Comments on: Some great horse tips Natural horse care and training tips Wed, 31 Mar 2021 11:38:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: tink Thu, 21 Mar 2013 14:14:45 +0000 In reply to Rena.

Me too!!! Well i had 3 horses and one pony get girth itch (it started only one of them but they all got it) and thats a fungus that loosens the hair on the coat… and it itches so they will literally rub bald… a few people said to get something from a vet.. i’m not much of a vet and doctor person and don’t really spend money there if i don’t have to… and a few neighbors said to give all my horses a bleach bath.. which is extremely painful for the horse… i was NOT about to do that… then my mother thought of raw apple cider vinegar… i put a cup or two in a fifty gallon tub and within a week they were cured… works AMAZING!!!

By: megan Sun, 17 Mar 2013 13:54:32 +0000 give her back!!!

By: Judy Hart Mon, 04 Mar 2013 12:42:42 +0000 I just bought a horse from an owner who had her for nine years. Apparantly, she regrets selling Skip to me as she emails me every couple of days saying how much she misses her horse and how if ever I don’t want Skip, she wants her back. In addition, the horse doesn’t want to be with me-ears back when I try to touch her and backs away when I come into her stall. Should I just give in and sell her back to the owner? I am heartbroken. It’s been two months. Please help.

By: Rene Thu, 21 Feb 2013 01:29:21 +0000 In reply to Suci.

For winter static cling, dampen your brushes or a hand mitt. Don’t let it get soaking wet, just damp enough to catch the dirt. If you get too much water on the hair, just dry it off with a towel or paper towel.

By: Suci Mon, 18 Feb 2013 02:12:35 +0000 Hi Horse People
Does anyone have any tips on winter horse static cling? All it seems like all I do when brushing my colt & mare is move the dirt & hair around and around. Even bits of hay stick to the coat along with anything else that’s around. Brushing is starting to feel pointless..Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thnx Suci Willow & Storm

By: zoey Sun, 17 Feb 2013 15:28:47 +0000 Hi in regards to what you could use on horses to deter insect bites and what you could do to protect your mares vulva from bugs and itchy things is,Garlic in their meals{just a small pinch to start with then up to a good teaspoon size,this will absolutly work as i live in Qld Australia{BITEY BUG CENTRAL}Should take about 2/3 wks to really work.I also like to use potties white oitment being careful not to get any u know where{Inside the Vulva}.This will form a barrier which is halmless to her and won’t hurt{warm the cream in your hand as she will be sensitative .As they use on cows udders to moisten from calves suckling.This really Works.Also great is white zinc{not for the vulva but very affective and very longlasting being a oily base.Good luck.GO NATURAL GUYS!!!! 😀 😀 😀

By: Sybil Sun, 17 Feb 2013 00:59:07 +0000 I have never used a bitless bridle before on a horse and want to know the benefits of using one. Thank you for all the horsey information, this site is grate. Thanks.

By: B. Reid Fri, 15 Feb 2013 17:42:29 +0000 Tea tree oil is good for keeping flies away too,put directly on skin area.
Rena said apple cider vinegar in grain was also good,however I don’t feed grain so I am assuming in a bucket of water would have same effect, right?

By: cherie Fri, 15 Feb 2013 04:58:28 +0000 Hi on the thread of ‘natural products’ for horses there seems to be alot of discrepancy about using DOLOMITE in horses feed to boost their calcium. I personally wouldn’t and don’t use it, but even some vets say that it is safe. Other horse nutritionalists say that it is very harmful and cannot be digested. Does anyone have any solid information on this? Cherie

By: amber santos Thu, 14 Feb 2013 18:52:03 +0000 🙂 ive always trained bridle less.i never break horses to bits young horses need to learn to want to not to have too
