other proformance horses. Neck reining and cattle work along with jumping and ocassionally pulling a load is also something these horses enjoy. Never pad you Walker. Too many of these wonderful mounts have been tortured this way.
You can’t sell a horse like that. He’s not safe to sell. Give him to a rescue or to someone who knows what they are doing or put him down. And putting him down might be a better option as sad as that might be.
I have a horse who was almost a man killer. His fears go up out comes the aggression. But he doesn’t charge at people just for stepping into the pasture. He now has a baby face, but he won’t ever be considered safe even when I’m out driving him. He looks and acts sane but I know if his fears come up, he’ll be a problem. I am constantly checking in to make sure he’s doing well. Luckily, he’s doing very well, but I won’t pass him onto somebody else who doesn’t know his past.
I have another horse who is autistic. He won’t hurt a flea on purpose, but he will hurt somebody if I’m not constantly watching him. Nobody else is allowed in with him. He too has come a long way. He was starved twice that I know of before he came to me.
These types of horses takes special handling and cannot just be sold. They need to find someone who knows what they are doing and knows when the horse is too far gone and needs to be put down. 🙁
“I have another horse who is autistic”
Seriously? A reality check is needed here! Have you ever sat in on a family that has an autistic child?
Please be careful with your DRAMATIC choice of words (Man – killer / Autistic) .. it is quite offensive to other people who are struggling with this condition with family members.
Sorry to say, there is a level of intelligence for Autism to occur that horses cannot reach. (Self awareness standards on the Ansell Scale that Metabolically/ Neurologically are impossible for horses to reach)
Bintherewonthat, Thank you for your comments RE autism, well stated. As a parent of 2 wonderful kids with Aspergers autism, NEITHER WOULD HARM ANYONE IN THE WORLD UNDER ANY CONDITION. (But my sweet senior quarter horse will knock you down and trample you to get to a patch of clover!!) Tendency to violence is NOT a marker for any autism diagnosis that I’ve heard. April, Please learn more about autism. The current rate is 1 in 66 children are being born with it. If you haven’t met someone with autism yet, you will soon. 🙂
I work at a barn that has about 30 horses (not stabled). I don’t own any of them, so I can’t really go out and buy a bit less bridle or spend some quality time with them. I would do something to make the horses want to come out, but with all the other helpers there, the horses just run away from everyone! They can’t recognize me to know I am the one who gives them treats or likes them. How do I get them to come more willingly?
Also, the dominant male does not behave very well. Walking next to him, he tries to bite me about once a minute. He tries to get his halter off or rope untied all the time. He does not do well with inexperienced riders and is always trying to eat on trail rides because previous children taught him it is ok. What should I do?
He charged a child? Wow, If it was my horse I would have him professional trained. I would at least give him that. If he return to you and throws you or charges a child that would be the last straw. If you have to get rid of him, please be honest with the next owner. A child’s life could be endangered.
Thank you for all of the great tips I will definitely use them it helped so much 😀
Just read the latest post about catching your horse. if your horse likes being with you they will come to you and the chase can be left for others. i attended a Monty Roberts demo and his advice was to not always take your horse from the field only to work. mix it up with some quality grooming time or a an ad hoc feed and they will want to come to you. i have tried it with my two horses and they are almost fighting to get there head in the halter first. hope it helps
100% agree! I spend time with my horse every day (boarded with approximately 60 other horses, not stabled), even if it’s just to walk out to the pasture and schmooze him. If I am out in the field for a purpose other than to bring him in, I make it a point to love on him while I’m out there. For every 3 or 4 days of riding we do, I make sure he gets brought in and completely groomed and then just turned back out. I’ve never had to chase him through the pasture and more often than not he comes to me willingly and walks with me respectfully wherever I want to go even without a halter or lead. I know that I get more out of these experiences than he does, and the bonding opportunities are unbeatable!
My horse is in a large pasture with many other horses. Most of the time I can’t even see her. I have a specific call for her and she comes running. I mix it up with her but she know that coming to me means good things such as food, grooming etc.) not just work.
I have recently started doing a few local horse shows with my Welsh mare. She competes brilliantly but there is one small problem. She is light grey (White) and never stays that colour for long! Someone told me about bleaching there grey horses tail ( 😯 ) which I haven’t even considered. Are there any tips for getting a horse this colour clean? Really hope you can help.
Many thanks xx
bleaching can be dangerous try just grooming washing and leave in conditioner.
Check and see if they bleached the entire horse or just the mame and tail? Most of the folks I know wash and bleach the tail with a clorine bleach then rinse it thourghly. Next after the equine had been bathed and conditioned a rinse out coloring of silver or blue is applied. Most of the time the bleach trick is only used on pasture kept horses. Lily is correct bleaching can be very dangerous.
My horse id pasture kept, normaly during the winter i barely see her fir as she is so caked in mud! The friend only ever bleached the tail buy im still not a fan of it… Someone suggested using Fairy Liquid. Does anyone know if that works???
Thanks xxx 🙂
:yes my friend uses Fairy Liquid and it brings the mane and tail up lovely. I haven’t tried it yet on my Arabs
I would love to hear what you have to say, i love my horses and want to learn more. I also like the idea of no bit just not sure about it out on trails or especially new places in case you have to control your horse, if it,s really possible i will do it for my horse. and what about shoes what if your horse is tender footed because he is a little older. can we stop the tenderness.
Hi, How do you go about getting hay tested ?
thanks Marie
My daughter has a -not throughbred – Arab gelding – he is very nervous and jumpy. Not trained fully but around people all the time, what can we do to help him be less nervous and jumpy? 😕
Hey Rene!
I have an Arab mare that is usually very jumpy and tense all the time. I asked around and for a feed called Kalm ‘N EZ. It’s formulated to have low starch and sugar content, but is designed with higher fat, highly digestible fiber for calm performances without loss of energy or condition.
I don’t show her, just trail rides mainly, but she seems much happier when she’s on this feed.
Hope this helps!
I have just adopted a 3yr-old Thoroughbred from the Horse Care Unit at our local SPCA. He was dumped by his owner, who deemed he had no potential to bring in money on the race track. He has been gelded a week ago. He seems very quiet. Depressed. Can see it not only in the way he stands and walks, but in his eyes too. Very nervous. First meeting I just stood outside the paddock, observing. Radiating love to him. Softly asking him if he would allow me to come into his space. When eventually he came up to me, I spoke very softly to him for a very long time. Telling him everything he has been told before isn’t true. He IS a winner, he won my heart the moment I saw his photo in the newsletter. Told him I love him, what a noble, majestic being he is. He allowed me to touch his neck, then I went on very gently stroking him. After about an hour of what is the beginning to earn his trust, he allowed me up close and I could hug and kiss him. Brushed him a little. I speak very softly and calmly and keep my movements extremely slowly. He allowed me to put on a halter and lead him around in the paddock. I’m trying to find a very good stable yard for him. A suitable one. Staff at HCU told me he can only be backed within 6mnths or so. Please give me all the information how to proceed with him the natural way from the word go – in every respect. We have “connected”, that I can feel. I want to “undo” all the damage done to him at the racing stables, indoctrination he’s a born loser. Visibly he has no selfconfidence.And I want to give him the very best care. As nature intended for these magnificent beings. I’ve read all Linda Kohanov’s books and the Epona way. I also want to learn about T-Touch, massage – everything a passionate horse lover needs to know. From A to Z. Looking forward to hear from you to learn.
there is a very good book for retraining OTTBs
‘called “Beyond the Track” By Anna Ford
full of useful information I highly recommend this book
Do you guys have ‘Cesar Milan, dog whisperer’ on TV? Animals live in the moment! Your horse does NOT know anyone thinks he is a loser! If he ‘looks’ like a loser still after having him this long, you need to step up, stop blaming other people and realize that he has not improved because of his current circumstances. Someone else may of created his problems but you have perpetuated them.
Please DON’T push/ interpret YOUR emotions onto your horse!
Bintherewonthat is so right…horses live in the moment, as all the animals God gave us to care for. Step up to the plate & get going & enjoy this wonderful being. Stop pussing footing around.
My 5 stallions are world class grand prix champions jumping 6 ft fences and
Dancing to music . All it takes to rescue a horse and turn him into a star is
Super care my horses live with me I can see them all from my bed no stable
Would provide the same level of care I do and there is no trainer or expert
Either 1 feed I have bins of grains shelf full of supplements and vitamins and
Blend them differently depending on the horses needs weather conditions
And exercise but you can founder or colic your horse with the wrong feed you need a expert trainer to guide you and there is a comment by Mary Rose in here get in touch with her and start reading books
My horses don’t want natural care or a natural lifestyle enjoy being treated
As a DIVA natural care = poor care in their opinion and today after a breakfast at 7am rolled oats alfalfa pellets sweet feed vitamins had a bath with shampoo and conditioner each horse has his favorite brand suave herbal
Shay butter with added vinegar to adjust the ph. After their manes and tails
Were combed out with detangler any scrape or mark in their coats was sprayed
With vet ricin and vitamin E cream was rubbed on I went to turn them out
To pasture but the herd leader stopped me picked up a loose bit of hay and stepped back into his large stall with 2 box fans. So I stuffed his manger
With a quarter of a bale of the best costal in Texas and my horses spent
The day inside a cool insulated barn—the pasture has a large swimming pond
But it was 100 outside. I just returned from Colorado living on a Indian Res with a lot Of horses living the natural life style and the Indian horses kept
Breaking out and running over to my place and getting into my barn. The owners would have to drag them out with a tractor. I ride my dressage
Horse with two bits in his mouth sometimes and a blacksmith forges hot
Shoes for him. But most important he is very happy spirited muscled can
Run and dance — his love for me shines through he knows 25 words and
I speak horse. When he asks me for something I listen. You can tell a real
Expert—-just look at his horse. The bullshit is over when the horse steps
Out of the trailer.
If! you bang a horse in the teeth with a bit in his mouth you require further education.
Here’s how you ride a halt, situp! there should be almost! no hand in a halt or a turn.
This piece is so striking it staggers me completely. At various points in my life I’ve been involved with horses, riding and riding schools, at one stage teaching kids and schooling the A-Grade jumpers of the top rider whose stable I worked for. It just didn’t occur to any of us to ride a horse without shoes or bit.
