Comments on: Kathy’s bitless story Natural horse care and training tips Mon, 19 Oct 2020 21:24:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Debbie C Mon, 25 May 2015 13:24:44 +0000 When I started training my paint 10 years ago, I started using a bosel. He did so well, I never put a bit in his mouth. When I started trail riding him, I switched to a hack only to teach him to neck rein. He is so light mouth, I am glad I never put a bit in his mouth. I ride with a bosel now and occasionally use a hack. If you train them from the start, you don’t need a bit unless you are showing. Well he is now 13 and is still happy to ride at anytime.

By: Melissa Sun, 28 Apr 2013 02:21:34 +0000 One of the horses that I’ve ridden had a hackamore and thats what he was trained with. We switched him to a bit and he became more focused and was not as distracted. One of the other horses I rode did really well with a hackamore and behaved wonderfully with an experienced rider. It depends on what works for your horse. Bits don’t have to be cruel.

By: Rowenna =) Thu, 18 Apr 2013 11:01:34 +0000 has anyone heard of happy mouth bridles?

By: Jes Thu, 18 Apr 2013 02:00:30 +0000 great job Kathy! So glad he is a good boy for you in the bitless, I have an OTT too and she would be a runaway on me so bitless is out of the question, but I am so glad that you have had success 😀

By: Jane Bloem Wed, 17 Apr 2013 18:22:41 +0000 I like that very much. I am busy to adopt a horse, his name is Santigo. Oh, I really love him so much. He is quite old, but he is a real sweetheart. So I like it to hear that there is such a lot of people who does not only love their horse friends but have a passion to make life worth wile and pleasant for them too. Well done Chatthy 🙂

By: Helen Smith Wed, 17 Apr 2013 15:23:53 +0000 The subject of bitless bridles appears to be very controversial judging by the comments made on this page. It appears that it is very much ‘if it works for you, go for it’. There are good arguments for both sides but I think that it is up to the individual person and horse. The owner will know whats best for their horse. What works for one horse does not necessarily work for the next horse. If the horse is happy in a bitless bridle then that should be more than sufficient proof for its rider.

By: diane Wed, 17 Apr 2013 03:44:42 +0000 I rescued a saddlebred 3 years ago….he HATED bits, so I thought…ok, we’ll go without them. He has been wonderful since then. He listens to my voice, hands and legs…I totally trust him and I believe vice versa!!!!

By: Ann Wed, 17 Apr 2013 00:59:27 +0000 I have a ten year old horse, I have only had him for three months. He just recently started biting. At first it was just when I was trying to saddle him, now he nips at me constantly. How do I correct this?

By: Ruthie Wed, 17 Apr 2013 00:22:01 +0000 Young horses are unpredicable and I would suggest either a training hackamore or a rubber snaffle bit for a young horse. If you plan to show the young horse, you could be putting yourself and other people in danger at the Show grounds. You need to learn the basics first. HERE IS YOUR FIRST BASIC LESSON!!! 2 YEAR OLD HORSES ARE NOT TRAINED LONG ENOUGH FOR BITLESS RIDING AND SHOWING. YOU NEED TO GO BACK TO BASICS YOURSELF. Kathy has a horse that is already trained and he is older, plus she is riding him along with a trained dressage rider.

By: Linda Wed, 17 Apr 2013 00:03:53 +0000 I have trained race and show horses for years. In reschooling Thoroughbreds you first need to unschool the experiences they have had(part is that they are taught to lean into the bit)You may not have known it, but that down time establishing a trust was the first big step,going totally soft or no bit at all is another major step.My best lead ponies were retired runners, they all wore Hackamores.Always give it time and go soft if you can.
