Comments on: Horses really do know more than you think… Natural horse care and training tips Wed, 06 Feb 2013 02:52:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bonnie Resop Wed, 06 Feb 2013 02:52:47 +0000 😉 Great stories and memories.

By: Jill Fri, 01 Feb 2013 11:43:29 +0000 I have a horse that we purchased as a foal. he and i had major issues while he was growing up as he was as hardheaded as i was. now when he thinks he is going to be left behind he jumps over the wooden gate of the stall and will run up to the horse trailer and stand there with the expression of “you are not leaving me behind!!”
he gets me home even when im lost we are the best of buddies now!!

By: Miriam Goodwin Thu, 31 Jan 2013 19:52:46 +0000 After my accident (caused by a stroke we found out subsequently) I lay on the ground for we think, some 45 minutes and my mare stayed right by my side, quietly grazing, fully tacked up with all her mates some ten minutes away!
Then after a few years recovering, I rode my grey gelding and he accepted completely that I was always steering him in, what I thought was straight ahead, until I finally got special glasses and we now know the same straightness again. Clever equines! 🙂

By: Ann Thu, 31 Jan 2013 18:58:59 +0000 Growing up on a midwest farm in Minnesota, the dairy cows had a large hillside forested pasture. After milking Dad went out to find a cow that didn’t come in with the herd. She was due to calf soon. Dad took the tractor to find her but couldn’t. So I got on my sway back pony bareback to look. I went to the woods and with slack reins, let the pony take his lead. Which everyway he wanted to go was fine with me. In no time he took me straight to the cow and new born calf hiding in the woods.I reported back and of course Dad went out to get then before night set in. 🙂

By: Tess Thu, 31 Jan 2013 07:04:15 +0000 My 9 year old mare has always self loaded, rope over the neck straight up on the float, she has never refused to go on. Recently I could not get her on the float, tried for an hour. I was starting to get frustrated so my 17 year old daughter put her hand on my arm and said “It’s ok mum, I’ll ride her home for you”. The ride home was pleasant for both of them. When I got home I stood looking at the float perplexed and then I noticed on the rear wheel on the side I was trying to load her on 3 of the nuts/studs that hold the wheel on were missing/sheared off!

By: jaimee Thu, 31 Jan 2013 06:21:57 +0000 i got lost once out trail riding and new where i was but not how to go anywhere from there. i let my reins slack and urged my horse on and she just took me right on home… they truly are AMAZING!!!! 😯 😮

By: sally Thu, 31 Jan 2013 03:43:02 +0000 I think its safe to say that a majority of us have some sort of experience like this, especially when there is a tight bond with the horse. @ yrs ago we took on a rescue horse that was a captured wild australian brumby. This poor little girl had been rounded up in a pen drag on to a truck and then sold on to us. We took her on just to save her from the doggers. My daughter, who was 8 at the time bonded with her instantly, bearing in mind this a horse that had never dealt with humans before. One day one of our other horses who was pregant at the time kicked out at a cranky mare on the neighbouring propert and got her leg cut on the fence, the little brumby was watching this and walked over to try to get the neighbours horse to move away from our injured horse, instantly the little brumby ran over and cut in front of my daughter, she would not let her proceed to the fence line at all. We figured it was her way of trying to keep my child safe, and from that day on the brumby has always raced to be by her side.

By: kelly Thu, 31 Jan 2013 00:56:23 +0000 I absolutley loved reading these amazing stories. a bond between some horses and riders are beautiful:)

By: Mary Wed, 30 Jan 2013 23:34:33 +0000 Winter riding, bareback. Just enough snow to camoflage the 10 foot by 12 foot sheet of ice that lay across part of the trail deep in the Forest. My Arabian mare slipped on the ice, went down onto her front knees. Thinking that jumping off of her may hurt her or me, I sat as still and balanced as I could, and waited to see what she would do. It was as if I could feel the “wheels of thought” working in her brain while I waited. She very slowly stood up, and, unhurt, carefully walked off the sheet of ice. We rode about another hour, avoiding ice for the rest of the ride. She is going to be 19 in 2013, and is such a great horse, did 250 mile in 10 days last year, and is gentle enough to carry a young child !

By: marcia Wed, 30 Jan 2013 21:14:04 +0000 About forty years after my incident on Dolly, I was outwith the North Shrops Hunt, thoroughly enjoying my day, loads of jumping and galloping. One of the other riders came across and said, “Do
you know that your girth is hanging down, broken under your mount’s belly. I had no idea this had
happened, but had not been unsafe as my Andy never put a foot wrong, he always looked after me for nearly thirty years! If only he was still here?
