Comments on: Horse cuddles! Natural horse care and training tips Sat, 21 Dec 2024 13:35:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: anne spires Sun, 17 Nov 2013 03:49:35 +0000 lots of good advise for jenny from all over just wan ted to mention i had downhill problems on my horse till i realized from a rubbed patch on his skin that the saddle was slipping forward downhill and pinching his very round withers and causing discomfort with every downward step a new better fitting saddle and his problems vanished.

By: gail dowling Sat, 16 Nov 2013 03:26:42 +0000 WHAT A WONDERFUL CUDDLE IN THE PIC ABOVE

By: Rebecca Smith Tue, 05 Nov 2013 20:46:27 +0000 Hi I am 15 and I loan a pony called Storm. He used to do the same with regards to the trotting down hills and moving when mounting. To stop the trotting down hill I tried gentle nudges of the rein but he persisted to throw his head, so I changed his bit to a bit less bridle and he was totally relaxed – perfect with steering and he completely stopped the urge to trot down the hills.
Them with the moving when I mounted I put my foot in the stirrup and mounted but he commonly moved and then flicked a leg out. So to stop him doing this I tied a mounting block but he was beaten and disliked the idea of me towering over him. After that I tried mounting with my foot straight in the stirrup but instead if having my toes going straight into his side I made my foot paralelle with his side making my toes face his head, and he didn’t move, I think this was because he was being sharply jabbed in the sideand this caused irritation then for him to move.

By: Frederick Booth Sat, 02 Nov 2013 16:53:13 +0000 On our thoroughbred farm we have a chestnut gelding, Surprise Account who will also hug you. You have no idea as to how many times we have heard squeals of delight from people, usually women . When they find out we have a horse who is a very good hugger and back scratcher . The only problem is with their boyfriends or husbands who always throw up their hands as if to say, how am supposed I to compete with that! Fred and Joan

By: Helen Fri, 01 Nov 2013 16:14:08 +0000 Hi I had a similar problem with my gelding when I first got him 8 years ago. I just bought a plastic step stood that I could move around easily and every time he moved, I moved the step and tried again. It didn’t take long and he stood still for me to mount up. He still stands still now, 8 years on and is patient and quiet when I am waiting for others to mount up. It was just practice practice practice! Good luck!

By: glenda Thu, 31 Oct 2013 21:18:33 +0000 i have a question?
We have had our horses trained for riding…
but, we have had several spaces of time, where we have been unable to ride them! One, the cinch broke when I was running my palomino…the saddle slipped underneath, and I had to jump off backwards. I broke four vertebra in my back, ribs, fractured my hip. Its been a year now, and I want to ride again!
They seem pretty skiddish now! Do you think they will remember all the rules they were taught…when start riding again?? Or should we have someone come ride them first?

By: penny curry Thu, 31 Oct 2013 19:51:18 +0000 very sweet

By: Dr. Larry "DOC" Milham Thu, 31 Oct 2013 19:14:02 +0000 In reply to Maggie England.

If she wants to go faster than you want her to go when returning continue PAST the barn and go another mile or so and then return to the barn. If she continues to misbehave continue again for another mile. She will eventually figure out that it is easier to walk the first time then it is to be naughty several more times. This may take a long day and it may even take several long days but under no circumstances stop riding when she is in control. Any time you are riding and on the return trip if she acts up repeat the long ride. Your goal is to make her realize that doing it correctly is much easier than doing it her way. This method will work with many problems that horses have. Make it easier for them to be correct than it is for them to do it their way. Doc

By: Sylvie Bouqdib Thu, 31 Oct 2013 18:30:46 +0000 Hi Kim,

YES YES YES do approach your neighbours, the only caveat I’d offer is that you make it an offer to help, (“You’ve got time on your hands”, “you LOVE horses but never have the chance to be near any” rather than a criticism of them (People never forgive you for making them feel guilty!)

If you are ever faced with a moral dilemma in the future, may I offer you what my then 8 yr olsd son told me that he’d learnt in school:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”
(Edmund Burke)
Ed was around in the 1700, I think, so he wasn’t clued up about the equality of the sexes!

Please, Please, tell us how you get on !!

Kind regards,


By: Suzanne Parker Thu, 31 Oct 2013 09:27:02 +0000 Awesome, best hug ever!
