Comments on: Teach your horse something new? Natural horse care and training tips Tue, 06 Feb 2024 14:24:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: jeanette Mon, 01 Dec 2014 00:48:21 +0000 Hi jeanette here I have a tb she is 4 years old ex race horse she was taken of the track because she kicked a fence and cut her leg pretty badly but since ive been putting yellow lotion on it it’s nearly gone she is a great horse and the only thing that ive found is that she is scared of plastic bags what should I do to fix this problem by the way this is a great site read it and get very good tips
King regards jeanette

By: Annetjie Nel Mon, 20 Oct 2014 13:07:45 +0000 😥 I was doing so well with my riding lessons and then brought my girl home, al was well except I picked up a back problem (mine) and did not ride for a while. She started acting up in the very same spot every day and eventually threw me off. I’ve broken 2 ribs and now I’m obviously a bit scared of her. Going to start ground training with her as I really ador her so much. Does anybody know of a good book I can buy in SA. I am 52 and for the first time in my life I feel like I have found something that is perfect for me.
Annetjie Nel

By: Magda Sat, 04 Oct 2014 08:18:30 +0000 I’ve just started my live as a horse owner, and I love every moment of it. I want to thank every one of you in the club that give so many advise. I’ve alredy aplied some of the tips and to my surprice it workes. Thank you. Love you all.

By: Robynn Hofmeyr Mon, 18 Aug 2014 07:45:54 +0000 Hi Al,

I learned a useful thing yesterday. If you need to measure a horse without a measuring stick, use your body. For me, 15 hands comes to just above my top lip. Now that I know this I can always get a rough idea of a horse’s size in a second. To work it out for your own body, use an ordinary measuring tape and mark 60 inches (15 hands) on a wall. Then see where this comes on your own body. Of course, 16 hands will be four inches higher, etc.

By: Margo Sat, 09 Aug 2014 03:21:47 +0000 In reply to Laurie.

Heck I rode my gelding till he was in his 50s. He was healthy and strong. I sold him to an elderly couple for casual riding. They had him for six more years. Then i lost in touch with them when the gentleman got sick. I gamed and trailrode my mare till she was 32. The same with a little mare called chunckie. She took children to shows and trail plus camps till she was 47. riding older horses depends on there health and spirit. Good luck.

By: kim miller Fri, 04 Jul 2014 10:12:01 +0000 I have a pony named gypsy I got her from a ranch near where we live. I posted an ad asking for a gentle, safe smaller horse but not a shetland. Fifteen mins later I got a response. She is so perfect, so sweet , my husband walks with me so I can ride safe with my artificial joints , I cant ride much, so my qeustion is do I need to exercise her on the ground to keep her healthy ?

By: dori Fri, 25 Apr 2014 18:40:45 +0000 I have a funny horse. I have to move away all the other horses first to put on his halter.
Also he likes to play a game when he is close and take off. When he leaves I throw my rope at him and act like I wanted him to leave. …..
he turns and looks at me. I walk away ad act like I don’t care and then he will follow.
He was a lesson horse and they could never catch him back then :mrgreen:

By: Russell Wed, 12 Mar 2014 00:33:01 +0000 In reply to Laurie.

I have a 31 year old quarter horse I am leasing. I am a bit too large for him, but he does fine. I have taken him out for trail rides up to four hours long. Mostly walking and trotting. And I have been fox hunting with him in third field. He loves it. I am sure part of this is genetics, but he is also on a special senior horse feed regimen which has helped out a lot. With a better and more suitably sized rider, he could probably hang in second field for most of the hunt.

By: Karen Tue, 25 Feb 2014 18:11:00 +0000 In reply to Pauline.

My trainer told me horror stories of timid people being plowed down in the round pen. What would you suggest for round pen training?

By: Jenny (Sydney, Aust) Sat, 01 Feb 2014 02:47:16 +0000 Hi Lara you are absolutely spot on. It’s not rocket science it is more common sense, patience and understanding. Sadly not everyone has all these. A bit of extra time spent in the beginning san actually save time in the long run. regards Jenny
