Comments on: Ruth and Jaxon’s story Natural horse care and training tips Wed, 31 Mar 2021 11:23:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: barbarabishop Mon, 17 Nov 2014 20:34:23 +0000 :smile:thats a good story it will bring tears to ur eyes how can people do horses like that people that has them that does not need them .me aAND MY BOY FRIEND HAS HORSES THERE WELL TAKEN CARE OF I DONT GO FOR MIS TREATING ANIMALS OR HORSES

By: Shelly Lubbe Sun, 02 Nov 2014 15:17:22 +0000 I just have to say that that was one of the best stories I’ve read. Jaxon reminds me somewhat of my horse ‘Pitot’. He’s a wild child, and I’ve been afraid of him too. Anyway, I think your story has shed new light on the concept of human-horse interactions and relationship. Fear is an amazing phenomenon that is difficult to put into perspective. Somehow your story helped me….thank-you for sharing!
ps…so HAPPY you kept your boy!!!!!

Shelly L.

By: Emil Racovta Sat, 01 Nov 2014 17:23:29 +0000 With a rescued horse take long time to build thrust. I love to rescue abused and extremely traumatised. You don’t build thrust only with work, but spending time with the horse in his pasture too, namely to become member of his heard too

By: David Fri, 31 Oct 2014 23:45:25 +0000 BEAUTIFUL. Stevie Wonder will write a song about him if Stevie was with the horse.

By: Charlotte Cox Fri, 31 Oct 2014 23:16:25 +0000 Great story from Ruth. I bought Pregnant Paint. Noone knew she was pregnant so my calm mid herd mare turned into an alpha who is still in charge of her herd. She too is smart fearful forgiving and wants to please. Ground work and just hanging out and letting her be a horse has been huge for both of us. It’s all about the relationship.

By: Virginia Ede Fri, 31 Oct 2014 19:34:06 +0000 What a beautiful story and I am so glad that Ruth persisted and discovered the real Jaxon.
I am an animal natural therapies practitioner and have wonderful plans to partner with my rescued horses in assisting people to overcome fear, gain self confidence and self esteem.
My ‘terror’ Buck is a 9yr old SH/QH horse who was given to me 2 years ago, after being diagnosed with severe ringbone in his offside front foot. He obviously did not have a good start to life and was very suspicious, very defensive and the flattened ears were obviously a successful defense for him whenever anyone would try to get too close. 👿
Not having years of experience with looking after and caring for horses (I received my first horse 4 1/2 years ago), I couldn’t envisage just how I would be successful in reaching this boy and ultimately gaining this boys trust.
Well, with lots of ground training and attendance at confidence/training clinics with Fran Griffen of Hunter Natural Horsemanship , and Carlos Tabernaberri of Whispering Acres, Buck has become a different boy and like Jaxon he loves the interaction we have.
Well done, Ruth. My perspective is, never give up on something that is worthwhile and deserves every chance! 😆

By: Justine Fri, 31 Oct 2014 18:05:31 +0000 I had a similar situation with my horses. Sonny is a very dominant horse and I was a relatively green rider. I did have a horse for over 20 years and then bought a Thoroughbred at an auction that was 1 1/2 years old. I broke and trained another horse when I was in my early twenties and thought it would be easy. Not so. My first horse was a laid back sweety and my TB was a monster horse. He would chase me around trees in the pasture. At first I thought it was funny and later realized how dangerous it was. Well to make a long story short, I had a few accidents. My husband hated the horse and I was about to give up. I tried rehoming him and had him up for sale. The bad penny always come home. Finally, I realized it wasn’t him but me. I needed to be the stronger leader and make him behave. I had the help of friends, trainers and instructors. Sonny is now a nicer horse with a future. He still needs to learn his place but he is a nicer and sweeter horse. He is 8 years old now and I feel we are a working team. In another couple of years, he will be my ideal horse. 🙂

By: Justine Fri, 31 Oct 2014 18:05:09 +0000 I had a similar situation with my horses. Sonny is a very dominant horse and I was a relatively green rider. I did have a horse for over 20 years and then bought a Thoroughbred at an auction that was 1 1/2 years old. I broke and trained another horse when I was in my early twenties and thought it would be easy. Not so. My first horse was a laid back sweety and my TB was a monster horse. He would chase me around trees in the pasture. At first I thought it was funny and later realized how dangerous it was. Well to make a long story short, I had a few accidents. My husband hated the horse and I was about to give up. I tried rehoming him and had him up for sale. The bad penny always come home. Finally, I realized it wasn’t him but me. I needed to be the stronger leader and make him behave. I had the help of friends, trainers and instructors. Sonny is now a nicer horse with a future. He still needs to learn his place but he is a nicer and sweeter horse. He is 8 years old now and I feel we are a working team. In another couple of years, he will be my ideal horse.

By: Lisa McCulloh Fri, 31 Oct 2014 17:45:32 +0000 😛 I just wanted to take a moment and thank all of you who have rescued a horse. I have always loved them and rode extensively as a kid. Until I decided to peruse rescuing a horse of my own, I had no idea there were so many unwanted and uncared for and abused horses. With people like you on earth they have a second chance and that just warms my heart and makes me smile. Hopefully I’ll be able to rescue more than one horse! I look forward to it. Thanks again for caring about these majestic creatures!

By: Val Cormier Fri, 31 Oct 2014 17:02:33 +0000 What wonderous creations from God !!He gives us these horses to care,love & treat with kindness.
Your story in inspiring.
