Comments on: How to work with a stubborn horse Natural horse care and training tips Fri, 01 Nov 2024 11:19:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Harry Tue, 29 Oct 2024 15:45:24 +0000 Stubbornness in horses often stems from discomfort, confusion, or lack of trust. Checking for pain, using clear cues, and building trust through consistent, gentle handling can help transform a resistant horse into a willing partner.

By: Dan Tue, 29 Oct 2024 15:44:02 +0000 What causes stubborn behavior in horses, and how can it be addressed?

By: Colleen Thu, 26 Mar 2015 05:56:50 +0000 I recently started riding again after 40 odd years. Loving it, but having a lot of pain in my knees when I’m in the saddle. I do have problems with both my knee caps. Can anyone give any suggestions what I can do to make it more comfortable.

Many thanks

By: the horse lady Fri, 28 Nov 2014 14:00:19 +0000 Wow Bob, you really fit the profile of ‘boys who hit girls are too scared to hit boys’ It is an absolute shame that you don’t know what a privilege it is that horses ALLOW us to handle them. People like you should be thrown in the ring with the likes of Mohammed Ali for a taste of your own medicine. You are embarrassment to the human race.

By: Martha Tue, 25 Nov 2014 20:43:21 +0000 Make sure that your saddle and other tack fits well before deciding whether the horse is lazy or not. Uncomfortable tack may slow the forward motion. Will the animal lunge and go forward without difficulty? When riding insist that they move at least 1 foot when you are asking to go forward (even if you need to turn them in circles). Praise the heck out of them then try again. Takes patience but eventually they get the idea. Sometimes riding with another person will also motivate the horse to move forward. Good luck and happy riding!

By: Kristy Dees Mon, 03 Nov 2014 16:06:35 +0000 In reply to Jess.

Horses I have seen hit when they did not understand why end up scared and confused and more unable to learn. We rescue horses and the hardest to help are those who are scared because some human raged on them, or they shut does completely. I will make contact if necessary to protect myself….but belies it is never in either beings best interest to hit over and over again. That is rage and it is confusing to a horse. I prefer to build trust first. There are many creative ways to avoid “beating” a horse. That mindset sets the relationship up for war and fear, submission is not the same as partnership and respect. I tap a horses heel with the hoof pick and make it unpleasant to avoid doing what I want. A horse that refuses to go forward I turn to pull out of balance and get movement started. I constantly release pressure when I get what I want and work in small increments to give the horse time to process. I am asking you to please reconsider this attitude of “beating”. Does it resonate with how you want to be with a horse really? Is it an end gain for you….or are you willing to take on the journey that respects both yourself and the horse. Thank you for considering another view.

By: Lil Judd Sun, 26 Oct 2014 16:20:15 +0000 I had a horse who felt inconvenienced by me wanting to work him. My farrier, who’s into a lot of Natural Horsemanship, gave me some homework to do with our boy. He told me my horse was inconvenienced by me wanting to work him. So he told me to tie the horse up, put on the saddle, leaving the girth very lose, but in no danger to the saddle. Supply the horse with water & feed. And leave him there for a few hours waiting for me. It was time he had to wait for me.

And so I did. I would tie him up. Leave him saddled with a lose girth, feed & water at his head. Waiting…. Waiting…. Waiting on ME! (not screaming, emphasizing). Gradually as the weeks passed I started to notice he was happier to see me & far more willing to go to work.

But I also made sure I varied his workouts more. More trail rides. If your horse is lazy & doesn’t want to move out & forward – – trail rides. Canter a lot. Trot a lot. Make the horse eager to move out.

Young horses need a very varied program to be happy. Make your horse happy. A four (4) year old is a very young horse still. You’ve got to make the horse happy.

I hope this helps a little. I’ve always gotten young horses & I stress varied program & lots of trail rides. Not ever had a problem until that one older horse.

By: Alice Fri, 26 Sep 2014 01:33:04 +0000 My new horse and I enjoy our rides together. We go to different areas to make trails different. She does well on roads. She was a 2 weeks summer camp horse. It was at beginning of September for our first ride together. After that, I knew she was the one for me. 😀 But SHAME ON BOB who beats his horse like he would a run-away slave! He sounds cruel, prejudice and a sad, sad man who even beats his grandson! Why is he not in jail for animal and child abuse? 😈

By: Lola Wed, 27 Aug 2014 06:00:49 +0000 There is a mythological creature… a man who likes horse riding.. Bob is one.. but after the scathing attacks of women on here, no wonder these mythological creatures are far and few between. I personally don’t agree with Bobs choice of education with his horse, but I don’t think name calling and insults are the way to change anybody’s behavior or help teach them a better way. Woman can be quite vicious if they don’t agree with you.. no wonder horse people are mainly women.

By: Margo Sat, 02 Aug 2014 03:39:26 +0000 Try a change in your routine. If your riding in a ring all the time. Go for a ride somewhere with a group of people. Other than your stall or pasture mates. I do it all the time show horses out on an organize trail ride go to the beach or stream to swim or walkthrough you will be surprised how your horse will act when you get off and splash water on him. Be creative keep his life interesting and you will find yourself being a better person as well
