Comments on: More on inseparable horses Natural horse care and training tips Fri, 22 Nov 2024 09:51:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gwen Thu, 16 Apr 2015 08:42:14 +0000 In reply to kumadee.

I also love these stories every day I always look and read this e-mail. It gives me good advice and sometimes a laugh. 🙂 😛 🙄 😆

By: Alexa Mead Mon, 30 Mar 2015 06:32:49 +0000 Can any one help me I have a 5 year old rescue gelding He came from a bad area in South Africa .He is very hard to catch and he always has his ears back and seems unhappy We also took another horse at the same time and he bullies him a bit but they seem very close .When i work the youngster only lunging and long rein at the moment he is also very difficult napping .I put a saddle on him and we had a real rodeo show .Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By: Phyll Wed, 03 Dec 2014 22:48:59 +0000 Many years ago, I bought a TWH Mama mare and her 6 week old baby. We did everything together like the 3 Muskateers. I loved both horses deeply and I think they loved me, too. Board went up and I couldn’t afford to keep them, so after a year and 3/4, I sold the Mama to one family and the baby to another. I felt terrible and now feel I should’ve kept both no matter what. For, I’d let the baby suckle the Mama until I sold them, both horses were super friendly and affectionate. Everyne told me to separate them at 6 mos or earlier, but my heart and instincts said, NO! So, I didn’t, and am glad I let them be together for a very long time. Does anyone else agree with me—on natural weaning? I’d do it again.

By: Vikki Thu, 20 Nov 2014 17:18:51 +0000 Hi, I now have a 5 yr old mare who has lived the majority of her life alone although as fields/paddocks attached to house always people coming and going. I decided to rescue 2 goats, boys, they seem to help a bit with her loneliness but have decided to bite the bullet and borrow a quiet Shetland mare who I will start off in adjacent field to my skewbald and make sure they have short periods of separation from the start. Will keep you posted how things develop. 🙂

By: Vikki Thu, 20 Nov 2014 17:17:49 +0000 Hi, I now have a 5 yr old mare who has lived the majority of her life alone although as fields/paddocks attached to house always people coming and going. I decided to rescue 2 goats, boys, they seem to help a bit with her loneliness but have decided to bite the bullet and borrow a quiet Shetland mare who I will start off in adjacent field to my skewbald and make sure they have short periods of separation from the start. Will keep you posted how things develop.

By: Ann Speakman Tue, 16 Sep 2014 18:48:44 +0000 Julie, Alot of race horses have anxiety issues,often times theses horses have goats for companions.The goats are great.Because of their size they can go almost anywhere the horse goes. my suggestion would be to look for a goat companion for your horse. Good Luck! Annie

By: darryl Tue, 22 Jul 2014 10:43:40 +0000 what I have learnt is that horses with separation stress and fence pacers all revert back to how they were weaned from their mother.obviously someone who buys a horse has no control over the weaning process.I have breed only 3 foals but I develop a deep trust with the foal so when it comes times to wean it goes smoothly.always have adjoining paddocks with smooth rail fences so mare and foal can still have safe contact.Also a playmate for the foal is also a bonus.It was pointed out to me once that there is the physical weaning and then also the mental weaning i.e., I had totally weaned a foal from wanting milk from its mother and after a short period put the foal back in with its mother.when there was any situation the foal would run back to its mother for comfort -i don’t mean be tough on the foal but you also need to wean mentally or you end up with adult separation stress.

By: Laura Wed, 07 May 2014 15:16:24 +0000 All should be mindful that horses are herd animals. They do best when they have a companion.When keeping a horse, by itself, without any other horses around, this cuts that horses lifespan in half. They in fact need other horses around to thrive and maintain good health! Horses are not happy being alone, no matter how much time their human caretakers spend with them.Without other horses nearby, their physical and mental health, and well being suffers a great deal, which explains why many have problems with their horses, when they’re kept isolated from other horses!A miniature horse is small, takes up little space, and not too much more of an expense to feed. Just a thought for those with little room for two full sized horses.

By: Jac Fri, 25 Apr 2014 06:08:00 +0000 🙁 I have a 23 year old mare that attaches to another horse very quickly and makes my life and time around them miserable. I’ve had her since she was two but leased her out for a year off premises. When she came back she was like this. Never used to be. Could ride her away and do anything with her. Not so much now. Do they get this way in older years? Senile?

By: Pamela Sat, 05 Apr 2014 02:26:24 +0000 I lost everything in the Colo flood! Had to separate my horses in three different places. My Mare and 7 week foals foal along with the others were so glad to get out, all but the Stallion are back together they are sooooo happy! They truly have feelings!
