Horsey pics!

Got some wonderful pics sent in after the last mail.

But do you know what makes them for me? Not the pictures – as lovely as they are – but the descriptions that come with them.

There’s a lot of love going on there!



“It’s not just about riding horse or looking pretty, it’s how he makes you feel and how he completes you. Space Hit has the best knowledge of me, he’s like a personal diary with never ending pages. it doesn’t matter how sick or how awful I look or how moody I am, I will always walk away from Space Hit with a smile in my heart.”

“Farrah and I at our boarding stable. She’s my first horse since my last one at age 10, and is the sweetest most loving horse I know! So glad she’s part of our family!


“The flea bitten gray is my horse. Her name is Blanca. She loves to frolic, run up and down the hill kicking and rearing up. She’s super athletic but as gentle as a puppy dog. She’s an Arabian mix, goes barefoot and rides bitless & learns to response to voice commands so quickly. She’s such a joy and the best companion I could ask for. The Sorrel is her pasture buddy and it’s very rare to catch both of them lying down to rest at the same time. Guess they’re preparing for more frolic!


“This is a picture of Rusty, our two year old mustang from the Hard Triger herd from Owhyee Idaho. We have had him for 1 year now. The second picture is of our Bay Arabian. She is blind in one eye but doesn’t act it. She is a two year old. Her name is Dusty Charm.

Judy & Randy”

“This is Ballalaba’s Gallant Charger (Charlie) winning the 2012 NSW Combined Driving Championship, Novice at Braidwood, NSW 2012


“The first pic is of Lady Sonador and Pretty Boy Blaze, Lady is 14 yrs and very spunky! Blaze is 2 yrs and mischievous! The second picture is of a slaughter house rescue named Hoosier Criminal he is a retired 11 yr old race horse but still has many wonderful years ahead of him now that we found each other 🙂 The third picture is another slaughter house rescue we took when we found Hoosier, she is Ebony Lace and is 22 yrs young. We have fattened her up A LOT! She still has spunk and vigor and ready to do anything you ask of her. All in all, they are 4 of our best friends and part of our family!


“I saw him on Craigslist but he didn’t look anything like this! When I got there to pick him up he was so sick, coughing and mucous. It was raining and dark out so I didn’t know how bad it was until the morning. But I knew there was no way on god green earth I was leaving him there, even if I had to walk dragging him all the way home!
When I got to the barn the next morning the shock of his condition was staggering. The halter they put on him at an earlier stag had grown into his face. It was so tight he couldn’t open his mouth to eat or drink. He was so terrified of people, no wait everything. We managed to get the halter out of his face, I wanted to throw up it was bad.
I stood in his stall and sang to him and let him come to me, he would have climbed in my lap if he could have.
To make a long story short, he is the most calm, well behaved, loving, beautiful colt. I have no idea how old he is, I would love to know more about him. The man I paid for him can’t tell the truth about anything. However what I can say is God works in mysterious ways, he changed my life the day I saw that picture on Craigslist.


“He always brightens the farm wherever he goes. He makes sure everyone is having a good time. He is a horse who would give his happiness up for someone else to smile.” I can’t ask for a better friend than that chestnut, he’s been with me everyday and I can’t seem toe get enough of his courage and his joyful life.”

“Santo Domingo and Me.


“Hi this is holly she is 19 and we treasure her.


“Hi Alastair from Sylvia in Canada,
I have attached a picture of my cute girl with her winter coat on for the calendar. Badger is the sweetest little 4yr old QH mare that you can imagine. She just about falls asleep while I kiss & hug & rub her all over. In this picture she is waiting for her supper which is the love of her life, LOL”

“This is Emma an 8 year old part arab. I talk endlessly to Em about everything, she neighs loudly when i arrive at the stables, if she’s not having a red headed arab moment,lol. Emma has brought me back to basics, remembering how to enjoy being dirty, tired, broke, sore, patient,calm and very happy. We are learning dressage, and she has achieved so much so quickly. I think next pony club season we can take out the 6 year old kids, hahahah.



“Hi Alastair Lee, this is Goldne Guska “Gus”, he is my 7 yr Thoroughbred that I got in March of this year. He is an OTT racehorse and from his papers, is 6 generations back from Man O’War. He is such a high spirited love bug.

I think this is such a beautiful picture of him!



“My 36 year old quarter/draft mix…Dollar


Justine xxx

“Here are my two wonderful horses (Dante, Paso Fino, and Chulita, Peruvian Paso). I love them so much because they do anything that I ask of them. In this picture, they have decided to grow out their antlers in the event Santa needs their help making Christmas deliveries, etc..


