Comments on: Bibi’s comments Natural horse care and training tips Sun, 25 Oct 2020 20:23:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Emil Racovta Mon, 20 Oct 2014 00:11:50 +0000 In reply to Lisa Halls.

How long Australia make and sell the Australian Hackamore, that mean is not banned. Please don’t be upset, but you better get out of Australia and travel in this earthly world. About a year a go somebody wanted to give me an Australian saddle. For everyone to know that trash never will be on my horses.

By: Lisa Halls Wed, 15 Oct 2014 05:53:44 +0000 Bibi, I don’t know where you get your information from. Are you an expert in what occurs in every country in the world? where do you get your information from? Do you have associations with Australian RSPCA or Equestrian Federation of Australia or Horse Riding Clubs Association of Victoria?? Hackamores have been banned from Australia for over 30years as they are dangerous and cruel. i appreciate that you have a lot of experience and have a substantial knowledge on the subject matter, but really get your facts straight before advertising particular equine practices that are used in Australia or any other country for that matter, as they are misleading and in this instance can upset alot of people. For your consideration…

By: horse lover Mon, 13 Oct 2014 10:33:21 +0000 Hackamore???? Australian?? Get your facts right. I take offencec at your inference.

By: Louanne Mon, 13 Oct 2014 03:25:30 +0000 I disagree with the sugar beet pulp. Not good at all for any horse. Get beet pulp with out sugar ( molasses ).Also shoes are not needed unless needed for traction,or there is a problem in a hoof only shoes can correct.Heavy work loads are not a problematic as long as its not on cement for real long periods of time.

By: Kit Mon, 13 Oct 2014 02:42:44 +0000 I have over 70 yrs with horses and I think that Bibi put it quite well. In my opinion, often less is best.
Horses are meant to be outside eating grass/hay, shelter from wind/sun when wanted/needed. Lots of clean water and a considerate partner/rider.

By: Emil Racovta Sun, 12 Oct 2014 23:19:16 +0000 Agree 100%, but, in general the Youngs today don’t want to read and respect the horse like a slave and not like a partner. I have two horses, a mare and a filly, both rescued, and for that I don’t trust a trainer to train my horses but I train them, and now every one love them. Remember, Magic, my mare kicked me two times after I had her, and today after three years she is my best friend. Any thing my horse do (bad behavior) I never blame the horse, but I bleme my self.
Any behavior that a human, horse, dog, domestic or wild animal have is a learned bihavior and not a neurological problem, that mean check your personal behaviors.
Right yesterday I saw a young woman blaming the horse when she was the problem and no body else, and that talled me she never read some about horses in her life.

By: Roma Sun, 12 Oct 2014 19:56:36 +0000 Agree totally. Well said.

By: Helen Sun, 12 Oct 2014 19:23:15 +0000 Thank you BiBi. Enjoyed reading and made me think fondly of my grandfather who worked in forestry with his trust mare Nelly. I never got to know much of his early years as a young man working in the forest with horses. I was told that he only owned mares and when his beloved partner was deceased and replaced he found another mare and called her Nelly. My father was always around horses and so I was brought in the prairies with my own as well. I left my world of horses in 1980 to marry and raise our children. My spouse gifted me with riding lessons (jumper) 5 years ago and guess what I now have a mare called Nelly. So thrilled to be in the saddle again and getting reacquainted with these lovely creatures. Feel truly thankful.

By: joloma Sun, 12 Oct 2014 17:32:07 +0000 Very informative, thank you very much

By: Clarice Wilson Sun, 12 Oct 2014 15:06:57 +0000 😳 🙂 I love the info and fun informative letters. Thanks