If I won a lotta cash that’s the first thing I’d do: get involved with and develop a horse farm following the principles I’ve just read about. I’m only 61, and there’s still lots of riding in my not-so-old bones. Nona du Toit
I have a little mare whose energy levels seem to vary so much!I feed her two feeds a day of hi fi with a vitamin supplement tablespoon salt and 1/2lb fibre cubes soaked with a handful of beet flakes she’s 16 (teeth regularly attended to but not brilliant hence soaking)Grass still on field,out and rugged for 8 hrs daily stabled at night with 7lbs hay.We ride out 3-4 times a week,but sometimes she feels very sluggish,others she is energetic and fun.Couild I do better for her,she holds her weight well and is a good doeer.
Hi I have a sweet, well behaved rescue racehorse !She is all of a sudden wasting hay ! Where do I go to check the hay? Also we r on trails that r miles longand i am afraid to trust her not to do ythe 2 minute mile ! lol wr riding her in a ring now !Cannot wait to go on the trails 1 Iam a naturalist by nature . I am using a snaffle she hates contact that is strong .How do I switch to no bit and does that mean a hackamore? Thank u !Lunging hints too Plz !
Hi there,
there’s some good info on this site! We moved to our farm nine yers ago and local people kept asking if we were opening a riding school (we breed Spanish horses and my six children had ponies so we moved in with a lot of equines!) Anyway after saying ‘no’ a lot of times I gave in and now we have had our riding school for over eight years.
I went to ‘normal’ riding schools for two years and could just about stay on a pony in walk, trot, and canter. At ten years old I then started riding every day for a man who kept ponies. I was not allowed to read books, he used to say “you dont learn to ride from books, the horse will teach you everything you need to know”. So I had to listen to the horses to learn about them!
At our riding school we teach horsemanship and riding with balance. If you are balanced on a horse you ride with your body and the hands are ‘extras’. All riders are taught to ride with balance and we have had the same horses and ponies since we opened eight years ago. All of them are quiet, love people and are willing kind rides. All of them ‘turn on a sixpence’ from the seat, like Mark said before ‘with almost no hand’. I have learned so much from my horses, we have 30 now, two stallions, three mares, youngstock and the riding school horses and ponies. A pony and a horse from the riding school hold high jump records! The horses only have front shoes if they need them, our area is rocky and as it has’nt stopped raining for ages the ground is wet, as they live in the field most of the time their feet get soft and they can get footsore and bruised soles. The ponies seem to manage so they are unshod. I have no problem with bits, as I said all riders are taught to ride with balance so the reins are used softly, I rode a horse that I was training to jump on the sunshine tour (a riding school horse – he got 2nd and 4th) in a hackamore to stop him leaning as the hackamore (hard one) presses on the skin of the nose and chin which he did’nt like so he started listening to my seat more and then I could go back to the snaffle. With a bit you can have a contact with the horse which a lot of them like, a hackamore must be ridden with no (or very very light) contact which is good if the rider is balanced and can ride from the seat. All my horses and ponies could be ridden in a headcollar if need be, bitless does not neccessarily mean better, balance is best! Happy horsemanship to all, horses teach us everything, Winston Churchill said “the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man” all we have to do is listen and learn!
🙂 Amen! Balance & synchronicity is the key. Letting your body communicate with your horse is the best!
❓ I would like to read your book. But I would like the book. Not to be gluded to my computor. I have had horses for 30 years & always doing there own feet. Never shod. I have retied, realizing my 31 year appy mare well not be around for ever. Putting my 29 year appy mare down, health reasons. Leaving my 12 year old who is great. Was a rescue hores at year old. She is small, but dose the best she can. For the love of horses I keep her. Bought me a 12 year old appy mare. I am learnig so much about horses with her. My other horses were yearling & have been great. This new horse @ 12,had been in small area with cows, than four boys just hoping on her with nothing on but the halter they left on forever. She is doing good, but I need the right help for us. I have had two trainer,s. With not much luck. What about your book? Thank’s Summer
Usually not good to leave the halter on perm. Can cause scarring on the nose and is very uncomfortable. Get a trainer that is quite and confident and consistent. If you cannot, the practice those traits yourself and just get on her … the horse will train you! Pressure of any kind on the left (hand, leg, toe, touching with whip … will tell the horse to go right and visa versa… if you are calm, the horse will be calm. Never waive your hands by the eyes and ears. Stand close before you pet the horse so it learns that you trust the horse and therefore the horse can trust you.
Hi!I’m just learning to jump and was learning to canter over them! 😀 !I was wondering if there was any good advice out there on how to improve my connection with the mare I ride undersaddle! 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮
Hi.I just got a 17yr old abrabian. He is so strong headed. He is so stubborn! Have any ideas to help out.
I have 2 Arabians and as I am now in my 60s have had and cared for 6. THey are brilliant. My present gelding Drakkar I had since he was 8 months from an Arabian Stud locally. He will do anything for me – I ride, jump, drive. He is 16 hands and in Parelli terms a left brained extrovert. I am learning even closer bonding with Parelli an Natural Horsemanship. I wish I knew about this in my younger days. My horse trusts me 100% and I him.
However I acquired a new mare of 20 a few months ago. She was a brood mare and although she is good in every way i.e my friend rides out with me on her, I ride and lead her- her manners are good She wont ride out alone. So I am training her confidence and trust bit by bit. I already have started Parelli games with her- She is a quick learner. I wont rush her.
PLease go down the Parelli Natural Horsemanship road. Its never too late !Laurel Humphreys
Many years ago, my Uncle and I were tossing around an idea after watching our horses as they were grazing.
We all know that a horse feels and is bothered by a fly anywhere on their body. We’ve all seen this. This should tell us that horses have very sensitive skin.
We began to “test” a theory we came up with. If a horse is bothered by a fly, why in the world do we think they like it when we “pat” them as praise?? Wouldn’t this give them mixed signals? By our voice and mannerisms, they (supposedly) know we’re happy with them. Then we add the “pat”.
If we “pat” them a little harder, it’s a slap which lets them know we’re displeased with something they did or didn’t do. Granted, horses are extremely intelligent! But even if they know the difference between a “pat” and a slap, what would they prefer?
My Uncle and I broke ourselves of the terrible habit of “patting” a horse to praise them. Instead we use not only our voices but we stroke them very lovingly. The differences are almost immediate! The bond becomes MUCH stronger once the horse knows you’re NOT going to “pat” it when you’re pleased!
Which do YOU prefer? Would you rather have someone pat you on the back or rub you on your back? Of course we would rather have someone rub us on the back so why wouldn’t horses prefer this to the “loving pat”?
For the sake of your horse — for the sake of kindness, thoughtfulness and just *truly* bonding with a horse, **please** stop with the “love pats” and switch to the loving, soothing rubs!!
Another way to bond with a horse is to do as we Native Americans have done for centuries. Greet every horse by blowing gently up its nose a few times. This really works! Watch strange horses as they meet for the first time. Just as dogs smell each other, horses blow up each others noses. This way they get and remember your scent!
As for “easy” and “quick” ways to bond with any horse, there is no such thing. Real bonding requires a lot of time and patience.
We also get tremendous, wonderful results when speaking to a horse in Sioux.
(This material is copyrighted. All theories come from over 60 years of personal experience as well as talking with and watching countless horses as well as many, many other very experienced horse people.)
That is gold.
Stroking the horse is the friendly game that reminds them of their mother’s first touch when she licked them clean. I’m of the same opinion as you, patting is a no go which I see a lot from people who consider themselves to be good horse persons i.e.= show riders show jumping etc. Even at Olympic standard I’ve noticed riders slapping their horses when they’ve done well on the notion they are rewarding that horse. I wonder if it’s just for the benefit of the spectators! Try it on an unsecured horse, stroke it gently, then pat it, I bet it’ll move away from the pat.
🙁 i like reading all your tips and have taken some of them on board however i have a problem as i cant get my 6 month old colt to walk with me until i had him he was with his mum and was not touched by humans i am new to this site hopeful someone can help
hi my mare has foundered before, so i searched the heck out of the internet and feed her on a herbal diet, her coat screams inner health, i only use a mix of cold pressed linseed oil, and comfrey oil on her hooves and frogs. the farriers i have used have both commented on how great her hooves are. i haven’t ridden in a bitless bridle yet, but that’s my next step. my biggest lesson was learning to listen to what my horse was saying, it has taken me a good 12 months of solid groundwork to get were we are today, i love that horse and she respects me, perseverance is the key.
Hi Sheila, start by sitting in the middle of his yard quietly, without looking at him. When he approaches you sit still and softly talk to him, when he smells your face very softly blow up his nose. Have patience it all takes time.
lots of people are worried about siting alone with a horse. there isn’t really extra danger but if your worried you can sit on the other side of the fence.
No matter on what side of the fance you are, when you are worried that tell you don’t have knowledge how to read a horse or/and don’t understand what the horse want to tell you.
And because of this I have a question for every one that clame “they love horses” : how do you love horses when you cannot read and understand a horse ?
(Many of you don’t understand your oun language )
Hi Deb, what is your recipe for your hoof oil
Hi Shelia
I used to work on a stud and part of my job was to teach to foals to lead. I would always ask for one step only. I would apply pressure to encourage forward movement. Yes they will pull back which will make it uncomfortable for them… But that is their choice. Stand your ground firmly. The instant they make a forward movement release the pressure, which will happen naturally to an extent, as they have moved forward themselves, and give them and really big scratch in that special spot they love as a reward. Then repeat the process making sure the pressure is released immediately the second they give you what you have asked for… Forward movement and reward instantly. Timing is of the upmost importance here in this training. I have always found that it is quick and very effective and 9 times out of 10 I could walk into a paddock and the babies would run over to me and follow me any where and every where I went, I ropes attached. They wanted to be with me and would race around trying to be the closest to me, as that was where they knew they had to be. With foals the key for me was to ask for a little and reward a lot.
