Comments on: Jumping with a bitless bridle Natural horse care and training tips Mon, 19 Oct 2020 21:22:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cheryl Wed, 17 Feb 2016 23:57:06 +0000 I ride my thoroughbred in a ‘light rider’ bitless bridle, available from natural horse world . Brilliant bridle! I agree, if you are on a runaway horse, no bit in the world will stop him. It comes back to time and patience in groundwork

By: Susan Sun, 31 Jan 2016 15:22:04 +0000 In reply to Susan Wolfson.

The horse stops with his brain-not the bit. If you and the horse are not on the same wavelength, you are not functioning as a team.

That is the basis for all the natural horsemanship games and philosophies. Thinking vs panic.

Tink about this next time you handle your horse.

Call it zen or call it teamwork but please work toward that relationship.

By: Rick Wed, 18 Mar 2015 19:11:39 +0000 A proper snaffle is most likely just as easy on the horse as a bitless if properly used. Never think that damage cannot be done to a horse’s nose with a bitless bridle.

By: Eve R Mead Sun, 15 Mar 2015 13:32:31 +0000 Ride my Arab bit less now since last summer and Stormy does so much better and I find I use leg cues so much more than use of Reins and she loves lowering Her Head to receive the Bridle Nose Strap…. 😎

By: Lee Thu, 05 Mar 2015 06:04:44 +0000 Having ridden with no tack at all, why am I not surprised? If using a bit I’ll almost always use a rubber coated snaffle.

By: Phyll Thu, 20 Nov 2014 23:24:14 +0000 How can I see this video and where can I find the kind of bitless bridle you’re speaking about? Is it a hackamore?

By: Robynn Hofmeyr Fri, 08 Aug 2014 14:54:46 +0000 I have a fabulous challenge to fulfil, can you help me please? I live on a farm in the mountains of South Africa and have been asked to take total care of four horses. Two of them are ex-polo ponies and the other two move like champions, apparently related to Dubai super-champions. These four horses have been living totally free in two massive paddocks on the farm,with its own dam.

I need to take full control of their health, well-being and training and prepare them to take guests on gentle trail rides on this exquisite farm.

I have had horses of my own before, but have always been within the safe haven of an established riding centre or horse farm, with knowledgeable people always around me to guide me.

I don’t know where to start. Can you help? Where, online perhaps, can I find somewhere which will guide me step by step in issues like, getting them dewormed, getting them used to being ridden again,trying to work out if I can change them to being shoeless etc. They have not seen a vet for years. They look in excellent natural condition. Please can you help me to do right by these gorgeous horses?

Thanks for your help,

By: mel Mon, 30 Jun 2014 13:24:26 +0000 I love my bit less when I started my baby he would shy away from the bridle so I got a bit less and he loves it but my older horse likes his bit so I use both kinds and personally don’t have a problem X

By: Helen Fri, 11 Apr 2014 00:17:12 +0000 In reply to Rhonda.

Cynthia Cooper has developed a range of bitless bridles such as English, stock, western etc. Check out her site. They are lovely bridles and my daughter (11) has ridden bitless now for years as have I. She ships worldwide.

By: Lynn Fri, 04 Apr 2014 08:37:07 +0000 Be very careful! Bitless does not mean kinder. A horse can move the bit around in the mouth to where it is comfortable. It can also clearly show if discomfort is experienced in the mouth. Bitless applies pressure to nasal bones, facial bones, poll and cheek bones. Theses areas have no mobility like the mouth and tongue and the horse cannot adjust the pressure at all in order to increase comfort. It also cannot avoid the pressure except by shaking the head. I have seen extreme discomfort borne miserably in bitless bridles and pressure halters while ignorant owners blindly thinking they are being kind. Bits are supposed to be used intelligently as part of the ART of horsemanship.
