Comments on: More horsey tips Natural horse care and training tips Sat, 04 Apr 2015 21:35:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Louisa Esterhuizen Sat, 04 Apr 2015 21:35:03 +0000 Hi. I am in much distress, and urgently require advice. I live in South Africa. I am paying for my horses to graze on someone’s land. The Owner’s Father, kicked my 2 year old stallion of the land cause he kicked 2 bokkies 2 death. I had a name of a woman who said ef i ever need land i am most welcome to bring my horses for free to graze, as long as i provide the food, meds and vet bill’s. All of which i did.
Unfortunately as i was told, when he arrived there apparantlly my stallion also killed 2 bokkies. My friend informed me that i must castrate him, which i did straight away. Now one year later i informed her i am fetching my horse, she refuses to give him back to me stating i must pay them R8 500.00 for damaged caused by him and another stallion i had grazing there as well for about 3 months. Apparantly the other stallion ripped her minitior horse by here maine, resulting in stiches. She asked me removed him and i sold him. In the e mean time she had 2 foals born from my first stallion wich is castrated. I went to the farm to see my horse and her husband and herself nearly attacked me and said he would rather shoot my horse before i remove him. Her horses are in terrible condition. Please give me advice as what to to. police or Spca? My horse is tjipped under my name. I have been very frightened to go back there on my own, and the threat of him being shot frightens me terribly. I cant bear to leave him there and he is my horse. I raised him…..i want him closer to me. I need help urgently.

By: mary roux Tue, 31 Mar 2015 01:17:53 +0000 Useful stuff Thanks

By: Shaun Mon, 30 Mar 2015 16:50:33 +0000 Dear Al, I am in need of thoughts about weaning. I have a 7 month old colt who is still with mama. The barn where I board them wanted me to wean him awhile ago. They separated colt and mom at night and turned them out to pasture together during the day. However, mom could not see or touch her baby while separated and was terribly distraught. After a few days I put them back together and pulled the plug on weaning…for now. I’d like to let the weaning take place as nature intended and not stress out mom and son. Any input is welcome!
Thank you! Shaun, Diamond (mama) and Rebel (son).

By: oosthuizen piet Thu, 26 Mar 2015 04:41:41 +0000 Good tips

By: Mary Ann Shinnick Thu, 26 Mar 2015 04:09:27 +0000 Glad to be reconnected. Wondered where you’d gone.

By: adam Wed, 25 Mar 2015 23:52:46 +0000 🙂 many thanks for a great website.

By: DARRYL Wed, 25 Mar 2015 23:13:47 +0000 I know a great older whisperer and his initial greeting to see what frame of mind a horse/ or your horse is in on first contact for the day is to gently touch its muzzle with soft cupped fingers.I do this with all my 8 horses and only 15 month gelding I bred slightly tries to get his teeth on your fingers( that is just being young ).I got a 14 year old arab mare a few years back and initially she was VERY tight upper lip until she started to trust each other .Now she likes the muzzle massage and licks my hand as I massage her lip.

S .S .T .T . This is what I always remember when I meet a new horse and to a lesser extent when greeting one of my own.
SIGHT :firstly a horse makes visual contact with you ( and hopefully will maintain that eye contact all the way through the greeting process . You don’t want that disrespectful horse presenting is bum to you – now that presents another training lesson I’ll mention later ).

SMELL : secondly the horse will smell to get more confident

TOUCH : then if the horse is ready or accepting a slight touch of the muzzle or lower head area.This can be simultaneous with the SMELL.

TRUST : this is the milestone when the horse allows you to touch / stratch on the neck etc.This is a zone outside the horses field of vision so it is trusting you to touch where he can’t see, though he still sees your body.

In 2008 I bought a VERY frightened 12 y.o. QH mare for $150 to save her from the knackery as she is so well muscled.I have learnt so much about nervous ,explosive , almost dangerous horse from her.She has given me 3 Qarab horses which all have kind natures.
If you you imagine a straight line across the shoulders with an arc around in front of the head.This zone is where a horse will initially accept you.Behind that straight line is where the challenge starts with trust and acceptance.

With that bum facing issue when you are trying to remedy that in the yard always remember the level of respect the horse is showing towards you by its eyes i.e., NO EYES , ONE EYE , TWO EYES.
This is how much a horse is paying attention to you, if from where you are standing in the yard you can’t see any eye ( no respect ), if you can see one eye he is starting to accept you , then two eyes he is coming around to you and thinking about facing up.

By: Larry Wed, 25 Mar 2015 22:48:03 +0000 I have heard of the motor oil treatment for hooves, a lot of the old timers just used what ever was available. I would suggest against it, especially coating the entire hoof. Vegetable oil rubbed into the band at the top of the hoof and at the hair line can be very effective and does not contain petroleum products that can have an undesirable effect in some instances.

By: Rena Wed, 25 Mar 2015 21:14:31 +0000 Love these tips. I have picked up so many good ideas. Horses are all so different it is great to hear other riders/owners experiences.

By: Josie Wed, 25 Mar 2015 20:37:48 +0000 😀 happy to read all of the above! hope to read lots more!!