I have 2 horses that we rescued from starvation from a someone who could no longer afford to feed them in the middle of a drought. He’d already lost 6 horses and we couldn’t bare to see these 2 suffering. We have a ranch with 10.5 acres with plenty of green coastal so we took them in. We don’t know anything about training but have worked with them enough to socialize them and get them vaccinated. They are barefoot but they do need some care. They just aren’t tame enough to get close to. I would really enjoy looking at anything you have to offer to help me get closer to them and to lessen the fear of them. I get so nervous being up close to them but try not to show it. I have fallen in love with them and would prefer to give them to someone who can care for them but will not let them go to just anyone. Thanks
Stacy you have done a great thing 🙂
You need to realize that like children, these horses DO NOT KNOW what is good for them. They do not even know that they MIGHT enjoy some time with you! You need to make a small enclosed area to hold them in (for at LEAST a few days) so that they associate YOU with the feed that you are (will be for a few weeks) providing. You don’t have to DO a lot… just put the feed down (in their enclosed area) and they will begin to associate YOU with its ARRIVAL.
You cannot hide the fier from horses or dogs, they fill it before they see you. Like my horses when I go in pasture and I am in bad mood they look at me like telling “let that grampy allone”, but when I am in goodmd no matter what I have in my hands, rope, whip, stick they come around of me and take their reward, treats, rubs, etc. Pat or slap I use only for punishment using the word back, or get back.
The main reward that I use are treats. When you give treats to a horse, to a dog, to a cat, etc, you do not bribe like the people tell, but you build trust with that animal and friendship.
If you want to build trust with your hores ( es) start feed them with your hand, go at them on their side andr them on whitres and loins in general in places where they cannot reach, and take one a time out frompasture to grasse and stay with him, rub him, talk to him, at least one hour every other day, then you build trust.
I am a brand new horse owner, my 5 yr old mare, Daisy is very green. It’s in my nature to want a loving relationship with her and allow her to be as natural as she can be given the fact that she is in captivity. I have been working with her just going by what I feel and how she feels. I’ve been reading alot about natural horsemanship and actually had a trainer come to teach me more about it. In the first and only session thus far, she hit my horse with the lead rope on her butt because Daisy looked like she was going to kick her with her hind legs. I know safety is important, however I just have such a hard time with this form of discipline despite being told this does not actually hurt the horse. I’d like to know your thoughts on this. I’m not sure I want this trainer to come back despite the fact that she did appear to really know alot about how the horse was going to respond throughout the session.
Your riding instructor was perfectly correct to smack a horse that threatened to kick her.
Look at it this way, its exactly what another horse would have done to your mare.
In what you wrote tell very clear you don’t know what mean “safety”. Do you want to be kicked by a hores ?
Then how do you stop a horse from kicking ?
Like today a horse wanted to go at other horse to eat from her food and I talled “Dee, get out” and she didn’t and I tapped her on her ramp with the whip for three times, each litle harder than other, and if she was not changed her direction she could had one very hard, but she changed her direction.
I say that you cannot go wrong to keep it as natural as possible. I adore my horse, he was Very badly treated by his former owner. I met him at a farm where the Lady have a lot of abused horses that she had resqued and she taught me to be natural.
I use a barefoot farrier and my horses feet have never looked so good and I also use natural horsemanship to train my 4 year old. I have another horse that I sent away for training and she came back worse than when she left, we figure she was drugged every time we went to see her. I started natural horsemanship training with her and she is now a different girl, and I have really not done a lot with her, but I now have her respect. I am always willing to learn more and I think it is important to keep an open mind when venturing into new waters. Do you really want to make your horse do something, anybody can do that the art is getting your horse to WANT to do it and when that happens it will blow your mind!
its horrible when a trainer ends up ruining a horse. sounds like you’ve done a great job repairing the damage so far. Keep it up.
Hey, i take horse riding lessons at a local stable yard but the horse i usually ride is very stubborn. if he is not behind another horse, he becomes stubborn and cuts through the middle of the arena, tries to cut in front of the others and doesnt listen to what i ask him to do, how can i stop him doing this? 😆 🙄
Take more lessons, to gain a good seat and a firm riding ability. Also perhaps see if you can have some lessons with this horse doing groundwork under the instruction of an experienced trainer, to develop a respect and a relationship.
Your horse is blatantly ignoring you and your partnership needs working on.
Get a new Instructor!
I have a 5 year old mare, green broke with not many hours on her. I do not have a round pen and every time I try to get her to move she comes straight towards me. I need to learn how to lunge and work in a round pen. Any suggestions?
You don’t need a round pen, but you need you personal to learn the ground work signals, that we call “body language”.
She come at you because you tell her to come at you.
Go on You Tube and watch SCEA rescue horse and start with first day.
I have cold case evidence of praying for horses, which i am prepared to share as well. I will love to continue to support and be part.
I have a 9 month old foal. I got him at 6 months of age as completely unhandled. The day we took him was the day he was weaned from his Mum. I’ve done a lot with him, I leave him without a headcollar and I can get it on and off of him easily enough and lead him around. But i’m confused. I have some people telling me it’s best to turn a youngster away til it’s older, and others that say completely different. It doesn’t seem right to just leave him because he’s so sweet and inquisitive. I just don’t know what my next step in training should be and could do with some tips 🙂 He’s turned out with my 19yr old gelding and they get on like a house on fire! So it only seems right to treat him the same way I treat my old boy!
i would say keep handling him if you handle him when hes young hes used to humans when hes older and you can space out training out instead of trying to teach everything at once.
another thing, is he gelded? the younger they’re gelded the sooner the horse recovers. so if you intent to geld your horse the sooner the better.
Yes, I have always tried to stress to people to drop the bits, shoes, and the crazy heavy Blankets I see so many people using. The one thing that drives my horse friends crazy. Is I never use a saddle, except when I am in starting someones horse, because later down the road I know they are going to put that dead peace of leather on their poor Horse. My Sapphire was given to me 6 years ago, when no one could train her, it blew their mind, when I started her with no bridle and no Saddle, she comes running when I call, no need for halters, even when trimmed or brushing, she has free roam, and a very big warm Box stall, where she can go in or out. I know Horses do love their masters, and have deep respect for them. Been starting Horses for 55 years now, and still can’t get horse people to really listen to their Horses. But I have been trying for years to stress this and I still see hardly any results with the owners. How in the world. Can we get horse people Novice and experts to listen to us. Thank you for your time.
Would like some tips on fly control? what works? Thanks.
Last summer I tried to sprinkle powdered garlic in the manger area of my paddock.Horses were fly free.Place smelled of garlic but smell is not toxic.I then mixed fly oil(not spray) in a tub with dry garlic powder and rubbed it on their legs.(I used rubber gloves) The results were great. Not one bot egg on their legs.You can buy garlic powder at the bulk barn.I know they are selling a product with garlic in it that you feed but I have not tried it.
anyone out there have some advise : after serious muscle / nerve damage during a foaling gone wrong, i have had my mare on vitamin e/ selene supplement for about 3 years now . doing very well on it. is there any harm in giving this permanently or am i risking liver damager ?
Consult with a vet who knows your horse well. It may be necessary to do blood tests to see your horses vitamin e/selene levels.
I would definitely agree that going as natural as possible is very beneficial to your horse. Let your horse out in the pasture, ride bare back, and listen to what your horse is telling you.I would like to say though that if your bridle is fitted correctly and you are riding correctly the bit shouldn’t be banging into your horses teeth, there are no teeth in that part of their mouth (the gap being natural). Secondly I’d like to address the “barefoot always” mentality. Not every horse, and not in every circumstance is barefoot right for every horse. I’ve seen horses that have been barefoot their entire life go to shoes and it being the BEST thing for them. She had very sensitive front feet…just poor genetics. Also if the type of riding you are doing ( riding in the mountains, extensiveness training or riding on rocky ground), is causing a lot of ware and tare on your horses feet, shoeing is something you just need to do as not to ware the feet right off your horse. Of course if your horse has a medical/ foot problem shoeing also might be the right thing for your horse. I guess what as riders we need to remember is why horse shoes were even invented…to protect their precious horses feet! Food for thought! To sum up, I’m saying that a person should stay as natural as possible with their horse….but sometimes strict natural methods aren’t what’s best for your horse. CHEERS! 😛
yes’yes youare so right///
I do agree. The bit is not the problem. The hands behind the bit is the problem. Same with shoes, if a horse needs it, then the horse needs it. No questions asked.
People need to remember that natural horse care is looking after a horse like it would live in the wild. And with some horses (usually the kind who are old and skinny requiring rugs, or have navicular and require correct shoeing) would DIE in the wild. So not having them die means that it is necessary t adjust your care program to cater for their needs. Strive for natural horse keeping, but its better to have a pain free horse than one that’s freezing cold or footsore.
I have two ex racehorses(TB). Since moving them to our farm from a yard three years ago they have been barefoot. Sadly this is not working for one of them and we have had to put shoes on the front. In addition they have now spent two years living out permanently – they are so much happier as are we. They are much calmer. They have blankets on on exceptionally cold nights (less than 6degC). Yes they are a bit woolly and sometimes dirty but they are happy horses. They now stand quietly for grooming and footwork. I am considering a bitless bridle for one of them (currently has a rubber Pelham) but am a little cautious.
I love my horses. I use a piece of twine around the nose of my 6 yr old OTTB and my 5yr old QH/Paso cross or a hack on my 5yr old when im doing pleasure riding. I also ride bareback. But i do rodeos and they require a bit more of control because my Tb still gets that urge to keep running through the twine hack or halter. same with my QH/paso. I use a simple snaffle that has about 1.5 inch shank and for my QH/paso(who has a hard mouth) i use a sherry Cervi dog bone bit. With their respective bits my horses listen just fine and i dont have to drag on their mouths or anything. Also as for shoes i do not shoe my qh/paso because his feet are the strongest ever. the Farrier has complained that his feet are so strong that its hard to trim them. But my TB has the weakest feet ever. I really dont want to put shoes on her because they are really expencive around where i live. What would be a good choice? are there some good suppliments that anyone here has used that could help me toughin up her feet. I tried Hoofflex but it only helped to take out the cracks in her feet not actually toughen them up. In the winter i do riding in the hills and lots of riding on roads and in the summer i do rodeos. and my horse is my main mode of transportation
No shoes because they are expensive? Are you kidding me!
