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Month 2


Thank you for joining the club.

The site takes up a lot of time and money – so thank you for supporting it.

Some folk presume I’m making gazillions from the ebook sales and membership, but the reality is every month I find my self wondering whether I should carry on or not.

What keeps me going are the mails and comments. Ones like these:

“Just wanted to say thank you for all the good information about horses. I am just getting started with some young paints 3 and 4 year olds never had any before but always wanted one and have the chance now and the place so that is what I am doing now. Thank you for all your tips and things.


“Hi Al,
 Thank you for your site. I even have commented (which I usually don’t do, as I am not exactly the brightest crayon in the box). But more than anything, I have learned a LOT. And I have been able to apply your lessons immediately!


I just want to thank you for all your help with the information you help us with I have Argo ( my Arab horse) for about a year know and still learning all the thing about horses, but thanks to you and the help we are doing well learning each other everyday more and more.
All the best for you.
Regards Ruan and Argo”

And now on to you. I know you joined to get as much information as you can on your four legged friends. And I really want to give that to you.

I’m constantly amazed by the tips people send in. I’m glad I’m in a position to share them with other folk who are also horse crazy.

In addition to the ebooks and tips and I’m going to share with you, I have something that I hope it will be worth your membership on its own.

If you have any question you’d like me to publish, please do let me know. You may have a question about horse training, horse health, horse diet -whatever.

As a member, if you ask me to post, I’ll shall do so happily. I think you’ll be amazed at the responses you get, as I am, every time I mail.

It just goes to show, nobody knows it all…

Anyhow, I’m sure you want to dive in to some of the ebook stuff: so here you go:

Here is your Horse Whispering Ebook.

Don’t forget to come back in a few days because have another one for you.

By the way, you should have received an email asking whether you want to get mailed when new member content is published. That email contains a link, If you clicked on it, you’ll get mailed. If you didn’t, you won’t…



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