Comments on: Soul mate or horse mate? Natural horse care and training tips Wed, 31 Mar 2021 11:48:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Frederick and Joan Booth Fri, 23 May 2014 21:49:47 +0000 This story reminds us of our first thoroughbred farm stallion Count Mein Too. When we first received him from a race trainer that went bankrupt, Count was thin and stunted and looked like a weanling instead of the yearling in actual age he was. With good pasture and good hay/grain in the winter he went onto sire a colt by Golden Jam, another rescue, that colt named Flemings Touch O Gold went on to WIN a race at Del Mar race track in California at 69/1 odds! Count was the kindest most gentle stallion we have ever handled in over 30 years. Anyone could ride him and we NEVER used chains , twitches or hobbles on him. We taught him to ride bareback and with only a halter and lead rope. Sadly we lost him to what the animal hospital thought was cancer a few years ago and before he died we brought him to our farm to be buried under a flaming red maple tree with our first horse, Turk. On the last night before he was put to sleep, EVERY horse on our farm came and said goodbye; foals, yearlings, broodmares, even our other stallion Slewquero all came and said goodbye with gentle nickers and quiet looks. Our horse herd was very depressed and moped around for months after Count`s passing.Golden Jam just this year has had a foal for the first time in several years and we still think she tries to look and find Count as she is always the last to come to the barn in the winter time. We all miss him GREATLY as he is the horse who brought us back to riding after a devastating accident at the track in 2004. It took a long time to want to ride a horse again and one day he looked at us with his eyes and said TRUST ME, climb aboard I have NEVER hurt you. Enjoy my strength and power again. So we did! We begin riding him and other horses again on our farm. Upon his death however there was another miracle in the making, Counts last filly was born the following year after his passing, Count and Slews Miracle. We miss Count greatly and we have dedicated our farm to placing his grandsons and granddaughters into the hands of people that love and enjoy horses as much as we do. Fred and Joan.

By: kelly Wed, 06 Nov 2013 02:04:50 +0000 what a beautiful story. my heart goes out to you. i bought a rescue mare in 2004 had her for 7 years,my best friend, on nov 10th 2011 i had to get her put down.she was way older than i was told and she was tired and gave up. i have ridden 2 times since i lost her but i am thinking i need to ride again. i am throwing a party for her on sunday 2years since she has been gone, lots of carrot cake she loved it. she was a scared horse when i got her, she loved me and my family to the end. she taught so many kids to ride and my hubby who had never ridden she taught him too. she was my cheeky brat that would act bad and rear a bit, but i could trust her with a kids life. my daughter was 3 when she started riding my girl betts my daughter is now 11 and she rides english western she jumps and she actually has people get her to ride their horses. she rides and shows my 2 paints and alot of other horses and she always says betts was the horse who taught me respect loyalty and love for a horse. so for everyone that has lost a horse my heart is with you, i know how it feels. i bought my daugher when she was 5 a morgan mare, well she had cushings which we did not know, by the time we found out and got her meds the mare passed away within 2 weeks. my daughter was 7 then and what a trooper. she got a special notice at their school awards as her class send she was so strong for what she went through losing her horse. she just said she is in my heart,i have all my special memories. i think when we lose a horse, i am hoping they want us to move on and they know how much we loved and still love them and what a amazing impact they had on our lives.

By: Elaine Mon, 04 Nov 2013 16:36:50 +0000 Hi I have a thoroughbred who can be a hand full at times and a lot are saying I should get rid of him. In the first two days we bonded where the seller said it would take two years, nonsense. I lost my son in the afghan war and every year around his anniversay I break down. I went to my big boy and could control the tears, he put his head over my neck and pulled me to him and there we stood until my tears stopped. I trust him with my life and I know he trusts me. My dogs are the same. You treat and love animals and look after them correctly they do will do the same.
Good luck to you good horse people out there

By: shellie goodman Sun, 03 Nov 2013 03:35:21 +0000 😛 That was beautiful story. I saved Appy Stallion who had not had anything done with him for almost 10 years. I worked off his price by cleaning house for the owner who is horse poor. His last foal was about 5 years ago. I love him so much I’d like to think he feels the same. I had him gelded a ago. I ride him now and we are both very happy spending time together.

By: Helen Sat, 02 Nov 2013 15:16:33 +0000 The stories I have read on this page are inspirational and exceptionally sad in some cases. I got a horse ‘free to good home’ and he is gorgeous! I was (and still am a bit rusty) at riding. The first three times I rode him he threw me. I lost virtually all my confidence with him but not my other two horses. Someone suggested that I use a bitless bridle on him (I know, its a very contraversial subject) as he seemed to be trying to run from pain. Nothing would stop him when he went but he always stopped when I fell off. I tried a Dr. Cooks bitless and the difference in him is unbelievable! He is so much easier to control, his head is down and he is relaxed whereas before his head was always up and pulling at the bit.The lady I got the bridle from said that she wouldve given up on him as he seemed dangerous the way he is behaving. Ok, he still pulls a wee bit but nowhere near as much and I have only used the bitless on him twice. I would never give up on any horse. He is so much happier now and so am I at not getting thrown all the time. He has issues but I am working through them and I will get there. He has got his ‘forever’ home as I will never part with him.

By: Sara Sat, 02 Nov 2013 07:17:28 +0000 What a beautiful story !
Showing all my emotions to my horse has only made the bond stronger for me. I laugh with her, so to never cry is
holding back. Maybe it is the deep full breaths we take or the fact that they know we really need them and they can protect us. I could not contain myself from crying about a recent friend’s illness and passing almost daily. After a couple of days when I walked in the stall at the end of the day, my horse would move her neck over to me as if to say I am here, let it out. I thanked her each time and when it was done we both just knew. No person gave me that much of their time ! Horses and dogs make life a joy !

By: melanie Fri, 01 Nov 2013 21:52:01 +0000 Your story moved me so much! I’m sure your presence brought him great comfort as he slipped away. I am so sorry for your loss. You are so fortunate though to have shared 31 years together! You rock…..

By: pamela Fri, 01 Nov 2013 21:50:25 +0000 😥 sad it brought tear to my eyes i know what you are talking about..

By: Betsy Fri, 01 Nov 2013 18:29:14 +0000 Ok. So now I have to drive 37 miles to the ranch with tears in my eyes. But I love your stories and have learned a lot from other participants. I have a 5-year-old dapple gray mare who was rescued from a terrible place, with a nasty wound on her leg that had never been treated. She had started biting and kicking everyone who came near her to survive. After a year with the SPCA, fighting them every step of the way as they cared for her, she came to our rescue ranch. I didn’t go near her the first day, just worked in the barn where she could see me, constantly talking to her. She kept her eyes on me as I worked. We bonded. On three occasions she has maneuvered herself to protect me from what she thought was dangerous to me. It shows her love for me. But it also tells me that she cannot trust me to protect her, if she thinks she needs to protect me. I’m anxious to try some of the suggestions that I have read here. Thank you Alastair for having this forum.

By: Bonnie Resop Fri, 01 Nov 2013 18:21:13 +0000 After my son Jeffery at 19 y/o died in a boating accident I was so lost. A while later my other two sons brought two yearlings for me not knowing anything about horses. Well those horses were the best gifts I ever got. I had them for 17 years and a year apart I had to have them put down. I know how you felt. It was so hard those horses were my friends and companions. Buck(babe)and Bailey (my angel baby). I had so many other love names for them. I know someday we will see them in heaven and my son Jeffery.

God Bless

Bonnie Resop
