Comments on: Nervous horse? Your fault? Natural horse care and training tips Wed, 31 Jan 2024 16:20:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marcia Adams Wed, 13 Jan 2016 18:51:02 +0000 In reply to Teresa.

Teresa that is very true, but as a WHOLE….. mares are more moody..

By: Marcia Adams Wed, 13 Jan 2016 18:46:17 +0000 In reply to Scott.

I agree with Scott. A mare is the worst for an unexperienced rider. A gelding is the best!!! Much more mellow.

By: Rose uk Sat, 07 Nov 2015 21:49:08 +0000 Lots of very sound advice. Agree with getting a gelding. Mind saying that, I have a very grumpy gypsy cob gelding, he has been beaten, and just dislikes everyone
My best advice is go with your gut, the one that bonds with you. Your know the one, when you met him. Best luck. From 60 year old fibro suffer,with back, neck and knee problems.

By: joe Tue, 03 Feb 2015 13:14:52 +0000 In reply to brenda.

Get yourself an aged quarter horse gelding. 13-14 hands is very small, you might do well with a 14.2 or 14.3

By: kallista Thu, 18 Dec 2014 10:28:45 +0000 In reply to Dr Jane Perry.

That is awesome! They must love their “school time” 😀

By: Si-Paul Tue, 18 Nov 2014 23:18:45 +0000 Hi all, I’m English and I ride a 16h Welsh cobb stallion. He can be a hand full when around mare’s in season to say the least, but can be truly exhilarating when going hunting (cross country).
To Jacqueline , just because you’re living accross the pond , I would ride with what you know (English style) at least untill you are comfortable again. When you’re up to a competent level of riding, then perhaps slowly make the transition to western style of riding. Regards to buying your first horse, I would go for a gelding. I totally agree you need someone with year’s of experience under their belt.
in some auctions, some traders dope there unruly horses. It’s only when you get home and the drugs where off you may have horse that goes bizzerc. Good luck with your new chapter in what can be a rewarding Relationship between you and your new horse 😆

By: Alicia Mon, 03 Nov 2014 19:31:35 +0000 This works

By: Liezel Fri, 25 Jul 2014 20:04:21 +0000 In reply to Jenny.

Hi,Paint the wood with tar they will stop biting it then

By: jacqueline brink Thu, 24 Jul 2014 18:13:22 +0000 I started riding when i was 9 or 10 in England and i loved it.Could never have my own horse though because of the expense.I moved to America Ohio 5yrs ago when i married my husband and have started to get a real desire for riding again.We have a friend who says i can ride his horse which is 12yr ols gelding.Iv rode once but its western style and its a bit different.Any tips?Would love my own horse and its a lifelong dream but not till we know we can afford it.Im 54 and the desire to ride and everything has never left me.Its a few yrs since i rode so im out of practice and the stables i have called do not do real riding that i would love to do.Anyway just thought id comment.Thanks guys!Jackie

By: Jan Fri, 13 Jun 2014 04:06:17 +0000 So glad to hear there are other 61 yr olds out there just starting. Newly retired and figured this was my last window to experience the horse deal. I just purchased a mare QH 14h 11yrs. She’s had extensive training as a cutting horse but sustained an injury and can’t show anymore. My gain as I wanted a thoroughly trained horse so I only had to train myself to come up to her level. I continue to work my instructor who went w me to view and evaluate/ride Shawnee. I could have been sucked in to some sellers (unfortunately) who were not ethical at all and trying to pass off horses that were not true to the advertisement. Do not shop by yourself. So far we’re beginning to gel together. Doing a lot of desensitizing as she had a lot of arena time and not trail time. Enjoying the learning process of the horse.