I’ve used the bitless bridles almost exclusively with my 3-year old TWH – not a hackamore, which can be dangerous – but a Nurtural bridle or Dr Cook’s bitless bridle, which use gentle “head hugging” pressure to guide the horse. Other horse people said I wouldn’t be able to control my horse, but the only times I’ve tried to use a bit my horse let me know he was not happy. If you watch videos or use a trainer that can teach you basic groundwork (lungeing, flexing, leading)you will have a respectful horse that can be controlled. I board my horse 2 hours away so can’t see him as often as I like and wanted to just ride without doing the groundwork. That was a big mistake! You must be comfortable on the ground before you ride! A very useful technique my trainer taught me was the “one-rein stop” or basically flexing your horse to one side to stop. This has saved me a couple of times when my horse got spooked. Do your homework, watch videos on natural horsemanship.
Hi, can anyone tell me what they call the piece of equipment that farriers use to rest the horses hoof on. I have a shoulder injury and need to buy one as I have trouble keeping the horses back feet up on my knee.
Thanks in advance.
Vicki from Perth Western australia
A car jack or a tree stump will work just as well as a hoof jack (which is what I believe the piece of equipment you are looking for is called)
I used to sit on a milk crate and then rested their leg on my knee once I got them used to it then rasp away. Saved my aching back. Where others a will, there’s away!
Agree with the people saying All right for some horses but not for others.
Have tammed two horses myself and just worked on their curiosity for a start and didnt push the relationship,waited till they wanted to meet me.
worked on their jealisy also ,by playing one against the other.
i dont think horses in general are in a great hurry to have a human friend ,their main objective is food hand outs.
A cat similer tho cat wants efection.
A dog You cant beat as they are givers
But in every animal is a personality
Hi, I havent ridden for about 17 years and have recently been given the ue of a horse which the frm thinks is about 20 odd years old, unsure as he was there when they managers took over farm….so we have no knowledge of training, etc….I have started lunging her and she has great ground manners, doesnt invade your space, stands still when mounting, doesnt bite, rear, never seen her buck,and she willing excepts the bridle but she does have 2 faults whenever I go to get on her she just wants to take off,and I can only catch her if she is in the cattle yards….I am a less confident rider now I find after a few accidents earlier in life, but i have missed not having a horse in my life and want to build a trust with her, just hard not knowing anything about her….I am wondering if she is just too old and set in her ways, though 6 months ago she was being ridden bareback and in a halter by a younger girl…can you help with any suggestions?….
I think I would have her checked out by a vet to see if there are any back problems. I have a 22 year old who wasn’t ridden for about 4 years and we are both being retrained (I, too, had accidents in my riding past and am less than confident and he is a bit rusty). So, I would persevere and maybe get a trainer that you trust to help. It made a world of difference for me. Also, maybe lunge her with the saddle on to get more used to being under saddle; maybe that is the issue. Work on walking then halting and backing up to get control of her. Good luck and never give up!
Hi Morissa;
One hoof supplement you might try is Horseshoers Secret, but you have to stay with it for at least 6 months or more to see any improvement. I have my 2 rescues on it and my farrier who is a barefoot specialist says that their feet look great. She always shows me where the new growth is coming in and where I started to feed them the Horseshoers Secret when I got them! It really works if you feed it long enough. 🙂
🙂 Will gratefully take all info you have
I enjoy reading the information on this site and your honesty in posting opinions of others even when they don’t agree with yours,including the one comment about not wanting to read your book only online.Is it possible to purchase your books through the mail by check and have sent via internet and then I could print them at my farm on my printer?I do not purchase anything directly by internet because of fears of security and the hassles of passwords.Our farm already has to many passwords to keep track of!Fred
I have enjoyed your emails and for some reason have stopped receiving them. I hope by contacting you I will receive them again.
I too would gratefully take any info you are willing to share. Tomorrow we are actually getting our first horses in hopes of doing some therapy training with our child who has a form of autisim
I am a new horse owner and read everything I can. I’m absolutely in love with my horse. I’m a beginner, however, and he did buck someone off him once. So I’m taking it really slow. Bonding, groundwork and soon riding in a sand paddock. There are miles of beautiful trails around, but feel that we should be really communicating well together and that I should feel really comfortable at trotting and cantering. He’s very affectionate with me, but will sometimes refuse to go back into the stall after I take him for a walk. I’m interested in learning to overcome things like that without yelling or slapping him on the rump like some of my horse friends do with their horses and say I need to do with mine. So your site seems like a perfect fit for me. I’ve also noticed he doesn’t like a bit in his mouth. Because I’m a beginner, I was thinking of first trying a hackamore. Any suggestions on which type of hackamore?
A horse should follow you wherever you ask, but some horses are claustrophobic and don’t enjoy their stall. Perhaps desensitizing him to his stall, hiring a bigger stall or (even better) just turning him out would work? Either way, get a good trainer to help you so you can build a trust that makes him willing to go where you ask.
Horses are the link between wild and domesticated.
We have so much to learn from them. Just look with how much they put up and still always just give unconditionally back to us!!
I liked your advise re: riding without a bit. I have 3 horses, 2 of which are older guys. My 3rd is still too young to ride. The 2 older guys were always ridden with a bit b4 I got them. They do fine, or even better without.
The first horse I owned was a yearling gelding I fell in love with. He was spunky and I never trained a horse in my life. I was up for the challenge. I read all the books that catered to a gentle and loving manner of training a horse. I was unable to ride him at such a young age so we had 18 months to get to know each other and build a bond. That had to be, hands down, the most rewarding experience of my life. We had such a bond that when he heard my car pull up or if I called his name he would come running to me. If I were out with him he would follow me like a puppy. I had people stop just to watch this and they would ask me how I did that. Well I did it over a long period of time. Slow and steady, with no reprimanding, just made sure I did it the same way every time so he knew what I expected from him. Anything new we did, I started with telling him, showing him slowly and repeat, repeat, repeat. Calm voice and loving rewards. I didn’t train my horse; I built a trusting relationship with him. One I will cherish for ever. I just got 2 rescue horses and I see the response from them. I was told quarter horse/draft was a handful. But he is responding very well to my ways. Good luck to all of you. Horse people are like none other.
I completely agree with you about horseshoes. My horses have never worn any, and i love it. I also ride without a bridle majority of the time, and my horse has never had a problem with it.I have three horses, two mares and a shetland pony. they are all very lovable even when they’re stubborn, haha.
Yes, I will like to know what you have to say and pass it on to my grandaughter, 12 years old. Both of her horses are on the bit because one tends to run away (Haflinger) and the other is a young horse who is 16.2. I am afraid (but I don’t tell her) that he will run away with her (it is in his blood) How will be manage not using a bit. Any little advice will help…
I miss your e-mails! I was able to find you again because I remembered some key words to provide to my search engine. Your website is full of interesting topics and we enjoy reading them. We agree with Jeannie in the handling of horses. Our first horse, Turk was at times a handful and We started out in the horse industry not knowing much except not using any hard or rough methods. Patience and trust between us all was and is very important! We have started many horses and taught them to walk, trot and gallop without ever using a whip or spurs! We feel for most horses that have been handled with respect and patience whips ,spurs and round pens are not needed. Fred and Joan.
Fred & Joan: I am starting where you started with my 7 yr old rescue mare. I have no round pen and was beginning to believe success wouldn’t be possible w/o one. You have given me hope back! I will persevere! I am currently waiting to receive my LightRider Bitless Bridle in the mail.
This is Margie and Liz is comming to live with me my first horse she is a rescue horse and i am very excited indeed to be able to help her, I love the natural way you are all speaking about and would love to gather info that will help me when she first arrives thanks Margie
Love this site so many nice people just willing to help xx
About three weeks ago I acquired a wonderful horse. He is 16 years old and 16 hands and weighs about 1200 pounds. You can see the love in his eyes and he is so willing to please and he love to be touched. He will put his nose on my face for a kiss. When I saddled him and got on him for the first time it was like heaven. When I go down to his corral he is waiting for me. I do take him apple snacks and he loves them. He follows me around like a puppy. I love Duce! I spend a minimum of three hours a day with him. He is barefoot and I use a hackamore.
😥 hey guys i urgently need help i have 3 horses one completely wild the other a lil old and my 7 year old arab cross boerperd i have had her for about a year now and i just cant ride her everytime i get on or try toget on or even just try mounting her she bites the bit so i thought maybe she has a sensitive mouth so what i did is i repaced the metal piece witha rubber bit and nothing has changed she is cheeky i can hardly brush her she pulls her ears back and moves away i love her so much and it just seems as shefeels nothing for me does any1 have any tips for me i can maybe use so i can have a beter relastionship with my horse? i love horses(and animals) dearly and would do or giveanything to see them happy i have a bit experiance with horses but since i fell off i have become rather a little scared can anyone pls help me???? i am in desparite in need of help thanx zelda
That is the problem as you stated ” a little scared”. Your horses pick up on this & that is why you are having difficulty. What is there to be scared of ? These are loving & a gift from God. Give them the respect they deserve. Ask God to overcome your fear & you shall suceed.
Hi. I am a oldie on my second childhud love horsesand have the time to put into them. So need all the help l can get. Living in w.aust the pastures are much diffrent to england. ,any help l can get will help my horse he had a badinjoury to his bak leg and has been slow to heal. We have good contact with each other l can massage the muscle and tendon area. Which he now loves.my tex is not too good as l said l am willing to learn my daughter said l am a pain as my fingers are too slow for my brain. Sand
i really love the way you teach us how to look after our horses
lots of love from
Kelly,Amy and Jess 😉 😀
I love what you say, and although I have no horse
which I long to have, its the only way that I would treat my horse. Keep up the good teachings
Hi all I am new rescued a appaloosa he is gilded and very spooky I do not know nothing about horses . He has a halter on its too small no one can get close to him its got to come off he will come up to the fence and you can just touch his nose he will eat out of your hand help me
Poor baby… there must be a sad story to him but thank God you rescued him!
Seems as if he would learn to trust you as you continue to pour out love to him (AND PRAYERS).
Let me tell you… I am not a bible thumper but I am a Christian that speaks with love and I can tell you that I am a novice too though I have had my two horses for 9 years… lol.
PRAYER WORKS! I have always asked God (Who by the way created them) to help me as I work with them and for HIM to speak to my horse. After all, He had a donkey speak to Balaam in the bible (Numbers 22:21-41 if you’re interested) so He can speak to your horse just as well.
Keep the faith and keep learning through these professional handlers like Al here.
