Comments on: Horsey pics! Natural horse care and training tips Tue, 18 Nov 2014 12:39:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karin Tue, 18 Nov 2014 12:39:52 +0000 My beautiful mare , Stardust is 9 years, a flea bitten Grey, she doesn’t like it when I walk up to her, she puts he ears back and turns her backside to me… very cheeky of her I think, but I still love her… and if I have a bowl of carrots she will walk up to me… so clever of her. I am then able to bond with her by putting a rope or putting her harness on which gives me the opportunity to groom her and wash her or ride her… is this ok??? if not please tell me what I should do or not do?? 🙄 🙄 javascript:grin(‘:roll:’)

By: Lisa Ann Thu, 25 Sep 2014 12:03:43 +0000 Our horses show and look like how we feel towards them.

By: Libby Brown Tue, 22 Jul 2014 02:29:06 +0000 These stories bring tears to my eyes to hear the love and one horrific story of cruelty beyond imagination, with a happy ending. We have a miniature who we broke in ourselves, doing lots of leading and putting weight on his back; one day he was so relaxed I sat on his back ( I weigh 50 kgs so just about his limit and he looked around to say what are you doing, before going back to munching his favourite grass. We can lead him with kids on his back now, and now are working towards him pulling a cart. We also have a standardbred who is about 6 now, used to pulling a cart, and we are thinking of getting him used to a saddle. Both horses are totally different personalities but both very lovable. They do make life feel complete. When our 19 year old thoroughbred passed away earlier this year we were all so devastated. Our horses grieved for weeks, neighing for him, galloping around madly if another horse in the neighbourhood was heard neighing, searching in the stables, and other paddocks, looking for him. They stood around the site where he was buried when we had a farewell ceremony – for the full half hour, sniffing his cross, (and eating the roses as I guess he didn’t need them anymore and they were very tempting!) They now seem to need each other more and don’t like to be apart, but they are now settling down and are getting used to life as a twosome and not a threesome.

By: Rose Mon, 21 Apr 2014 10:47:46 +0000 Hi Al

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By: Karen Sat, 08 Mar 2014 19:58:42 +0000 Great pictures.

By: Angela Herrmann Tue, 12 Nov 2013 17:38:26 +0000 Can you please let me know how to teach a horse outside turns, who is aggresive? I wish to gain his trust and respect? Thank you so much! Sincerely, Angela 🙄

By: Margaret Sat, 10 Aug 2013 22:40:09 +0000 Thank you everyone, great pics and story’s, I have an Australian Brumby Filly, rising 2yrs, she is loving and smart, she will make a lovely riding horse one day when she is broken in, but, at the moment she is a great friend.

By: Carolyn mamchur Sat, 04 May 2013 18:46:25 +0000 I love these pics…and the stories. The one about the colt who was so abused brought tears to my eyes and deep gratitude that you have him now

I’d love to send pics of my darlings…where did youbdomit?

By: terri Thu, 11 Apr 2013 00:15:22 +0000 i love these pictures of magnificent Friends…we all have the passion! 😀

By: Frederick Booth Mon, 08 Apr 2013 17:34:55 +0000 I really enjoyed viewing the pictures this morning and seeing the many horse people with their much loved companions from other areas of the world .I hope to share some pictures of a very special stallion our farm once had, but sadly lost to a misdiagnosed illness a few years ago. We have not figured out all the computer programs yet. We agree with Kerri that this is a fantastic age when one can share ideas and pictures with people all over the world! Fred and Joan.
