Comments on: Horse trailer problems? Natural horse care and training tips Sat, 21 Dec 2024 13:45:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: linda Mon, 17 Nov 2014 00:42:49 +0000 i have a horse i fed in trailer, made it his home for a winter. He would get in but when he comes out it is like a bull. We are gonna start over again. it is when you go on ride he flips out when he comes off and you cant hold him. have any ideas

By: kathy Thu, 13 Nov 2014 11:54:09 +0000 In reply to Lisa Acreman.

Learn everything you can Lisa! You can still help horses by volunteering etc or advocating Rescue horses. Or is there a RDA near you?
I broke my back and lower pelvis, and when starting to ride again tore my shoulder tendon. My two horses – Sol I have had for11yrs, and Splash I have had since she was 18 mths and now 6 years, I am training up for a bash at the local Rodeo in Barrel Racing.
No excuse if you have a trusty horse!

By: kathy Thu, 13 Nov 2014 11:40:48 +0000 In reply to Tara.

I have the same problem, but if you can put one horse in a safe area while you ride the other, then swap and ride the other the same day, and swap over each horse you ride each day first. Don’t panic, they will get used to it, and the bonus is, the one going off, you don’t have to ride so long to get fit!

By: kathy Thu, 13 Nov 2014 11:34:02 +0000 Re the loading, good on you that have a shed or similar situation, so why need the whip if only for encouragement lightly”?

3 yrs ago I had to halter train an 18 mth small filly in 2 days to take into a 2 horse trailer/float, had never been touched. We did with her mother with little trouble. The people picking her up bred small ponies, but the husband came to get them, it was his wife mainly, although he and his son were good with them. But I had to tell them how to get her on.
When she pulls back, hold on, when she stops, loosen.
So with that we got her on the Float with her .
Take your Time!
No whips or ropes involved!

By: Larry Fri, 07 Nov 2014 03:44:32 +0000 I’ve ran into this before, there is only one way to really get past this. It is to just start doing it. I would take one out and put them where they can see each other for a while, walk them in and out of each others vision for a bit, etc.

You have to use some judgment here. If every time they really throw a fit, you put them back together, you may be training them to throw a bigger fit. The key to success is to just keep getting the “out of sight time” longer and longer. When you bring the “out” horse back into vision, don’t put them back together right away.
You can eventually start leaving them apart overnight, etc. Eventually you just start doing what you want when you want. You will have to bite the bullet and be tough about what you are trying to accomplish, or they will win out. Just do it enough that you can start using them the way you want to. It’s irritating to have them throwing a fit, but you can work through it.

I hope this helps. Larry

By: Shelly Lubbe Thu, 06 Nov 2014 02:45:08 +0000 ALL ready great advice. Boy, there’s some smart folks out there…thanks for the info.

Shelly L.

By: Tara Wed, 05 Nov 2014 02:21:38 +0000 I would appreciate some help on rescue horses, really need help!!!! I know most of the problem is Always lack of Knowledge on the part of the rider.. I adopted a 21 yr old mare 2 yrs ago, the owner of the rescue ranch insisted that a horse have a companion, we’re on 7 acres, that was fine, another mare 12 yrs old, both terribly underweight, now fine, bigger old girl “16.5 hands” now at almost 1200 lbs, younger girl “15 hands appr ” 1000lbs” I feel after almost 2 yrs, starting to bond w/ younger mare, even tho the older is definitely alpha mare, cannot seem to bond or get her trust, have not even tried to ride in months. They are so close, the older gets hysterical even when the younger is walked out of the pasture.. Please someone out there give me help on natural horsemanship on how to separate them temporarily. I only have 7 acres for them, lots of great riding space close by, but not sure how to handle the older mare if I take the younger out.Any info or knowledge of trainers in Leesburg,Fl area will be greatly appreciated.Thanks!!

By: Samantha Tue, 04 Nov 2014 22:52:39 +0000 In reply to Jennifer.

We tried the food with my girl before the previous stated method. As my horse is not food oriented, she didnt comply with our asking to go in the trailer, even if she knew shed get grain. The whip isnt used as a whip. Its used as an extentsion of the hand so you can use “back pressure” to ask your horse to go into the trailer while also holding the lead rope. Of course, if your horse has “black stallion” fear of a whip, then you should desensatise them first.

By: Larry Tue, 04 Nov 2014 22:39:58 +0000 Your driving has a great deal to do with the horses overall experience w/the trailer. Horses can only brace one way at a time. If you have to stop rather suddenly that sometimes happens. The horse can pretty well deal with that. It’s when you are turning and stop hard, or turning and accelerate rapidly that the horse is going to loose their balance and footing. It goes without saying that we should always try to accelerate gradually and allow space to stop gently. When you are stopping or accelerating while turning, you will often hear the horse scrambling in the trailer, trying to maintain their footing. This has a lot to do with a horses willingness to get back in the trailer the next time. Considerate driving will be greatly appreciated by your horse.

By: Lisa Acreman Tue, 04 Nov 2014 16:46:53 +0000 I Love reading all your articals. I was raised on a working farm/ranch. Horses were always more to me than something you feed & ride. I really connected with horses.
I wished there were daily articals to read. I can’t ride anymore do to a diability, but i stay close and continue to learn all i can about them so i can help others. Thank You
Alistar Lee
