“I was just reading about the Drury Four Day Slow Feeder. What a fantastic contraption. It forces a full load (85-100lbs of hay) to last the horse a full 100 hours.
By reducing the rate of consumption, the horse is eating as he would in the wild. The digestive system functions correctly. And the position of the hay even brings the horse’s head downwards when eating. This is the natural stance for the grazing horse.
But then I saw the price. Paying $898 per unit is certainly a fast way to eat through your finances. Perhaps there’s another way to deliver our horses’ similar benefits?
Here’s a video that holds one answer. This lady has created a slow feeder using a hockey net and some string.
She says you should aim for something larger. That’s not a bad idea if you provide your horse 24-hour turnout.”
– Dee
Let me know if you try this one out.
Don’t forget to grab your free horse whispering book here
And now onto Kevin.
“A slow eater in horses can sometimes cause concern for owners, but in most cases, it’s just a natural variation in eating habits. However, it’s essential to understand why your horse might be eating slower than expected and whether it’s something that needs attention.”
“There are several reasons a horse might eat slowly. For one, some horses are just naturally slow eaters. They may prefer to take their time chewing their food thoroughly, which can actually be beneficial for their digestion. Horses are designed to graze and nibble slowly throughout the day, and some may simply not rush through meals. This is particularly true for older horses or those with fewer teeth, as chewing can become more difficult with age.”

“Another common reason for slow eating is discomfort or dental issues. Horses with dental problems, such as sharp points, loose teeth, or uneven wear, may find it painful to chew, causing them to take longer to finish their food. If you notice your horse eating slowly and with reluctance, it’s a good idea to have a vet check their teeth regularly.”
“A slow eater could also be a sign of digestive upset or colic. Horses that feel bloated or gassy may avoid eating quickly, as it could make their discomfort worse. Changes in the environment or diet can also cause horses to eat more slowly, especially if they’re stressed or if their food is different from what they’re used to.”
“To encourage a slow eater to finish their meal at a healthy pace, try offering smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day, rather than one large meal. You can also use slow feeders that mimic grazing to make the process more natural. However, if your horse’s slow eating seems abnormal or is accompanied by other symptoms like weight loss or lethargy, it’s always best to consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues. Kevin”
Next up
wow thanks now i will save money expesilly with 3 horses
I have been blessed with Sweetie, a 25-yr old registered quarter horse mare, and my friend was blessed with Sweetie’s lifelong partner, Cruise (also 25 years old and a registered quarter horse gelding. We have so much to learn and this hay feeder is just what we need – however it would be great to see how to fill the feeder and recommendations on how/where to place it. We purchased round bales as it seemed more cost effective, however there is so much waste.
Any additional information you could share about this homemade feeder would be very much appreciated!!
I am so thankful for this site/blog and the unbelievable amount of information and sharing – it’s great! Thank you!
I was wondering if anyone knows how to get warts off my horses chest he has one about 1/2inch and the a bunch of smaller ones
Try Black Salve, Cansema or Xxterra.
Vitamin E oil.
The Exterra is a little expensive but it works great!
I’m with Kathy. Exxterra, Exxterra!
Burns a little though. I put a clean surgical glove on a tongue depressor taped to a stick.
Kept me from getting walloped and helped prevent a secondary infection.
find a local health food store or shop online for Raw(make sure its raw) Apple Cider Vinegar. I put it in my horses water for anything that is something from the inside out… Girth itch, ring worm, colds, ect… i bet it would work on your horses warts
good luck and tell me how it goes if you use the vinegar
email me if you do 
How much Apple
cider vinegar do you put in the water: ie: how many cups per 5 gallons?
Medical Cannabis/Hemp Oil applied topically to the warts should make short work of them.
Also, Apple Cider Vinegar kills warts (but it stings and can be painful) or any herbal antiviral applied topically- such as pokeroot oil, St.John’s Wort, Usnea.
This makes me happy as I can make one for my large round bales and slip it over the top, then tie the bottom each time I get a new bale. I think this will work well for me as we leave the round bales outside for him and our strong winds off the Gulf of St. Lawrence always seem to waste hay by blowing it away once he gets started on the bale.
They ought to make horsie-faced “smilies” for this site!
Where’s the best place to get the hockey netting cheap and how big are the holes in the net? Great idea!
Are you suppose to put a small square bale in it? And do you just put it on the ground? I wish she would have took the instruction a bit further.
You seem very conscientious about your horses, so I was surprised to see that you use a BARBED WIRE FENCE! Shame on you.
Does this lay on the ground or do you hang it up? Fill? Needs to be a little more explicit. Thanks
I am confused…… we all use these nets in the UK, definitely when stabled and they cost very little, usually around £5.
Thanks very cool ideals.
Try the homeopathic Thuja for warts
I never had warts on horses, but on cows we used Mineral Oil or Vaseline two times a day until gone.
This is ok, but different horses need different mesh sizes. I have a horse that is insulin-resistant and he needs a smaller mesh size than horses that do not have that tendency. Also, there are many places now that sell just the nets, in various sizes and configurations. I purchased one that holds up to 3 small bales of hay. I discovered that I needed to put the net in something, otherwise the horses will paw at it, and when the hay is running low, they will drag it around. So, I put the net filled with hay inside an old, large tractor tire. This solved the issues of pawing and dragging the net around. I put plywood on the bottom, which has gaps on the edges so debris falls through, but this also keeps the hay off the ground, especially useful when it rains.
Teatree essential oil mixed with a gel base… tea tree is a natural antibac/ antifungal. I used it on my warts as well and it has worked a treat
I use potato starch for warts. Allan
Use the milk from fig tree leaves. works wonders. Slices of fresh garlic are also powerfully anti-viral. Stick it on with really good sticking plaster. Be cautious with the amount of thuja (Thuja capense), can cause allergic reactions as it is poisonous. I made a horse feeder like this for a friend of mine. I used ski rope and macramé knots. works like a charm.
Please can someone explain whether you use the hockey net as a large haynet or do you just wrap it right around the big bales Our 2 horses waste alot and poo on the loose hay.
Why might a horse eat slowly, and when should you be concerned about it?
A horse might eat slowly for several reasons, such as being a naturally slow eater, particularly if they prefer to chew their food thoroughly or are older with fewer teeth. However, slow eating could also indicate dental issues, digestive discomfort, or stress. If a horse is eating slowly due to pain from dental problems, they may have trouble chewing and should be checked by a vet. Additionally, if slow eating is accompanied by signs like weight loss, lethargy, or changes in behavior, it could indicate a health problem, such as colic or a digestive issue, and should be addressed by a veterinarian. Generally, slow eating on its own isn’t a cause for concern, but any significant changes in eating habits should be monitored closely.