Comments on: Horse care, tips and tricks Natural horse care and training tips Fri, 16 Feb 2024 16:07:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Squeek Mon, 04 Jan 2016 02:15:37 +0000 In reply to Bintherewonthat.

I work at a barn that has about 30 horses (not stabled). I don’t own any of them, so I can’t really go out and buy a bit less bridle or spend some quality time with them. I would do something to make the horses want to come out, but with all the other helpers there, the horses just run away from everyone! They can’t recognize me to know I am the one who gives them treats or likes them. How do I get them to come more willingly?
Also, the dominant male does not behave very well. Walking next to him, he tries to bite me about once a minute. He tries to get his halter off or rope untied all the time. He does not do well with inexperienced riders and is always trying to eat on trail rides because previous children taught him it is ok. What should I do?

By: Rose. Whitmore Sun, 01 Nov 2015 23:24:58 +0000 What you feed your horse/pony will show in his/her hoofs, cut out molasses, first thing to do, good Trimmer, that knows his job and how to trim to re balance the hoof , don’t oil the hoof, if weather is dry wet the hoofs with water only. And take time to allow your horses hoof to become healthy and strong, see so many try to go barefoot after years being shod, after a week or two they say, I have to get him shod, he has bad hoofs, well yes, you put nails in them year after year the hoof never touch’s anything but iron. It takes time to go barefoot, but its so worth it

By: Nancy Sorenson Wed, 30 Sep 2015 12:49:13 +0000 Natural Horsemanship has always been my belief. My first horse in 1986 was a 4 yr old green broke Arabian. I am by no means a trainer, but the two California Cowboys that taught me believed the same. It was our trust in each other that made us and many good time together. 3 months ago I got my 2nd horse beautiful Tobiano Paint 13yrs old, but has been pastured for a couple of years. All new tack included bitless bridle. We have some ground work to do, but I love her and our bond will work these things out. Advice and guidance is always welcome.

By: crystal Wed, 23 Sep 2015 06:42:32 +0000 In reply to Linda.

Sounds like you’ve got it together. I’d like to learn to do her “nails’lol. 😉 I am 65 w/ ms and havent ridden for several years. However My granddaughter gave me a mustang mare 3 years ago and I want badly to ride her. Also I’m for the idea o a bitless bridle & would love to try the slowfeeder toy feeders.I think my hesitation has to do with my vertigo as far as riding her.I believe in the essential oils but havent used any on her. I’d like to met another lady closeby that rides.

By: Susanne whitmore Mon, 03 Aug 2015 01:34:00 +0000 In reply to Nathalie.

My 5 stallions are world class grand prix champions jumping 6 ft fences and
Dancing to music . All it takes to rescue a horse and turn him into a star is
Super care my horses live with me I can see them all from my bed no stable
Would provide the same level of care I do and there is no trainer or expert
Either 1 feed I have bins of grains shelf full of supplements and vitamins and
Blend them differently depending on the horses needs weather conditions
And exercise but you can founder or colic your horse with the wrong feed you need a expert trainer to guide you and there is a comment by Mary Rose in here get in touch with her and start reading books
My horses don’t want natural care or a natural lifestyle enjoy being treated
As a DIVA natural care = poor care in their opinion and today after a breakfast at 7am rolled oats alfalfa pellets sweet feed vitamins had a bath with shampoo and conditioner each horse has his favorite brand suave herbal
Shay butter with added vinegar to adjust the ph. After their manes and tails
Were combed out with detangler any scrape or mark in their coats was sprayed
With vet ricin and vitamin E cream was rubbed on I went to turn them out
To pasture but the herd leader stopped me picked up a loose bit of hay and stepped back into his large stall with 2 box fans. So I stuffed his manger
With a quarter of a bale of the best costal in Texas and my horses spent
The day inside a cool insulated barn—the pasture has a large swimming pond
But it was 100 outside. I just returned from Colorado living on a Indian Res with a lot Of horses living the natural life style and the Indian horses kept
Breaking out and running over to my place and getting into my barn. The owners would have to drag them out with a tractor. I ride my dressage
Horse with two bits in his mouth sometimes and a blacksmith forges hot
Shoes for him. But most important he is very happy spirited muscled can
Run and dance — his love for me shines through he knows 25 words and
I speak horse. When he asks me for something I listen. You can tell a real
Expert—-just look at his horse. The bullshit is over when the horse steps
Out of the trailer.

By: Raltarnee Sat, 01 Aug 2015 15:44:21 +0000 In reply to shirley52.

Hi Shirley I hope that you’ve solved your halter problem by now but as I don’t know when your question was posted I thought I’d could offer the following advice. I’ve had the exact same problem with a brumby mare that I rescued from “a bullet” with halter near embedded into her flesh.
Slowly, slowly, every feed I’d basically sit at her head by the feed bucket and over days moved my hand from outside the bucket to inside and around beside her head (non-threatening, no pressure) until she was very comfortable with my hands moving around that side of her head up close. Progressed to actually touching her so lightly she’d not even realise before the touch was gone. This lead to touching, resting, holding then tugging at the halter gently (also introduced some very sharp pruning clippers into her line of sight) All this enabled to me to actually cut the halter and remove it without any undue stress. The fact that the desensitising was all done while she was focused on eating her dinner helped immensely… Good luck

By: Debbie Fri, 10 Jul 2015 16:41:18 +0000 Would you please send me emails. I like to read them as I get time to.
Thank you.

By: Debbie Fri, 10 Jul 2015 16:38:05 +0000 Hi, I would like to know if anyone has used essential oils for breathing problems related to high humidity.
Which ones work best for you.
Oh, by the way my horse is about 25 years old. Up until last year, she didn’t have any problems.
Thanks, Deb

By: jack jackson Thu, 09 Jul 2015 00:56:26 +0000 Al—-Who gave you permission to stop send me your e- mail.Have them go stand in a corner for awhile. I like to read and would appreciate if you could start sending again .Thanks…

By: gaby Thu, 02 Jul 2015 21:25:08 +0000 i was living in an Eco village for a few weeks and there was a horse farm, this one horse named Dantae loved me to smithereens and i loved riding him. unfortunately i had to move and did not even get to say good bye 😥 the day before i left my best friend and trainer let me jump for the very first time in my life. i promised Dantae a big red apple but unfortunately did not have one I’m scared he hates me for breaking that promise 😥 what can i do to make it up to my best friend Dantae ????? 🙁
