Comments on: Supplements Natural horse care and training tips Sun, 22 Dec 2024 14:27:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Frederick Booth Mon, 01 Jul 2013 20:29:07 +0000 We agree, soil testing is very important to determine what work your ground requires. When we purchased this farm 15 years ago we conducted a soil test and discovered the soil PH was in the range of 4.3 to 4.6. It was extremely acidic due to the heavy winter rains we experience in the Pacific Northwest. We were told to raise the P.H. by applying agricultural lime at the rate of 2 tons to the acre if we expected good grass growth in our pastures. We did this and our grass has grown very well thereby enabling us to allow our horses to live in a more natural way by eating less hay and living in a herd society outdoors. Because we do not cut our fields for hay the P.H. has remained at a level of 6.4 to 6.6 which is almost neutral in P.H. scale terms. Feed and soil testing can save THOUSANDS of dollars and make for healthier and happier horses. We have also gone to feeding only organic non-GMO corn, oats, barley rolled grains .They seem to keep better in hot and humid weather and they make our horses look better for a more reasonable price. Only the cracked organic corn is a little expensive at $33 for a #40 bag. But there is no wastage even fed outside. We also add 1 cup of plain dried molasses for extra energy when needed to each #25 mix which we do daily ourselves. Fred and Joan.