Advance & retreat work usually does it… ok, very very simplistic, you need to look up more on this than I can type here! NO DIRECT EYE CONTACT, that is very important. So to start, always approach him from a slight angle, not directly from infront, keep your movements slow and smooth.. if you put your hand out and he moves his nose towards it, move the hand away slowly once he’s touched you, do this a few times then leave your hand still, don’t touch him let him touch you. Progress to standing in the paddock, turn slightly away from him and keep your arms down. If he moves towards you move slowly away, no sudden movements. Keep doing this until he’s curious enough to want to tentatively come after you when you move, then when you think the time is right, allow him to touch you with his nose… again, don’t touch him yet, let him do the contact. You can progress to putting a hand up slowly to his neck and giving him a little stroke – leave his nose and face alone for now because as he gets used to you touching him you can work up to stroking his cheeks via the neck stroking. Hope that helps to start with 🙂
Hi Shirley I hope that you’ve solved your halter problem by now but as I don’t know when your question was posted I thought I’d could offer the following advice. I’ve had the exact same problem with a brumby mare that I rescued from “a bullet” with halter near embedded into her flesh.
Slowly, slowly, every feed I’d basically sit at her head by the feed bucket and over days moved my hand from outside the bucket to inside and around beside her head (non-threatening, no pressure) until she was very comfortable with my hands moving around that side of her head up close. Progressed to actually touching her so lightly she’d not even realise before the touch was gone. This lead to touching, resting, holding then tugging at the halter gently (also introduced some very sharp pruning clippers into her line of sight) All this enabled to me to actually cut the halter and remove it without any undue stress. The fact that the desensitising was all done while she was focused on eating her dinner helped immensely… Good luck
After a very long time, I am returning to one of my first loves…horses. So much has changed. I look forward to learning as much as I can before I take the leap back into having another horse friend…and so far, I like what your telling me!!! I look forward to hearing more!
Hi all, I’ve so enjoyed reading everyone posts. I just finally got my first horse today. I like the idea of no shoes, touching your horse gently, letting your horse live free not in a stable, riding bareback when possible, and not using a bit. I plan on reading more about as many natural ways to take care of my horse as I can. I also like the idea of taking time to brush your horse some days and not riding them, just a day for them like a spa day. Thanks everyone.
I’ve been riding for about 40+ years. I’ve always brushed and cleaned feet prior to tacking up. I didn’t know about proper fitting saddle, bridle, etc. Just hopped up and rode. I’ve learn alot watching the RFD channel, I find much of the information interesting, helpful and useful.
To bad for me, old habits die hard. My current horse of 15 years, and I understand each other very well. I love him so much.
Although I think he might appreciate a softer way of doing things.
😛 yes i noticed when i use a bit on my horse she fights it and does better with just a rope halter
so thats what i use i refuse to use a bit after i saw a friend try to bit her and she reared straight up that tells me someone has been very hard on her mouth
My 1st horse was a head-tossing 17 hand Thoro/Quarter cross. There was no way a bit would go anywhere near that mouth – due to the horse’s opinion. I learned to ride using a hackamore. It was great. The horse was more comfortable, I learned to use quiet hands. I often wonder what it would have been like if there had been more natural horsemanship at that time. The horse could be ‘good’ or she’d have her days. She also did not care for company of other horses; a definate loner. After learning on a hackamore, I’ve always hesitated using bits but they always seem to be what the current horses are used to.
I thnk it would be interesting if NOT hard feeding your horse, and NOT rugging your horse, and NOT shoeing your horse… cost as much…and took as long as DOING these things…
I guess we’ll never know (whether it’s easier, quicker & cheaper to NOT *hard feed*shoe*rug)
My first horse was a mix of TWH, Belgian and Arab with most being Arab. He was abused by the person who owned his mother as a young colt. He was gelded as a yearling. Another person took him away from his abuser and put him with her horses where he taught these people how not to trust him.
HISTORY: When someone would reach over the railing to pet him he would reach out to bite. I knew the body language and the owner informed me he has bitten. When he reached for me and pinned his ears back (knew he was going to try to bite)I reached for his upper lip and did a nice pinch/twist/pull and he backed off very fast.
When you went out into the pasture with him he would swing his rear at me. The owners had also been kicked in the pasture by this horse. When he swung his hip to me for the third time I reached over and gave him one hard slap on his rear. He did the boot scooting boogie away from me and never offered to kick in the pasture again.
When the owners saw his reaction they knew I took the upper hand away from this horse. They gave him to me as he had never responded so well to a person before.
I spent 6 weeks of hard ground work building him up as if he was an unbroken horse. I patched all of his wholes and taught him to respect from the ground up. After owning him for 4 years I sold him to an 11 year old. Yes, he was ready to move on to a good life.
I had another horse, a QH about 6 years old. She was in your pocket but never been lunged. I got her to start listening and did mass ground work (1 year) prior to putting a saddle on her back. She had a scar on her left cheek from (what I was told) Barbwire. This left nerve damage to her mouth where a bit was more dangerous (she didn’t feel you pulling the bit) as it caused me to have a broken collar bone requiring 8 screws and a metal plate. Once I healed I put a hackamore (soft nose) on her. She did better but still wasn’t responding quit like I want a horse to respond. On our last ride she didn’t want to walk the road and went up an embankment and slid down, breaking my right elbow in 3 places. Hubby made me get rid of her. She is now a pasture pet for someone else.
I purchased a solid paint next 3 years old, unbroken with 30 days of training. She was never ridden and grew up as a “pasture pet” until I purchased her. I spent 1 year letting her know I would not hurt her before beginning her training. The first time I put a saddle on her she bucked out 5-6 times and never offered to buck again. (No discipline for this first time behavior as I wanted to be able to read her). I started her with a full cheek snaffle so I could teach her what the reins mean. She graduated to a straight shank for neck reining and just graduated to a hackamore (soft nose) and is the best horse I have ever owned.
Just recently I took her on her first independent ride and she was awesome. She didn’t even cry out for her buddy like her buddy did for her. I took her to the mountains on a very hard trail (didn’t know it was listed as “very hard” until we got back home. OMG this horse is awesome.
All my horses are trained on natural horsemanship. I watch and read their body language before we move onto the next step. All are natural barefoot with the mustang roll. While my husband’s horse has already been trained for bareback, mine has not. We are planning on taking her swimming again at which time I will be pulling her saddle off to see what her response will be.
I agree, leave the “love pats” out of your praise. This isn’t something horses really enjoy and when it comes time to correct dangerous behavior you may not get the same results after teaching your horse these pats are ok.
I do believe in the 3 second “kill” where when a horse does something dangerous (attempt to kick on ground, bites, pushes (dangerously) or any other behavior which is threatening. The three second kill is used only for three seconds where the horse will swear you are going to take him out. Trust me that behavior will never be repeated and is what the head herd master would be doing in the wild.
I also raise donkeys; my Jack defeats the warning about “Jacks” being the most dangerous farm animal. Though I know Michael will not hurt a person intentionally and can be handled with very little effort, we do still warn people Jacks are dangerous and to give him respect by not visiting him without either my husband or myself being there to hold him.
My husband’s horse was kept shod as a yearling until we got him. His feet were just like a donkey’s which most of us know isn’t good on the coffin bone. Once he was in our care we stripped the shoes off and conditioned him for bare feet. He’s awesome now and his feet are like a horse’s feet should be. His previous owners thought a horse needed grains more than hay and fed accordingly. This horse was being fed 25 lbs. of grain a day. When we took him off the grain we dealt with cracks and abscesses for 2 years before his feet finally started healing right.
Some people don’t know what it takes to own a horse. They don’t realize you cannot make a 1200lb animal do what they don’t want to do. You cannot put tack on a horse that is uncomfortable and expect them to listen to you. After all, do you listen when you are not feeling well or hurt? Probably not.
Thank you for doing this book, I have read every trainer’s book out there and use a little bit of everything in my training. What works for one horse may not work for the next.
And most importantly of all, to those who are buying green/untrained horses that are green and untrained themself. Please don’t mix green on green as it’s just an accident waiting to happen and these types of accidents are often the most fatal of accidents. Make sure you have an experienced trainer or handler there with you when working with a green horse. I do understand wanting to train your own horse but sometimes it’s best to be left with the professionals.
It sounds like u & I have the same ideas about working with horses. If the handler is green, the horse should not be, and vise versa. Begin at the begining. On the ground. U do not need a round pen. A 15 ft lead to start is great then go to a lunge line. Start at a walk, then evenually a trot (on lead) then the lite canter (lunge line) change ur gaits, ask for stops. After getting good responses with the halter and lead and lunge lines. Then try with no halter and no lead or lunge line. This is how I prefer to work even my new horses. (Trying to teach two opposite color (one lite, one dark) palominos to “dance as mirror images” one going one way one going the other. I have no place to work but in the pasture with the other horses getting in the middle sometimes so things r slow but they r picking it up.) Does ur horse walk with u, or push thru u? Will ur horse back up with verbal control, or not at all? Will they step to the left or right when u touch that side and command “over”? Will ur horse come running to u, or does he run from u? Work for about and hour at a time, with lots of verbal “good boys” and and forhead rubs, NO PATS! Try working twice daily, if u can. But a minimum of three times a week. I use a dressage whip, with lite consistant TAPS (no hitting) on the shoulder for the front end and just above the hock for the rear end. The minute they start to move stop tapping. If they stop and u want them to move again, repeat process. Go slow, one step at a time. Time and lots of it, patients, proper vet care including dental, and lots of good hay in winter, pasture in summer, and farrier visits on schedule. Plus the most important thing is lots of outdoor time, just being a horse. This is what makes a good reliable horse, and a perfect partnership to a perfect ride. One time I was working with the lite palomino and a tarp, he had drug his foot and kind of balled it up. So, I picked it up, shook it out, (I have one usable arm) and layed in down so he could walk over it. But my little filly had been watching, after my gelding walked across the tarp, she came over picked up the tarp in her mouth and shook it for me. My lession that day, they watch, they see, they repeat what they learn. People say that horses don’t remember bad treatment, but they do! It has taken 4 years of love and kindness for my mini to get over the cruel treatment that she had before coming to my place. Now she even comes to me for “kisses”. I hope that my experiences help some of u, so u don’t make my mistakes! 😉
I had our Peruvian Gelding trained with Bitless Bridle (Indian Bosal)
he is 4 1/2 and he is such a soft touch listens to the lightest touch and treeless saddle for easy body connection he is great see now reason to bit him have always hated bits
and we go barefoot as well
he moves so beautiful so can’t see why we should change what God gave him
Bits have side effects for some horses
we did have his wolf teeth out for a few reasons
he has great teeth and we only feed good bermuda hay and vit/min if hay isn;t high in it;s protein and mineral contents ,no alfalfa or heavy oats and no processed feeds due to fact they are all very high in crude fats horses do not need piles of crude fats
becareful if feeding bagged feeds talk to your vet they will never stir you wrong
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your writings! MAKES sense and is exactly what I feel. God bless you!
