Comments on: Buy a horse – is there ever a good time to? Natural horse care and training tips Wed, 31 Jan 2024 15:19:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Theresa Sat, 16 Nov 2013 22:43:06 +0000 good gosh….getting those boyes sounds like a great idea. And with your coach so close…sounds like a perfict plan.
GO FOR IT!!!! 😀

By: Catherine Tue, 12 Nov 2013 16:04:30 +0000 Christina,
Well there is lots of good info here and it all comes down to how you feel. You don’t state if these horses are being ridden or if they are just companion horses. If you willing and able to put in the time and some money, you can hire someone to come in and work with you on the training. This I would suggest if you want to go the riding route. As I’m sure you are aware that there is allot more then just throwing on a saddle and bridle and away you go.
As far as cost, you have lots of land on which they can graze until the snow flies with minimum cost for extras (which there really is no need) Sounds like you can put money into a barn, so you can put a tack room also in there for your tack. (You will find that this grows- as some people buy shoes, I buy horse tack) lol So you are looking at buying or harvesting hay for winter with a little extra cost for extra feed. Talk to your Vet and learn to give your own shots and deworming. Cost is cut way down by doing this. Farrier will usually charge a bit less if doing more then one horse. Make sure to ask about this. If nothing else I would keep them for companionship. What is the alternative if you don’t take them? Will she send them to the auction- (not a place horses should go).
I am sure that if something comes up, you will find a wealth of information from friends, your vet and the person that presently has these beauties. Just don’t be afraid to ask.
I am 56 yrs old, ride a 8 yr old Arab-Paint and have just purchased a beautiful 6 month old little American Quarter horse filly. I share daily time between them and my wonderful family, friends my beautiful GSD and still work 3 days a week.
So it all should be how you feel, and just please make sure that this is not just a whim. As it is time, work and money, but you get paid back a thousand folds.
Please let us know what you decide and how it turns out. Take Care and God Bless.


By: Barrie Orange Sun, 10 Nov 2013 22:05:37 +0000 I have found that training horses is a lot like training dogs; it’s all in your attitude. Keep things black and white. Clinton Anderson has lots of great advice for people with little experience. I highly recommend him. I’m currently using his techniques on a 7-year old gelding that was gelded late and has had no training all this time! He’s a purebred Arabian from some great lines so it’s worth my time to get him under saddle. I wish you the best of luck!

By: Jane Bloem Sat, 09 Nov 2013 16:37:59 +0000 Don’t let anything stop you, Girl…..GO Girl, GO !!!!!

By: Diana Sat, 09 Nov 2013 00:28:58 +0000 Stop thinking about it and jump in, make the two horses yours. The relationship between you and the horses will excel and the bond you will develop will be more than you can ever imagine. You will never regret this.

By: Deb Sat, 09 Nov 2013 00:27:31 +0000 In reply to Renij.

I am so glad I read your post.I am 61 and am taking riding lessons. I have always loved horses but never owned one. They just make me so happy. Anyway I want to get one of my own and I also would have to board my horse. I keep trying to talk myself out of it because I felt I was too old. You have given me hope!

By: tarah Fri, 08 Nov 2013 15:38:26 +0000 I say go for it! I have been riding and competiting since the age of 7. I took 8 years off to go to college and start a family. At 32 I have found myself in a similar position and now have my 28 year old show horse, a 7 year old TBmare and a 3 year old TB mare that I saved from going to auction. As well as 3 year old TB GELDING that I adopted. Between a full time job , 3 kids and four horses some times it feels like there is not enough time in the day, but I wouldn’t trade a minute of it! So go for it, the love you’ll receive in return will make it well worth it!

By: Cathy Thu, 07 Nov 2013 21:22:53 +0000 Christina,
I say go girl your only young and if you have a love for them and can provide for them then do it they are one of the most beautiful and majestic animals around, I’m like you I have just turned 50 and I have a horse breeding business just starting to get going, it’s taken me about 8 years to get to here starting off with 4 horses loosing 2 from snake’s and I now today have just got to 30 with 4 new foal’s making that no and I still have 3 more foal’s to come this year and more next year I haven’t sold any as yet because I’m not at that stage but I won’t my guy’s to go to good home’s because of all the love and time I’ve put into them I would rather keep them than have some one hurt them as they are all my special baby’s, anyway enough of my rambling it is your decision at the end of the day but I couldn’t live without my horse’s and dog’s.

By: DIANE Thu, 07 Nov 2013 18:20:14 +0000 I had horses tilll about 15 yrs ago. I changed my occupation, my mare died and I lost interest. I am no 63 and getting ready to retire. I found a sweetheart of a gelding and in Feb bought him. He keeps me active and happy. I just trail ride and enjoy taking care of him. Our bond is wonderful. Go for it girl. There is a group called Women on the edge. I hope to ride with them next year. They are all over 50.
