Comments on: Horse stops walking – who can help Ellen? Natural horse care and training tips Mon, 05 Feb 2024 12:03:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jenny Fri, 29 May 2015 21:39:59 +0000 I don’t know if this is where I need to post this question, but here goes. I have a 22 yr old that is great. I can even ride him. (I’m the grandmother!) My daughter, her husband and my 11 yr old grand daughter can ride him with no problems. When I put my 7 yr old on him, he just won’t go. She weighs 50 lbs and is only 3 ft 10″. She clicks, clucks, kicks, has tried a small crop, but nothing. I can get on him after she rides and he does beautiful! Any suggestions?


By: Pat Thu, 28 May 2015 04:25:50 +0000 I had a 7/8 thoroughbred palomino mare I purchased years ago at 2 1/2 yrs. When I bought her she had not even been halter broken, just chased in and out of the barn with the rest of the herd with a buggy whip – the only language she understood at the time. I called her Missy Two Shoes because she would just as soon kicked your head off as look at you . You couldn’t get near her. I had her for a couple months – any time I looked at her she would run off. I was getting frustrated – I was green enough myself- I rounded her into a box stall and shut the door. I opened the door – if her bum was there ready to kick me I swat it several good quick swats with a crop and shut the door. I repeated that about 3-4 time. The next time I opened the door her head was there – I praised her and gave her a treat. I closed the door, and repeated – if it was her bum she would have got a swat , if her face she was praised , given a treat and petted. It took the one session – she clued in very quickly. She was fantastic after that. She would come running full gallop from the furthest corner of the field when I called her name. she was a real pleasure to ride – people were amazed at her age because she was so well behaved, and we were best buds, would snuggle. It was the only time I used a crop on her ever, never needed to again. I was just glad it worked because I was at my wits end as to what to do.

By: Tamara Sat, 16 May 2015 21:07:21 +0000 I have found many horses just get board – same routine – round and round they go. Good rides outside the ring helps, trails and mixing up patterns and routines. Helped mine but all horses are not alike.
As for the horse that kicks out at you – that has to be Stopped. My Mini tried that as he ran free in coral – Not Ok – that shows disrespect. So I had to take firm action to stop it.
As for the one that bites or holds your boot – some horses have been given treats as they are being ridden – that can make them turn back in hopes of treats and not getting them reacts. Not sure why yours does but you need to stop it. Try pulling its head to the opposit side hard. With a push to go.
I just train my horses or mustangs needing help to find forever homes – No formal training
Best of luck and enjoy your horses

By: Paulo Sat, 16 May 2015 13:36:30 +0000 Hi avery 1 regarding the biting your buts what you do is semedery lemon juice Al over the buts and give to the horse at the same time as he bit pot more juice into his mouth he will drop the but at ons . Strait at pik the but and give it to hem agen and hi should wak away.
About the horse stopping if hi is ok in the field just pot the ful take on the horse and wak away for a bet and watch the horse then walk towards the horse and send him away and keep walking towards him and send it away repeat that for a while be strong on your tongue of voice then turn around with your back towards the horse and ignore it . start to walk slowly towards the Gate if the horse falling you I’ll come to you prazing .
Then is time to get a liding rope and on the ground start to do the baciks comandos walk stop repeat several times if he obliged then do it the same on the saddle . tip is very important everytime your horse do what is told please praise them .

By: Carolyn Harden Sat, 16 May 2015 13:14:59 +0000 I have been riding on and off my whole life. I have worked for several different stables over my life. YOU need to be the boss if you are ever going to truly enjoy your horse. Once they establish you are not they will continue to take you for a ride instead of you riding them. I was bucked, scraped, and thrown my share of ties off the back of the horses I rode. Every time I disciplined those horses including hitting one horse (that I had to walk 4 mile back to my barn) square in the forehead with a 2×4! He never dumped me again and I had him for 4 more years of wonderful trial riding until I went to college and had to sell him due to not having the time to give him the attention he needed. Horses will always be my first love but if you are fortunate enough to own one you have to establish who is boss. And it should never be your horse because they far out weigh us and we are the ones that will wind up injured.

By: Ray Fri, 15 May 2015 13:40:34 +0000 Ellen, there could be so many reasons why your horse stops and refuses to move during a work session. It could range from physical discomfort or pain to just rewarding itself with a break because it can. If your vet can’t find a physical reason for the stopping and refusing to move then you will need to move the horse by whatever means possible. You could start by using an assistant to lead the horse forward as you are asking for forward movement with your forward aids, then the assistant would reward the horse as he is walking. If this doesn’t work after a reasonable time then you may have to be more forceful and your horse could retaliate. If you don’t feel you could handle the situation it would be best to get an experienced trainer’s help.

By: Hilary Fri, 15 May 2015 13:18:19 +0000 In reply to Gill.

Feels like you are more on the right track to me – yea for the horse!!

By: Hilary Fri, 15 May 2015 13:16:01 +0000 In reply to Sylvia.

Seems to me like you and others on here simply are not willing to listen to what your horses are trying to tell you. They do have a voice you know, though it is not the voice you are used to listening to! Please for the sake of your horses, it is not about ‘making’ them do things! Become partners! They are trying to tell you something – to do it differently!!

By: ELFREDE Sat, 25 Apr 2015 17:14:42 +0000 Real awesome stuff. Working with huskies and horses is a life passion for me. Learning a lot from your topics and discussions. many Thanks!! Elfrede

By: horsetown Fri, 24 Apr 2015 23:31:15 +0000 In reply to Sylvia.

This is sound advice.
But sometimes none of that works. I trained an endurance horse once that would just stop after about half an hour. I had a ten mile loop with all the expected endurance terrain. When we headed that direction he would just quit as he knew what was out there. No impulsion would move him, he finally started going backward. I let him, for ten miles, the whole loop backwards. When he backed past his starting point he figured it out.
Also the boot biting can be dangerous.
