Comments on: Pressure and release horse training Natural horse care and training tips Mon, 05 Feb 2024 13:11:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: lisa Sun, 08 Mar 2015 03:00:06 +0000 i liked the untouchable story…heres mine.i took in 2 spca court order horses.all i got from them was that they cant be separated ,14 years old,gelding(boe)brock to ride but its been years.sadie mare will take a saddle but not broke,also afraid of people.its been about 2 months ive gotten where i can take boe out and work him within site of sadie and she does fine.she will come to me if i have food and i hold her feed for her while while she eats.i began slowly just rubbing on her face while she is eating and talking softly.i can now reach back to her hip/flank.a couple of times ive been able to brush her whole body but never her tail.some days she just hides behind boe and i cant get near her,im really not pushing it if she moves away so do i.boe on the other hand is almost overly friendly.happy to be worked and happy it seems to have the break from my question is…is it to soon to move boe to a pen 15 feet from sadie,still in view.its really hard to work with her with him the same time i dont want to undo what we have already done.sadie is very sweet but so frightened.

By: Rose Sat, 24 Jan 2015 21:20:09 +0000 Thank you so much for this informative info that you are sending me! The enlighten messages have help me relax in the call for a retreat for Therapeutic Recreation for a Christian Retreat Center. Blessings to you daily!

By: Kathy Slaven Fri, 16 Jan 2015 21:16:30 +0000 😀 thank you ALL .. I don’t feel so bad JUST purchasing a 7 month old colt ..I don’t have him yet ..getting him first of Feb please wish me luck trailering if anyone has any great ideas for that one …please let me know … thanks

By: Margo Fri, 15 Aug 2014 13:44:26 +0000 Come on! Using a stick on a foal or even a grown one. Would you use a stick on a human infant or young adult. Get real equines are just like us. Treat them with kindness and patience and they will repond.

By: Simone Tue, 12 Aug 2014 08:16:17 +0000 Good day

I have the same problem as this girl had but my problem extends a bit further. I purchased a arab mare also from the field, she is 3 rising on 4 and is in foal. She too does what the foal did but that technique with the stick doesn’t really work. Please help I am desperate for a light at the end of the tunnel.

By: Wanda Wed, 12 Feb 2014 04:45:22 +0000 I too have a story with a filly that had not been touched since the day she was born. Her and her mother were in a pasture with cows and one elderly 26year old horse. It was magnificent to watch her run. Her mom was very sweet laid back Arabian. We tried for a month to get her to load into the trailer with her mother finally had to get help from a few seasoned horsemen. Finally got her in the trailer. Took mom out of the trailer and left her for a week. Would go in to feed and water her.This was March.Took her till May to get a halter on used sweetfeed from a bucket. Took my lunge whip and put around her rump to make her come to me using pressure and release. This has been my first filly expirence. I named her Diva because of her attitude when we first got her. Love this forum.

By: brian Mon, 27 Jan 2014 09:05:06 +0000 If you ever have a horse that is hard to catch but has a headstall on put a old lead on it but make sure he can stand on it .It teachs the horse not to pull back plus get a length off plain wire at one end make a hook and when you go to catch that horse just go for the lead rope that is hanging down this is what with my standedbreeds .

By: Russ Hoffman Mon, 20 Jan 2014 01:01:07 +0000 😕 We have a Rocky Mountain gaited mare and a large gaited pony mare. They are the best of buddies. If we take one in the trailer to the vet the other just throws a fit, neighing, running, bucking etc. To the point: The Rocky Mountain horse is pregnant and expecting late Aug
2014. We are concerned how the pony will react to the foal. Should we keeo the mare and her foal in a separate paddock? If there is any
jealousy on the pony’s part, how should we deal
with it. We are new to horse raising and need
some input from some of you out there. Thanks.

By: Cissy Mon, 16 Dec 2013 20:25:02 +0000 Bestest thing I’ve read in long time. Ah, love …

By: Estelle Fri, 01 Nov 2013 13:11:17 +0000 I did this with a 4 year old arab, who had never been handled…but we have the best bond I have ever had with a horse execpt my first one at age 10.