I definately agree with that. I see horses with fancy martingales and harsh bits, but I think it just makes their behavior worse to put them in that tack, because they get fidgetty and worked up. I’d just let hem have their head and then they would have anything to fight. 😆
I normaly only ever ride in a saddle for road work (because of the law) but the rest of the time I just ride bareback, because it’s more enjoyable plus you don’t have to bother about styrup lengths and you can’t get draggd easily if you fall off. 😛
loved reading th is info on a shoeless horse, that is my feeling exactly, I grew up in N D, we never put shoes on our horses, those of use who love horses
understand exactly what you are talking about.
I often think of the song, God must have been a cowboy at heart, considering Jesus is coming back on a great white horse – – –
God bless you and yours, Rose
Hooray for you! Another person has learned to speak equus. I’m no great and famous trainer. I’ve taught my daughter and anyone who has ridden my horses over the years that horses my not be Mr. Ed but they are talking to you everyday. You just have to learn to listen. I’m also a proponent of the bitless bridle and the soft hackamore (which is just a piece of soft leather with fleece lined and 2 metal pieces on the side to attach reins. We even ride my stallions the same way. Why? Because we learned to talk to our horses and bonded with them. They are now our partners in life!
My sister has just rescued a horse from a very bad situation , neglected and malnourished .
he’s come on good but he needs excersise how do you fit or size a saddle to each individual horse so that it is comfortable for him
Try a treeless saddle – has to be a quality make such as Barefoot etc, avoid cheap ones like the plague! The saddle will not need re-adjusting or re-flocking as he changes shape 🙂
🙁 my pony bucks as soon as i touch her with my dressage drop do u know what to do ❓
If your horse is a rescue then he/she might have been abused by one before. If I where you I would stop using the crop, even if you’re doing it completely “correctly” by the standards.
I never got your pdf document thank you 😉
I ride all my horses in a Parelli hackamore, whether it is in the arena or on the trail. I love it and so do my horses.
Always open to new ideas, even if they come from the old ways.
both my horses are barefoot, I have a fantastic barefoot trimmer, I never use a bit in my horses mouths, people ask my doesn’t it scare me riding without a bit, my answer to that is, bit or no bit if your horse wants to take flight it will. why do people feel safer with a unnatural piece of metal in their horses mouths :?:I don’t use saddles either, my horses never feel restricted, iv done natural horsemanship with my horses for several years, the bond we have is amazing, and my horses can express themselves, its so beautiful. I love horses. xx
How do I bond with my horse?
🙄 yes I would like to have a better relation & understanding with my horses & ride without a bit.
I put alot into having my mare train [for 5 months] & still afraid to ride out of the pasture.
I sadly lost my wonderful mare after 25 yrs together, I went barefoot and bitless about 10 yrs ago and was amazed with the change in her, I went bitless because I couldnt stop her in a bit, she was to fast and threw her head about to evade the bit, I changed to bitless in the middle of a jumping lesson when she was galloping round out of control. What a difference, the change was instant and I never went back to a bit again, I did Cross country, show jumping and Le Trec bitless and always won ribbons. I went barefoot because I couldnt afford the farrier when I lost my job and again would never go back to shoes, no more slipping on roads. I now tell my experiences to anyone with a problem horse to give bitless a try it gave me brakes and a very happy horse 😀
My horse has started nodding. This is not from flies. It is quite compulsive and excessive in the afternoon. Any ideas?
he’s nodding off to sleep?
A couple of days ago while out driving, I came across a horse with such severe laminitis that I could have knocked her over by poking her with one finger. She could barely stand and was practically sitting on her haunches. She had no water within reach and the bucket had about 2 inches of sludge in it. I spoke with the owner who claimed he had “rescued” her last summer. Anyway, he admitted he knew nothing about horses. Since I came onto his property uninvited, I paid for some bute and to have her looked at by my shoer. I also brought her a blanket because she could not move around sufficiently to keep warm. The owner does understand she has to stay off pasture so she is eating low nutrient hay. The problem is that she is severely underweight (after she got some fresh water she could reach, though, she started to eat). I will call the vet to see what he says (he’s away on vacation) She is looking better after a trim and bute, but, in the meantime, any ideas to help he gain weight without worsening laminitis as the result? The shoer mentioned that he thought oats might be okay but I need confirmation so will be calling another vet. The shoer stated she had foundered in the past, too. The owner would give her to a good home but I already have 3 horses with no extra room. I am going to try to find a good home for her but am nervous that as she improves, he’ll decide to keep her. Calling the authorities does no good around here so I am working on educating the owner. Any further input would be appreciated, especially with regard to feed.
Try speedy beet if you can get it. Is a low sugar feed for susceptible horses
Sugar beet is high in protein but also high in calcium, which disrupts magnesium levels. Linseeds or linseed oil added to a small fibre-based feed (non-molassed chaffs) will help to add weight, also copra meal. Soaked hay (overnight soaking) will reduce the sugars in it but less soaking will be necessary as the pony gets healthier.
Magnesium Oxide will help with lami and foot health 🙂
Have you had her teeth checked? I have ponies all my life and I am still learning. I have had one come to me last year that had severe weight loss and laminitis. He had an infection in the mouth. He had to have some extractions and other dental work plus, Bute and an anti-biotic, feet done, Rugged and started on plain chaff with minerals. This pony is now doing great. Not lame, has not founded since, looks fantastic and is being ridden by my daughter.
All and any feed must be introduced slowly (start with either wheaten or oaten chaff; 1/2 a laundry bucket each day gradually increase to one bucket) and you need to lock the horse up in a yard with clean water. If there is heat in the feet hose each for ten min per day or stand horse in bucket of water. If the horse has seedy toes you may need to vet rap and some special rubber (vet or farrier supplied (mine came from Clark Rubber and was supplied from Castlemaine Vets All Natural)) cut to shape of hoof. This will take the pressure off the sole of horses feet. Try to get the horse walking as soon as it can, this will stimulate the blood and keep it of hot foods and sugar foods as laminitis is like our diabetes. It can be controlled but, can easily come back in this horse if you can beat this round.
If you can not take this horse on I think the best thing for this horse would be to rehouse it with some-one that would see to all it’s needs. Try to convince him to place it on Gum-Tree.
What is your opinion of riding bareback?
I am certainly in favor of barefoot if the ground you intend to work on is suitable. In some very rocky areas (like parts of TX for example) are just not suitable and either shoes or boots are absolutely necessary if you plan to ride at all. Regarding bits, bitless bridles are perfectly fine, especially for trail riding, but understanding the use of the bit (it is not for stopping it is for gentle connection and acceptance) is even better. Hands must NEVER pull or yank.
Hi hoping to be added to your email list really enjoy reading all the comments and love your website thanks
Hi Ali,
I just love your site and your emails please keep them coming.. I have 2 questions for you.. I have a draft that I have had trouble keeping sound tried almost everything was thinking of trying the traumel as I think some of his problem is arthritis is weighs about 1200lbs . How much should I give him and how often. Also I have a tennessee walker that I would like to try using a bitless bridle on but everyone tells me that I wont be able to keep him in gate… has anyone with a Walker used a bitless and do they have problems with this???
Thanks so much,
I’m sure those tips will help me heaps with my horse.
While I agree that some bit-less bridles are theoretically best, understand that training comes from timing and feel in the rider, not from the equipment. A horse well trained can be ridden without any equipment at all. Bits, if adjusted correctly do not hit the teeth, unless the horse moves it around, in the instance of a jointed mouth. Some bit-less bridals such as the Brockmore (commonly referred to as the mechanical hakamore) can be brutal on the highly sensitive nerves on the jaw. Also rope tied halters,are designed with the knots placed to put pressure on the sensitive areas of the face, the rawhide bosal can also cause pain to the jaw. This being said finding the right bit-less is important, but better yet, learn to be a good rider. Learn good timing and feel so no matter what you choose to ride with you will always be “in control”. Communication, never domination. But it is not the equipment it is the hands that control the equipment. It is an art. Like any other art form it’s all in the feel of the subject.
Valerie, thank you for that excellent comment!~ you are obviously very well informed about training and equipment.
I own a brumby and like to do everything as natural as possible and he thirves on it. Worm him with garlic on a full moon and gets apple cidre vinegar and we have no problems at all with worms and NO bots
I would love to read your tips.
I feel the same way about horses. Am grateful to share with horses once a week. Each horse nearly falls asleep with me . We have such dear closeness.
I want to be more in their lives, to help them in any way I can. The ad that led me here, was on the weather page for Sapporo. I actually put an ad on Craig’s List as a “horse whisperer”, as so many folks call me this. Thank you for being there for horses, and human as well. Carol van Dyke
I have been reading everything I can about a problem my horse has. I bought her last spring and tried to ride her but she did a left hand spin and I went off, found out she was pregnant. Baby weaned and sold now sent mare out for training for 30 days and was riding her there the last three weeks of training. Brought her home rode her twice and the third time she spun me off again to the left. I’m 62 haven’t rode in many years and I won’t get back on her till I find out why. I lounge her she listens good to me what is the problem? What am I doing wrong She is reg. quarter 6 yrs. old, please help. NANCY
Help! due to my illness my horse has not been ridden for about 6 months. Now she does not want to leave the herd (herd sour). It is very difficult to get her to go away from the pasture when riding her alone. I started taking her a little further each time. I am tempted to feed her a pail of grain after we are about a 1/4 mile away so that she realizes that there are good things out there. I only ride for short distances at a time. I work odd hours and to get another person to ride with me is difficult. Any suggestions?
