Comments on: To whip or not to whip? Natural horse care and training tips Fri, 05 Jun 2015 09:39:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: ELFREDE Fri, 05 Jun 2015 09:39:42 +0000 😛
basics again!! soft hands, well seated , clear signalling from seat legs and reins. Think anatomy of the horse….esp the mouth and what we make bit do inside/to horses mouth.
FIRST training of any horse is bonding…trust …respect…both ways….essential basic knowledge of horse anatomy and physiology soooo needed for rider to comprehend …and choose…be cruel…or be kind. I prefer the latter…..simply for the joy of the love for a horse. IT age…more than enough resources…..please use them. Forums like these is worth their value in gold. Enjoy. Also buy books on TTellington Touch.. an. amazing world will open for you and your horse.

By: ELFREDE Fri, 05 Jun 2015 09:32:42 +0000 Any clubs to join where homo sapiens on all fours carrying a horse’s WEIGHT and we can whip away at??….Joke!!!

Worked stallions long time …no whips, no spurs…..just Horse Sense, patience and mutual respect.
Heaps of horse literature incl Equine Bahaviour and Natural methods available…so lay off whips and spurs and burs and whatever else. Please….??x Blogs like Al’s make these books etc available……buy them .. use them….and start enjoying the ride.

By: DARRYL Thu, 14 May 2015 10:52:56 +0000 WHIPS: the good shepherd depicted in the bible used his crook NOT to push/punish the sheep but to guide them and assist them if they got into trouble.Check out ” TEN COMMANDMENTS” by JOHN CHATTERTON and I believe that all actions towards your horse are to be calm and peaceful,whether it be your action,your voice or aids.
I f you have the perfect horse then ALL is ok,however if he has some short coming due to his earlier training which you had no control over then a whip is an ‘EXPRESS AVENUE’ to overcome a problem.The above book takes you back to raw grassroots training to overcome in trenched problems,As Robert Redford said in The Horse whisper “I don’t work for people who have horse problems,I work with horses that have people problems’.

I have previously mentioned my feral 18 year old Q/H mare that must have been mistreated in her younger days.Well last night I had her in a small yard over night for worming.Since I had not touched her for awhile I tried to quietly approach her for a pat.She let me get very close but kept eluding me.No SSTT for me.then I remembered about what I had observed /learnt from her and her last foal.
Her foal used to go under her neck and stand against her chest with no problem( ok I realise that the foal is her offspring and she readily accepts it ). No horse goes up to another in a friendly manner with its front legs extended out,they just go up and rub heads/necks . i realised that extended arms from a human to a ‘feral’ horse looks like a predator.So getting back to my mare the other night.I turned my back to her,bent over slightly,kept my arms folded,exhaled with a loud sound so she could here it.The I gradually shuffled backwards to her with little pauses at the appropriate times and in no time at all she allowed me to rub her muzzle with the point of my elbow,then a hand after a few tries and then turned to her to complete the SSTT ,which she wouldn’t let me do a few minutes earlier with the direct approach.

SO do we need the whip if we truly know how to communicate with our steed at the level of trust/obedience we had install into it?
On one of our trail riding week camps I took my swag and saddle and slept in the solid yard my apply was in ( only him ). When the officials found out in a few days I was prohibited from continuing with that.My horse knows where I am and is a mature guy.I don’t need a whip or spurs on him at all!

By: Janet Fornier Thu, 14 May 2015 00:54:41 +0000 Amazing that riders are so weak in their aids to the horse that they have to use a whip, What is wrong with your seat Your legs and the movement of your hips If you are relating to your horse nobody should be able to see your aids and May I mention if a horse flickers his body because a fly lands on it How can you say a whip does not hurt the horse? It is about time we started whipping people to get them to listen to us

By: stefne Wed, 13 May 2015 21:38:01 +0000 To whip or not to whip?
Never! If it seems necessary, there is some basic training on a lunge to review the basics! What was The Horse Whisperer trying to communicate anyway!!?

By: Ray Wed, 13 May 2015 19:05:22 +0000 I carry a dressage whip when I ride and either a dressage or longer training whip when I work a horse in hand. I don’t carry the whip as a punisher but as a way to give cues by touching the horse on different parts of his body. I also use it to back up my leg when a horse doesn’t respond to a light aid. I first try to teach the horse by repetition and reward that I want an immediate reaction to a light aid and that usually is all I need, but if it doesn’t work I use a tapping leg and/or tapping whip. As Jane Savoie says, “Don’t ever leave a correction without retesting”, so I immediately ask again with a light aid.

I don’t use the whip as punishment but on two occasions in my life I used it to protect myself and at that time I used it with force. I continued to work with both horses and they turnout fine. I never had to use the whip again as anything other than a cue.

I do have a problem with using whips on racehorses and think it should be banned. In Norway whips are banned in horseracing and the horses still try to win.

By: Patti E Shackelford Wed, 13 May 2015 18:56:28 +0000 Not whip

By: Bud Wed, 13 May 2015 17:48:10 +0000 This is to Nicky. Personal space is a huge issue with and to horses. If you observe horses in a herd environment, they guard their personal space carefully and the higher ranking individuals are zealously sensitive in this regard. Stallions, by their very nature, are always testing the limits of leadership. I have three and am tested on a daily basis for complete leadership. I try and make a game out of each of their reactions to a particular request and assign a 1-10 dressage score to their ability to follow my leadership. I have found that this approach to training has offered me compliant, soft horses. It must be done on an every-time you handle the horse basis. This seems to be the single largest obstacle for us humans, but so–oo very important. I would ask you to try this approach for a week on a daily basis to see if there might be a change in understanding on his part. Your boy was gelded somewhat late in his life and depending on the surgeon might still be retaining some stallion inclinations. Another suggestion, would be aroma-therapy to change the immediate mind-set when he invades your space. This is probably as a last resort, however. Just remember that you are not alone in the quest of leadership with horses. I believe that it is the single largest area of
failure that we humans have with our horses. Please. for the sake of your horse, keep trying. Take the time to plan ahead when you enter his space. I wish you the best in your effort.
