A great tip!

Just loved these that came in – particularly the one about the chair!

“Always remember that your best training tool is a chair. Sit in it and think first of what you want to accomplish and what is the best way to make your horse fully understand what you want. Again remember the best training tool is the CHAIR.


“I once broke a horse with a bozo , I still don’t know how they work . but this horse was very responsive and stopped awfull fast . my father said all horses have a soft mouth so don’t pull hard on the bit , if you do you can toughen up their mouth and they will be known as hard mouth and always require a hard pull . ” You can never trust a horse untill the horse can trust you ” this was another statement from a old horsemen . If changing bridles and bits , I think I would like to be in the corral and see how much control i had before letting the horse out on the hi-way . I always say whoe and then gentaly pull back with a steady pull untill the horse responds . when using bits I have found that the chin strap seems to be a important part of the briddle effecting control .I once bought a perfect horse or so I though this horse would do evreything . come to me when i called her ,put her head in the briddle , neck rigned , easy to stop a excellent kids horse . I turned her out to pasture . latter went out with my car called ,she came a running , I did not have the briddle so i just put some twine around her neck and thought i was going for a little short bareback ride . I went for a lot longer ride than I wanted too at speeds i did not enjoy . So you do need to be able to stop the horse before you can go for a pleasureable horseback ride .


“Hi All

I have made a very effective fly repellent and its all natural.

250ml Apple Cider vinegar
1 tea spoon / 15 drops lavender essential oil
1 tea spoon / 15 drops tea trea oil
1 tea spoon / 15 drops euculuptus oil
if you want to you can also add citronell oil but only 8 drops. Mix with 1/4 water and one drop dishwash soap to get the oil and the vinigar to mix


Don’t forget – keep sending in these great tips.



6 thoughts on “A great tip!”

  1. I really liked the fly repellent recipe as I think the commercial manufacturers are robbing us blind every summer! – but 1/4 WHAT of water? 1/4 cup? if so, what size cup? 1/4 pint?
    Please advise, cos I think this could be seriously good.

  2. Hello Alastair and fellow horse lovers.
    Please can you get Chris to give more information on the part of his recipe for a nature fly spray -…1/4 water. A quarter of what amount?
    In southern Africa we spray three times a day, especially during African Horse Sickness season, so an affordable natural fly spray will be a boon.
    Thanks for a great site Alastair. I have learnt so much and use many of the tips.

  3. Hi
    Very excited to try chris’s fly repellent as I find the 1 I am using is not great. Just want to know What the amount water is I should use?



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