For the age old ‘control’ issue so many people seem to have with bitless, or bitted, I’d like to add this; firstly – groundwork! It’s an absolute MUST in bonding with your horse and also getting them to listen to you, respect you, and teach them that you also respect them. What you teach from the ground in a halter should be exactly the same when you get on board – control is about their trust in you and their own self-control, so having a bit in their mouth should be no more than a communication tool – the only reason it works for pulling them up is because it causes them PAIN – this is why horses are seen to toss their heads up when they’re running off and being pulled up by the reins. Your bodyweight and aids should be asking for a stop, your training should be asking them to listen, and if they’re going to panic properly there’s nothing a bit or anything will do to stop them running, therefore the bit is actually for the human’s perceived security 🙂
I love riding but the stable I ride at doesn’t do anything naturally… I can’t switch since it’s the closest and most convenient one. My baby doll Dozer (he’s not actually mine, but we’re really close) is the horse that everyone blames things on. 🙁 Sometimes I’ll go to the barn, even when I’m not working or having a lesson, just to be with him and treat him nicely.
One other thing..
Your horse can pick the hay for you. Buy small amounts of different hays and lay them all out.. let them rummage and pick the one they like best. Then you can feed your horse their favorite 😛
And just a call out to everyone.. don’t be a snob.
Thanks and have a great day!!!
(the rope bit sounds really good!)
My horse is Napoleon and I rescued him almost 4 years ago. We have had several hurdles to go through but now I am needing help with his ulcer problems. He is on ranitidine three times a day. I am looking for a supplement that I can put in his grain that would help me with the cost and be more natural for his diet. In the past he had colic with sand in his belly. Iwas feeding him coastal hay. I now feed him timothy and alfalfa.If anyone is knowledgeable on a supplement for ulcers please share with me. Thanks.
Hi! I noticed your blog and thought I would ask a few things. Recently, we got an 16 year old Thoroughbred. We have another small pony for my sister and recently sold my other horse. We have had him for about 3-4 months. He is so far amazing but very incident prone. Since we got him, “free,” he has made sure he is not staying free. This includes scratching his eyes, cutting open his shoulder, choking twice (bad enough for the vet), and now he is lame. He has been lame for a little over a month now. It is a hole smaller than a penny that still hinders him. A rock got in it and we got it out, but it created an abscess. GO FIGURE! My mo (a horse person) explained it to me, and sure enough, it went away. Yay right? Only the start! No abscess, but still hole. We had two vets come out, tried a boot until the bottom fell out, flushed it, everything anyone could suggest. Nothing is working! I don’t have much time for riding between XC, track, and softball, but on the rare days I do have off, I would like to be able to ride my own horse. Any suggestions?
Hey! I thought I was overwhelming before, so I broke it in two. Also, my horse (Moon) the incident prone one? Ya, him. Anyways, whenever I brush him, whether with a soft brush or a currycomb, he always lifts up his hind legs. He never kicks, just kind of knocks them against his stomach, then sets them back down. Only to do it again about 10 second later. Is he ticklish? Being a turd? Or is he trying to tell me something else?
Have you seen the documentary “The Path of the Horse” ?
It is excellent. Please watch it for free on-line.
I have several horses, and I ride with a halter. All of my horses are ridden with halters and snap-on reins. If a horse is trained, it will mind try to do what you ask of it. Bits generally ‘work’ by causing pain (especially if the handler is rough.) If the horse is not trained you can force it to give to the bit, to avoid pain; but the horse is not safer than a compliant horse minding a halter. The difference is in training. Bits are not needed for training. Time and patience are needed, and knowledge and experience are helpful. When my Arab stallion was full of ginger I would use a mechanical hackamore in the springtime, but I figured out that it was for my comfort. Jake does what he’s supposed to, regardless of headgear, weather, season or rider. He’s not broken of spirit, he is compliant.
As for riding bareback, I think it is very helpful to develop balance and whole-body communication with your horse, but be aware that the saddle is his backpack, and spreads your weight over a larger area; riding bareback concentrates your weight in a smaller area. If you’re going to ride very long, do the horse the courtesy of using a well-fitting saddle and good saddle pad.
Our horses love us and are dependent on us. We should take care to live up to their expectations.
Hi how do I get my daughter joined to your site so she gets the daily emaol please as she loves this site.
Thank you to the commentators. I feel so uplifted by this website and you other readers who care for horses.
you see i am currently riding a cob gelding, and lately he has been higher up on the energy levels. so i was thinking if the stable managers are putting him on a higher energy feed, and i am thinking at this time of the year late january it is not the best thing to do. when i am doing my own excersises he is focused forwad going and listens to me, but as soon as the excersise starts with other horses, he starts bronking and racing off, so i dont really know what to do to calm him down, or slow him down. last point when i enter the box with him i can do all the grooming and tacking up, but when i try to hoof pick his back hooves he turns his head and basically says no, i have done it a lot of times before in 2013, so is it because of the winter or the food. i dont know some one please give me some advice so i can improve my skills in horsemanship and riding with control, he really is a slow horse at times but that was all befoer the new year. 😕
We have two thoroughbred ex-racehorses that we moved to our farm three years ago. They had been in a small yard with eight other horses and stabled at night. We continued with this routine but every morning walking to the paddock one or the other would fight with us and try to run off, not going far but causing much stress. We finally decided to leave them out 24hrs a day starting in early summer. In winter we put light waterproof, fleece lined blankets on them. Yes they get a fluffy coat and don’t always look elegant but they are so much happier. I can’t imagine ever putting them inside again. In addition we removed their shoes and have a qualified barefoot farrier, they work better and are not as “hot” I a also considering going bit less. Natural is best.
Bitless, barefoot are but a start in respecting your horse. We cannot expect respect back unless we do the same. Thinking about the natural habitat of horses is also important in the approach to your horse. I get a lot out of watching my horses in their pasture, seeing the interaction, the playfulness, the pecking order. I like to leave some time just to watch and make notes on how better to interact. This is the same thing we all do when meeting people for the first time, going to a social gathering or similar event.
I have two older quarter horses, 18 and 20. Snow and ice, do not ride in winter. They have beautiful winter coats and actually prefer the cold weather cause no bugs. Smokey my 20 year old has reactions to bug bites. I use repellents all summer and shod front hooves cause I ride on some pretty rocky trails. Is it possible to be shoeless on that terrain? What do you suggest to avoid the allergic reactions to bugs? Thanks for all the good reads above. Peace and Horses equals love, Patti
I barrel race I have always been told you have to have shoes on your horse is this true? How do you tell which is best for your horse?
I am a very new rider but have always loved horses,im loving the posts im reading on hear ,and I have a lot of people giving me advice for all my questions and thoughts, I have one of my neibours who have quarter horses and a couple ponies and he also has a filly he thinks would possibly be a good first horse for me to grow with, I realy like this young horse but not sure how I would be if I were to purchas her, do you think this could work for me or others.
Info to become a member, please
Thank you. …
I do not have a comment I got a question I have a between 10 and 12 year old quarter horse which i have been told he might have Morgan in him to his name is Charlie he loves me I know I take good care of him but he is so stubborn when I get on him he does not like to be rode but I have come a long way with him he does not rare up he will do a little hop this is my very first horse I was 55 when I got him I have had him for a year please help
Rider fitness to maintain balance and ride light is important,we cannot depend on the horse for everything.Saddle fit is prime.Bad fit can cause nerve damage.back pain,shoulder interference.One saddle does not fit all horses.It would be the same as asking you to wear your friends shoes even if they were too big or too small.Saddles are expensive but perhaps if the horse was not in pain they would not buck or bolt.
It’s all about their first 18 months of life.
-not enough handling
-too rough in the paddock with other horses
-harsh breaking
-lack of communication from handlers.
Perhaps better to get a wild horse without any twists and moving through breaking techniques.
I have a deep respect for this magnificent creature. I just had to have my wonderful rescue put down. She was around 33 years old. Although I only got to be with her for 5 years, she taught me so much about love and perseverance.
I have recently met another rescue> A 10 year old paint that has bad confirmation and is being treated by a vet to try to help her legs become stronger and prevent further pain.
Do you have any suggestions how this animal might be helped?
Although going barefoot has been successful for many horse owners so far, it is important to consider the pros and cons of barefoot trimming in order to make an educated decision on whether to shoe a horse or not.
Katherine Blocksdorf discusses the advantages and disadvantages of barefoot trimming in her article THE PROS AND CONS OF BAREFOOT VERSUS SHOD, available online at http://www.horses.about.com/od/basiccare/i/shoesorbarefootnaturalprosandcons_2.htm.
She states that the advantages include:
* a reduced shock on the structures of the legs caused by the vibration of shoes on hard surfaces
* lower hoof care expenses
* better agility, grip and balance
* hooves are allowed to grow into a more natural shape
* horses cause less damage to the ground, other horses and themselves
* hooves are allowed to expand and contract naturally, allowing an increase in blood flow, leading to an overall improvement of hoof health.
The disadvantages listed by her include:
* radical trims can leave a horse permanently lame
* horses undergo a long transition time from shod to barefoot
* there are no regulations that practitioners need to follow and no governing body that can assess the practitioner’s competence
* many practitioners don’t have enough practical experience with horses to make an informed judgement on the best hoof care.
Thanks for sharing such a nice thought, paragraph is good, thats why i have read it fully
Hey there! This is my first comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and say I genuinely enjoy reading through your articles. Can you suggest any other blogs/websites/forums that go over the same topics? Thanks a ton!
I would love tips. I own three horses, one I just acquired under a year old.
Thank you
What ever happened to plain common sense? I have had horses and ponies all my life. That does not mean to say I know it all.
Each horse and pony can be looked in a fashion to a Human. It has been bread and as it grows will have it’s own experiences. No two horses are the same and that being said, what work for one may not be able to be applied to another! Each horse has it’s own history. What you need is to find the wright balance and method for each horse or pony.
Loved reading everything! J
Hi Carol I have recently been training a lovely Clydesdale mare to ride. She is so wonderful and has been relaxed about it all. However I made a grave mistake and she touched an electric fence and threw me. I broke my wrist badly so that it required surgery, and I am in such a state of grief. Grief I didn’t know was there. I let my beautiful Colleen down. I am rethinking my whole self. I know no one knows what I am going through. Maybe she felt how stiff grumpy and stressed I was with her,and really not realising it till now. I don’t even know why, as I love her so.