“Me and Lyndsey!


“Hi Alaster from South Africa this is me with Her Majesty Nayla.

With this I write:

‘My unconditional best pal, you never share our listenings and my talking, so loyal you are’


“As most owners who love their horse, I believe that mine is the best on earth!

I started riding on Flirt as a beginner, and she was only 3.5 years old herself. She is very energetic and certainly not a beginner horse even today, but was patient with me and always tries to do exactly what is asked of her. We participate in timed events and she is great at all of them and has always placed in the top 5, regardless of either of our experience.

She is the love of my life 😉


“This is Clifford (18) and I (Anneka, 13), my 14.1hh chestnut gelding. He has taught me how to ride an unpredictable, crazy animal with a massive attitude and turn him into a great riding horse! We have come so far in the past few months and have just stuck at it and kept trying, the results have came and our hard work paid off. We have started to explore the world of natural horsemanship, now we can gallop around the paddock bareback, join up, and do anything! He has a much greater respect towards me and I return that right back to him. I love him to absolute pieces!

(and nomatter how many times I try a hackamore, bitless bridles and bozels-he likes his loose contact on the bit!)

Thanks Al, I love all your tips and cliff is such a star, deserving to be in this calendar!!!
Anneka and ze ponayyyy Cliff


I have more which I will publish – but please, please do keep them coming! And don’t forget to add why you love your horse so much.

There’s a lot of horse whispering love going on!



13 thoughts on “Horsey pics!”

  1. This is my best friend, Dakota. She is the horse I am learning on, though not a beginner horse by any means! She takes pretty good care of me, but definitely has her moments! Here is one of my favorite pictures of us together.

  2. 😎 Is this a fantastic world or what,when we can share it with such beautiful,unconditional loving beings as our best friends,our horses,they give us love,teach us about ourselves,nurture the bond that grows between us and above all respect for other creatures that co-exist in this world of ours,Love the pictures everybody hope to put my Eddy{10 year old gelding}picture up real soon 😎

  3. Frederick Booth

    I really enjoyed viewing the pictures this morning and seeing the many horse people with their much loved companions from other areas of the world .I hope to share some pictures of a very special stallion our farm once had, but sadly lost to a misdiagnosed illness a few years ago. We have not figured out all the computer programs yet. We agree with Kerri that this is a fantastic age when one can share ideas and pictures with people all over the world! Fred and Joan.

  4. I love these pics…and the stories. The one about the colt who was so abused brought tears to my eyes and deep gratitude that you have him now

    I’d love to send pics of my darlings…where did youbdomit?

  5. Thank you everyone, great pics and story’s, I have an Australian Brumby Filly, rising 2yrs, she is loving and smart, she will make a lovely riding horse one day when she is broken in, but, at the moment she is a great friend.

  6. These stories bring tears to my eyes to hear the love and one horrific story of cruelty beyond imagination, with a happy ending. We have a miniature who we broke in ourselves, doing lots of leading and putting weight on his back; one day he was so relaxed I sat on his back ( I weigh 50 kgs so just about his limit and he looked around to say what are you doing, before going back to munching his favourite grass. We can lead him with kids on his back now, and now are working towards him pulling a cart. We also have a standardbred who is about 6 now, used to pulling a cart, and we are thinking of getting him used to a saddle. Both horses are totally different personalities but both very lovable. They do make life feel complete. When our 19 year old thoroughbred passed away earlier this year we were all so devastated. Our horses grieved for weeks, neighing for him, galloping around madly if another horse in the neighbourhood was heard neighing, searching in the stables, and other paddocks, looking for him. They stood around the site where he was buried when we had a farewell ceremony – for the full half hour, sniffing his cross, (and eating the roses as I guess he didn’t need them anymore and they were very tempting!) They now seem to need each other more and don’t like to be apart, but they are now settling down and are getting used to life as a twosome and not a threesome.

  7. My beautiful mare , Stardust is 9 years, a flea bitten Grey, she doesn’t like it when I walk up to her, she puts he ears back and turns her backside to me… very cheeky of her I think, but I still love her… and if I have a bowl of carrots she will walk up to me… so clever of her. I am then able to bond with her by putting a rope or putting her harness on which gives me the opportunity to groom her and wash her or ride her… is this ok??? if not please tell me what I should do or not do?? 🙄 🙄 javascript:grin(‘:roll:’)

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