Comments on: Understanding horse behavior Natural horse care and training tips Wed, 06 Nov 2024 11:27:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: harry Wed, 06 Nov 2024 11:27:10 +0000 In reply to billy.

Horses communicate mostly through body language! Pay attention to things like their ears, tail, and stance. For example, pricked ears mean they’re alert and curious, while pinned ears are a “back off” warning. Horses are herd animals, so they’ll look to you as a leader—staying calm and consistent helps them feel safe and confident. And remember, if they spook, it’s just instinct! Learning these cues helps you connect with your horse on a deeper level, building trust and a stronger bond.

By: billy Wed, 06 Nov 2024 11:25:27 +0000 How can I better understand my horse’s behavior and what they’re trying to communicate?

By: Dean Calhoun Wed, 10 Jun 2015 18:06:22 +0000 I have one just like that! Its so bad (good for me) hat he stud gets mad at her for giving me more attention then him!! No worries she’s the dominate horse in the herd and lets him know she will not put up w any crap from him either! 😛

By: Si-Paul Thu, 18 Dec 2014 23:33:21 +0000 I love reading your advice it makes my day just to read storeys that’s so inspirational. I am about to buy my first horse. He’s a seven year old thorough bred cross gelding which has been in captivity for the last six weeks. He’s being broken as we write and he’s doing really well. For the last few weeks I’ve been grooming and talking to him, at first he wouldn’t let me touch his rear end but after spending time with him just one on one time after work for a few hours each day you can see that something magical is happening. I’m working on this farm at the weekend’s and holidays, or vacation. Once he’s been broken and trained the owner of the farm will be selling him to me, but untill that time I get involved in his training and development as much as I can. I’m like a child at Christmas.
PS great site keep up the good work people x

By: Joanne Trudeau Wed, 29 Oct 2014 05:39:33 +0000 In reply to Ida. Mendez.

I am fairly new to this site but just wanted to thank everyone for their insights and comments. I recently adopted a 21 year old Trakehner and he is my best friend. I never knew I could bond so deeply with an animal although I own a pet sitting business and I have loved animals all my life. Nicholai has become such a part of me I smile just thinking about him and it makes my day when I go visit with him everyday. I never thought I would own a horse. He just came into my life unexpectedly and now I couldn’t imagine my life with out him. I always look forward to the advice that all of you leave thank you very much !!

By: Nea Mon, 15 Sep 2014 02:23:11 +0000 In reply to Lisa.

AWESOME!!! Horses are such wonderful animals!!

By: lyla morgan Thu, 14 Aug 2014 12:26:37 +0000 Thank you so very much for such words if wisdom.

By: Roset Tue, 22 Jul 2014 04:00:35 +0000 Thanks for sharing your wisdom. I am still learning about horses and can not get enough.My dad used to say a horse and a dog are your best friends in life. The last time he left our farm just before his heart attack I heard him talking to our dog, greeting him for the last time. He knew he was not coming back to the farm. I was crying…. 14 yrs old at that time.

By: Ida. Mendez Fri, 27 Jun 2014 16:02:05 +0000 I appreciate all of these tips each and everyday!!!! Thank you so much!
They are so helpful and insightful!!!!

By: Rick Fri, 11 Apr 2014 14:27:27 +0000 In reply to Ray.

Ray, I have just read your letter of enjoyment of your horse.
and the trust and fellowship you have with him.
I too have found a horse I dearly love and trust and she of me also apparently, being completely green to the point of being rank when I got her, she Now follows me, walks with me, “Comes in” when asked or clicked at.
and the truly strange part is that the previous owner a well experienced horseman (a genuine cowboy ) claimed she was crazy as well as mean, but I have found her to be afraid of men him in particular, she has gentled to me and we do several hours of ground work a day.
all I have done is to be gentle, talk all the time, and brush,curry, blade her.
the past owner when he gave her to me was ready to put a bullet into her, I believe that his hollering, Glaring, and loud diesel truck dragging her when she would escape, very nearly ruined her.
I am having her round pen work done by a pro, to get her to a point I can mount her safely,
as I have cancer, bad heart, and am winding down my days.
It is touching to read of another person who has the same feeling and relationship with his horse.
Sugar and I start with her new saddle and Some pasture work as soon as the kids and wife feel safe, and will let all of you know how we progress.
let us hope we get to enjoy those last days as a team.