Today I saw her again for the first time, she knew and hugged me with her head and neck, I told her I was so sorry and that I loved her. She smelled my broken arm several times and laid her ears back at the rest of the herd not to come near me. That I was hers, she seemed to be saying. How can I be a better person for her? How can I ride again? Please help!
I love this!! It is a huge step towards a bigger bond with my horse! Thank you so much
I ride a very strong Hafflinger mare in a Dr Cooke’s bitless bridle and have done ever since she came to me as a green four year old .At no time have I ever felt lacking control except when Carmen suffered a severe fright .A huge tractor carrying a large round bale of hay came round a blind bend to our shame she did turn and run but I have watched jockeys dealing with fractious horses and my instincts kicked thus preserving the partnership.Ant horse can run through the most severe bit if feels the need and I truly believe that had I been using a bit the resulting pain would have creted more difficult problems .I am sixty seven years old disabled by arthritis after suffering injuries working in the forest and on the rugby field which meant that some years my ankles had to be surgically united ,my arms are like tree trunks and I weigh fifteen stone Hang that lot on a bit use it roughly and rebellion will occur.I live in west Wales where the hills are steep and a rider must be able to give his steed adequate support on the downhill ,a bitless bridle is reaaly good for doing that .Pob lwc i chi cadw yn marchogaeth John Farrington
My mare Belle just turned 11 she has been getting a bed adittude
I raised her from. 7mths old broke her trained her shes over all a good girl
But i havent been ridding much,and shes starting to bit people and she nipped at me
The other day i should of lunged her but i didnt have a lead rope handy i smacked her
On th mouth.what do i do to stop this nasty habbit she really hurt a freind of mine
Ive rode bitlesss since Belle was 3 after i trained her with a full check
Snaffle .then i put in a side pull hackamore to continue
Teaching the one rein stop .now i ride in a mechanical hackamore and been in one for6 yrs and ive always went barefoot i do take boots with me in case we go somewhere really rocky like riverrock or a very long rough gravel rd
a couple of months ago I brought my first ever pony a mini Shetland yearling, she’s just over a year old and didn’t really have much human contact as was with her mum and the other mares and foals until 10 months old approx., within a few months I have managed to groom her all over, pick up and pick out her feet, plait and ‘play’ around with her tai and mane without a problem, even managed to gain enough trust to let me stand over her(not sitting on her), without any trouble if she’s not in the mood she will simply lower her head and walk backwards out of my legs :lol:. BUT… recently for the last week or so I read online some of the do’s and don’t so tried to act more ‘head’ honco, didn’t really work as she has been sooooo annoyed and frustrated with me as in ears pinned back, nostrils flared and threathening to bite everynow and then, and now she won’t let me catch her when to begin with I just walked up and clipped lead rope on and walked her out the field, but I think also she’s in season, sorry for ranting on but don’t know what to do as never dealt with a foal before, I have now changed my ways again to when I first brought her but not working.. :(,, can someone give me any suggestions and tips PLEASSSEEEEE 🙂
I have a question about cherry trees. I am new to horses I just have 3 new ones first time owner. I am making my pasture bigger and more room for them to run. But there are a lot of cherry trees I have been cutting them down to open it up some for grass. I heard that both leaves and bark will kill a horse I have seen pastures with them in and horses. I would like any thing anyone has to say about this they also say the same about oak trees any help would be great. Thank you
Hi, we recently bought 4 wild horses, they donKt know what a bit or saddle is, wat worries me not use a bit is the problem with their nose if you pull to hard down you may injure the nose how do you go about not doing that? Please give advice if you can. Thank you
Try bit less first, it’s easier for the horses, maybe try a sturdy rope for a bit. Hope this helps!
Your site and all the tips are so helpful. Please keep me on your mailing list. I really missed the time I didn’t get your e-mails.
Please continue to include me in your e-mails.
how do I become a member of this site? 🙄
we bought a horse named pepa he is really stubbon and never stops scratching 😯 😯 😯
❓ How do I sign up for your email?? Thank you…..Billy
😎 my Arab was in training with Me in w.pleas and she always had chiropp treatment. So I stopped and moved hwt to pasture board 24/7. And after 1 yr Stormy shoes were removed 2 wks before moving it has been 1 yr now of bit less and shoeless and finally to a show bridle and no bit and is doing flying lead changes. +++ and a great trail horse and my best friend! We have Fun. She is in a herd of about 30 and is a very very happy horse not living in a muddy poppy paddock with nothing to do but chew hay. We R very happy two some. Thank U for this qebsite
Thank you. I have a7 year old Paint/Quarter cross. I got her a 5 months. She can be quite ornery. I have personally tried to ride her 4 times. She’s had 5 months professional training. She stands, saddles and bridles great. Bitless since she had a mouth injury years ago. However, when I get my foot in the stirrup and she feels the weight, she starts bucking and rearing. I only weigh 120 and the chiropractor has adjusted her. If I can get one her, she listens to no one. She has a mind of her own. Ive been told she just needs more ground work. Could it be more than that? I love her so Michael want to ride her without problems. Any suggestions?
I had an Appaloosa gelding that did much better in a bitless bridle. He would toss his head and set his head against the bridle. Once I switched to the bitless bridle he was more responsive and didn’t fight with me so much. Before I bought a bitless bridle I was riding him in a halter. I would trail ride him in the halter and gallop. He did just fine.
Wonderful to come across this again. My daughter and I came across
books like Dancing with Horses many years ago and did what we could. I hope to pass this message on to my Grandaughter. Pity its not yet standard teaching. Thank you xx
Great to see others with passion for natural horse care! I keep all my horses barefoot, grub for their feed and are healthier, more sure footed\atheletic and happier than other horses, it shows in there eyes and conformation. I train, play polo and hunter jump and outshine the competition naturally! Thank you for your info. And knowledge.
Hi Al it must have been gremlins as your emails just stopped coming, glad to be back on line xox
Have tried to go barefoot as much as possible. I ride Apps and the old saying is Apps have the hardest feet, the Indians didn’t have shoes on them. Anyway where we live it is extremely rocky, I don’t like riding them on the rocks without some protection, even went as far as shoes on the front and not the back. Really wanting to try the boots. ❓ ❓
Hi, I agree with the bitless bit, but unfortunately there is a transition when you go from bit to bitless with a lot of patience and love, we have two TB from the racing track and to go bitless is a bit dangerous at the moment.
It is so refreshing to read that someone else keeps their horses bare foot and naturally. My horses have a run in, but are free to come and go all of their lives. Yes I have to provide hay in the winter as I don’t have enough forage for them year round, but never buy hay in the summer months. I love my bare foot horses, but have boots for when they work on gravel or on asphalt for hours. They go bare foot at home. They get just enough grain go get them to come in so I can visually check them daily, but if I am away for a day or two I don’t worry about them as we have a stock pond. My horses live into their 40s when their teeth wear out before they die from being in a cell (stall) for most of their lives. Horses need to walk 24/7 to stay healthy and grain is not natural for them. No one grains them in the wild.
Hello , I was wondering if you could help me, last year I saved a horse who was badly treated,a beutyfull 3 year old stalion, I wondered what kind of horse it is, when I first got him mid of last year he had dark brown legs,light brown boddy with a greyish face, then his legs turend black and his body light grey almost white, he is now getting white, very nice behaved at first he was like a robot because his owners didn’t treat him right, then after I bond with him and so he is much better.
My daughter and I are having a debate about the safest way to load a horse into a straight, step-up trailer. Since my teens (a long, long time ago), I’ve been taught to put the horse in and fasten the butt strap before tying (if you tie), then close the back door because if the horse tries to pull out, their hind legs can get under the trailer and suffer injury.
My daughter thinks the head should be tied before butt strap/back door. Her reasoning is that if the horse suddenly bolts backward, you can get kicked or a bad smack from the door.
Opinion, please!
Hay I got two questions how do me and my dad get my horse up on a trailer?
And why after I canter my horse she bolts right after
i am planning on getting a horse and i want a barefoot horse. but if i buy it with shoes on, how do i make the transition from shod to barefoot? also, do i ask the owner things like the last time the horse saw the vet/farrier/dentist, how much does he/she get fed, what do you feeed him/her?
I have had horses for over 30 years and have found what our particular area hay is missing; and the missing ingredients are in the line of minerals. Minerals are as important as vitamins for good health. My horses have always been barefoot, and for the ones with “bad” hooves, boots can always suffice. However, regular GOOD trimmings are a must to prevent problems, too.
Don’t say goodbye I love your posts I have been so busy I haven’t had time to be on facebook
i was living in an Eco village for a few weeks and there was a horse farm, this one horse named Dantae loved me to smithereens and i loved riding him. unfortunately i had to move and did not even get to say good bye 😥 the day before i left my best friend and trainer let me jump for the very first time in my life. i promised Dantae a big red apple but unfortunately did not have one I’m scared he hates me for breaking that promise 😥 what can i do to make it up to my best friend Dantae ????? 🙁
Al—-Who gave you permission to stop send me your e- mail.Have them go stand in a corner for awhile. I like to read and would appreciate if you could start sending again .Thanks…
Hi, I would like to know if anyone has used essential oils for breathing problems related to high humidity.
Which ones work best for you.
Oh, by the way my horse is about 25 years old. Up until last year, she didn’t have any problems.
Thanks, Deb
Would you please send me emails. I like to read them as I get time to.
Thank you.
Natural Horsemanship has always been my belief. My first horse in 1986 was a 4 yr old green broke Arabian. I am by no means a trainer, but the two California Cowboys that taught me believed the same. It was our trust in each other that made us and many good time together. 3 months ago I got my 2nd horse beautiful Tobiano Paint 13yrs old, but has been pastured for a couple of years. All new tack included bitless bridle. We have some ground work to do, but I love her and our bond will work these things out. Advice and guidance is always welcome.
What you feed your horse/pony will show in his/her hoofs, cut out molasses, first thing to do, good Trimmer, that knows his job and how to trim to re balance the hoof , don’t oil the hoof, if weather is dry wet the hoofs with water only. And take time to allow your horses hoof to become healthy and strong, see so many try to go barefoot after years being shod, after a week or two they say, I have to get him shod, he has bad hoofs, well yes, you put nails in them year after year the hoof never touch’s anything but iron. It takes time to go barefoot, but its so worth it