Comments on: How much weight can a horse carry? Natural horse care and training tips Thu, 13 Mar 2025 18:44:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: harry Tue, 05 Nov 2024 21:35:15 +0000 In reply to Dan.

Generally, horses can carry about 15-20% of their body weight, but it depends on factors like the horse’s build, fitness, and the type of terrain

By: Dan Tue, 05 Nov 2024 21:34:16 +0000 What factors affect how much weight a horse can comfortably carry?

By: Lee Fri, 13 Mar 2015 02:31:29 +0000 In reply to Kathy Clark.

Try parking the trailer in with the horse and feed in the trailer only. After a few meals most horses will load willngly. If you have time you can do this several days then take the horse for a slow short ride a few times. By that time you should have an easy to load horse.

By: Mandy Peterson Mon, 16 Feb 2015 15:39:21 +0000 Are horses bothered by the smell of perfume? Can they use the fragrance to identify a familiar human?

By: Lil Judd Fri, 31 Oct 2014 16:03:21 +0000 Not wear sunglasses!?!?!

OK back home in Sweden I didn’t ride with sunglasses. But I’ve been living in Los Angeles, California for almost 35 year. I have blue eyes & they’re light sensitive. I’m blind without sunglasses in the intense light here. I’ve not ever had an issue with my horses understanding me & I’ve worked with a lot of them. I don’t always wear the sunglasses, but if I’m working in sunlight on the ground – you bet I’m wearing sunglasses & I’ve had no issue with horses on this issue. Neither from the saddle nor from the ground. Trust me, horses is more body language than eyes. As a matter of fact, I was taught as a child not to look into a horse’s eyes cause that can upset them. Well, I’ve been doing that all my life & not ever had a problem with that as well. Maybe I just communicate enough love in my body language 😉

By: Lil Judd Fri, 31 Oct 2014 15:55:41 +0000 In reply to Abbie.

It’s one thing that they’re gentle giants. But have you considered the height from which your child may fall. That will cause some serious damage.

If you want a horse for your child to ride – buy a nice pony. But if you want one for fun – sure buy a Percheron.

By: Samantha Mon, 18 Aug 2014 02:22:20 +0000 In reply to Kathy Clark.

Heres what you do. My horse WOULD NOT EVEN LOOK at a trailer after we got her home. First. Get a piece of old plywood that doesnt have excesive spikes. Walk your horse on it as you would load it in a trailer. If you have anything close together, put the horse inbetween there. Back the horse out MORE than you put it in there. Thats how essential backing the horse out is. Combine these when your horse has them down pat. After youve done this, your horse should be slightly less claustraphobic. Try loading your horse into the trailer after letting them sniff around the trailer and as far inside as they want to. When you try to load them, have a 4ish foot long whip or stick close
by DO NOT HIT YOUR HORSE WITH IT FOR ANY REASON! do not even look at it until youve pointed with your hand thats holding the leadrope into the trailer. DO NOT TUG ON THE ROPE! If your horse takes one foot in the trailer, pat them and back them out. DONT PRESSURE THE HORSE TO LOAD COMPLETELY! More than likely, your horse chose not to take that first step. Thats ok, gentely pick up the stick and hold it a few feet behind your horse. Your horse should now be in a very alert stage. Bring the stick closer, but dont touch the horse! If your horse still hasnt moved, pat it gently on the rump. Remember if the horse takes ONE SINGLE STEP into the trailer, reward him/her then back them up again.

Soon, your horse will be putting one hoof in the trailer like a pro. Use the previous steps to load the rest of your horse. Remember, this takes time. Youre trying to CONVINCE THE HORSE INTO THE TRAILER NOT SCARE IT IN!!!

Tips: never tie your horse to the trailer…i learned that one the hard way…
NEVER HIT THE HORSE WITH THE WHIP/STICK this can cause the horse to kick you plus it will associate YOU AND THE TRAILER with the slap. It will also lose all trust and respect for you.
Remember, youre convincing the horse to load, not forcing them. If you force/scare them into the trailer, they WILL NOT want to load again.

Using this, we had my mare loading in less than 24 hours. And my girl wouldnt look at a trailer, much less load. 24 hours is a little short for some horses, so let your horse decide when their ready.

Good luck in loading your horse!!!

By: Samantha Mon, 18 Aug 2014 01:48:26 +0000 In reply to linda allison.

I agree completely. There are certain circumstances, like a mini being ridden by a grown man, where this rule is needed. But most of the time, we need to stop stickin our horses in the prissy barn and let them get their manes wet.

By: Samantha Mon, 18 Aug 2014 01:44:34 +0000 Saying that a horse can only carry 20% of its body weight is like saying that a 12 year old child cant carry a 50 lb feed sack. Its possible. HIGHLY possible, but they need to work up to it. They cant have only carried a pencil their whole life then be expected to carry an anvil. I agree that miniture horses shouldnt be ridden by 200 lb people but i think 20% is a little drastic. My mustang is an estimated 950 lbs and i am around 150 lbs and my saddle is around 50 (its a big leather trail saddle). This puts us 50lbs over the limit. But she is fine with it. She doesnt have sway back or signs of it. Shes used to it. I rode her as i grew, causing her to be used to the weight

By: Pam Fri, 27 Jun 2014 11:28:27 +0000 In reply to karan.

I had a horse with very bad heaves years ago. He healed himself with non intervention . It took a couple of years though. Look up homeopathic remedies for horses. Cannot write more on this stupid tablet as it is auto correcting.
