Horse ownership problems

“I am lost and upset at this time. My horse- well I thought she was mine – “Willow” isn’t mine after all, I was told yesterday.

I have been working with my boyfriend for almost a year. I thought that the work was for board for this grey dabbled mare, name Willow. I was told she was given to me by the wife of the farm. Only it was a coax to just get us to work. I put close to $1000.00 into the horse not counting time to bring her back to health and I also did this for this other horses. People have made comments that their horses look the best they have looked in years. When the vet came out yesterday for a comprehisive exam on Willow he was shocked to learn she was 20, he said that the her hooves and her was on the best he has seen for her age and it was a testimony to me. I was so pround. She stood still and did everything she was asked. Then the bomb was dropped.

The farm owner had no idea that the wife said the horse was mine, a week ago i was told to pay 150.00 after I announced that I was moving her to another stable because I wanted to be trained for trail competition with Willow.

Also there is someone there 24/7, so I will not be alone when once I start to learn, I have medical problems and so it is safer for me to be at a barn with people around most of the time.

Well once they heard that willow was in excellant condition the price went from 150 to 200. OMG oh wait at first i was told that willow wasn’t for sale. Broke my heart. She has been my medicine according to the VA med center, See I am a disabled veteran and have PTSD and Willow has helped me deal with things a bit easier especially my depression.

Anyway, I was furious, it seems that the wife has made agreements without first talking to the husband. It has happen in the past and people left with a horse and this couple never heard from them before. But we consider them our friends at least I thought I they were, and we would never just take Willow and never talk to them again.

Also the barn I found is only 10 minute riding excursion back to their barn. I and Willow will be right around the corner. I am so uupset, and scared, so I typed up a Bill of Sale, I am going over there today with a check and the document and place it in front of the husband. If he refuses, I then have a bill for what I have spent with reciepts. This horse was showing her ribs her feet were horrible know she is a 2000 dollars horse even at 20 years old with the training and all I have done.

I guess I just wanted to write this story to say always get things in writing and make sure that all parties are of the same mind before you assume the answer. I am hoping this turns out positive because I truly like this couple as friends just the wife and husband didn’t communication. If anyone has suggestions what they would do, would you continue with the purchase or just walk away. I know there are many horses out there that are in need of homes. Blessings


So sad for you, Sandy. Hope it works out. Sadly, we get mailed stories like this too often – so we thought it time to publish one.


Al & Claire

More tips here

10 thoughts on “Horse ownership problems”

  1. Hey Sandy. When we bought our Stallion we payed him off because it was a large sum. Any way when my mum made the last payment the lady which was also friends of ours phone my mum to announce she owes her more money. Fortuntley my mum paid over the money ever month using internet banking and she couldn’t con my mother.

    It was horrible. We resuced him and he looked so bad when we got him that the vet said he wanted to know who the previous owner was so tht he can take all her horses away. We never told him tho. But we spent so much more on him and then they still want to make more money. Scary how money makes people monsters.

  2. Such a sad story! I love openening these emails and find them very useful, as im not a horse owner (financial circumstances dont allow for wonderful little luxuries) but work with horses and care for other peoples. But im not loving this email today 🙁 Personally, i would make the offer, you have nothing to lose – but if they refuse, then what can you do? as sad as it is, just be satisfied in the fact that you recovered Willow back to health, and without you Willow probably wouldnt be here now. Even though its come at a hefty price (money aswell as your heart) Atleast Willow has a second chance at life. Fingers Crossed For You Sandy, All the best & Take Care xx

  3. Sandy,
    I, too, am a disabled veteran and I have found much of my recovery from PTSD and other physical diabilities has been due to my animals, especially horses and donkeys, I have on my small ranch. I suggest you give your story to a local t.v. station and let them air it. The public is very sensitive right now to mistreating Wounded Warriors. If that doesn’t work, contact V.A. for legal help and present them with a substantiated bill for your time and material costs, which should amount to thousands of dollars and then file civil suite. If none of this works, come see me and I will give you, FREE, a horse or donkey for you to care for where you are. Right now I am training a 2 yr. old Filly paint, born on my property to my mare and she is in good health and absolutely beautiful. Also training 2 nine and ten mos. old jenny donkeys born on my property to 2 of my jennys. And there are goats, kids and breeders. We’ll work something out. But you are right about the therapy, working “outside of yourself” and for another living creature is the best therapy for what we have to deal with in memory and emotions.


    1. What a wonderful man you are Doc…..Bless you and all of the others who have responded to Sandy. Every thing will work out!!!! Keep lovin all of God’s creatures great and small…..

  4. That was the lowest of low someone can do to another! If you love Willow and she love you…..fight for her. remember, animals might be animals, but they also suffer loss. If it was me I would fight for her and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you mean business then HE will come through for you!!!!

  5. Money…funny how it’s so small in physical structure and so damned big in ones mental status. Go Doc! You are the man, dude. I’m so with you, fight, call the news, call the Vets associations, ANYTHING you must do to get Willow away from where she is. After all, if it was a good place you wouldn’t have had the opportunity to GET HER WELL! These people should be turned into the authoritys. I HATE cruelty in any form and the condition she was origionally in is wrong! To your credit you are still trying to call them friends. I wouldn’t call them dirty names let alone friends! I absolutely will pray for you and the return of Willow to her proper friend…YOU! Please keep us informed?]
    👿 Bev

  6. In law a verbal contract is binding. I would see a lawyer and if they still won’t give you your horse then bill them for all your expenses. Just remember business cones before friendship. You might loose a friend in fighting for your horse. Horses are amazing and if I were you I would choose willow. I have a horse of 20 does not have much value due to their age. The owners are manipulating you.

  7. YEAH you are being taken advantage of and they know it,you are probably not the first one they did this to.Did you ask the wife to tell her husband your deal. They do need to be turned over to the humane sosiety if the horses are in that bad of shape also.. If you let Willow go back to them she will end up in bad shape again and you will have to put more money out if they let you take her eventually They are bad people ALWAYS GET A CONTRACT ON EVERYTHING.

  8. shellie goodman

    I am so sorry to hear about your bad experience. I also have rescued a horse. So the deal is working out. I am working the price of the horse off at the ranch. I wrote up a bill of sale to say how much board,I should pay the price of the horse ect. I have been lucky so far I rescued an Appy stallion at 15 yrs old, had him gelded, teeth wellness check feet all of my own money. I still have to retrain him in a way he has been not ridden for some time. I read all I can and spend as much time as I can ground working him.I will start riding him in the spring if all goes well. Shellie

  9. Sandy –
    My heart goes out to you. I, too, struggle with health issues and know that my sweet Cody, (whom I adopted from a rescue facility), keeps me motivated and balanced.
    You’ve clearly given your heart and soul to Willow and you deserve her; much as she deserves you – someone who will care for and love her with all their heart.
    Wishing you the very best of luck and hoping by the time this posts, Willow is yours!

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