Comments on: Happy horse – more of your comments Natural horse care and training tips Sun, 04 Feb 2024 16:56:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Debbie Squires Mon, 27 Apr 2015 18:34:47 +0000 Hi all, I’ve had my 17 year old horse since august of 2014. We have come a long way in the trust department, and most of the time I can figure out what kind of a mood he is in. This morning while picking up his poo, he was cleaning up around his grain bowl and he decided to come check out what I was doing. I was ok with that but he came up pretty fast and it unnerved me. Instead of trying to pet him, I got nervous and put the rake between us. He stood there looking at me like whats wrong with you. My question is……was he being aggressive or was he just wanting some attention. He did not have his ears back but he has bitten me in the past. Am I being too over sensitive?

By: katie Sun, 12 Oct 2014 21:15:18 +0000 dear Christina..
I found that with my 1 year old Shetland, and she went through a lil stage of ‘testing’ me. she would try to nip and bite me, all I simply done was a gente but firm pull on her lead rope and shout NO in a sturn but confident voice! she soon stopped as she knew that I was in charge now she’s wel behaved, sometimes still a LITTLE bit disrespectful such as stopping to eat grass while being led but again have to be a lil bit firm to get them to walk on,, if you are having trouble leading her then play what I call the ‘waiting game’ simply apply slight pressure on the lead rope and wait till she walks forward DO NOT give in and let her have slack as she wins,, also NEVER walk again when she tries to kick out as that lets her win.. I no it can be scary but you need to stand your ground then your filly wil start respecting you a lil more each day,, hope this helps :).. Katie x

By: jules Sun, 12 Oct 2014 18:22:24 +0000 I found that if I get a bit uneasy or unsure about something when working with my horses, I start to hum or sing quietly. It calms me and the horses at the same time. I have used this method to load an uncooperative horse into a horse trailer or to approach one of my horses with a halter while in the herd. If you walk away and let her follow you as she would in a herd, this will help you to get the lead horse role and for her to learn to trust your leadership without expectations. I also use the Parelli 7 steps method for ground work. It is basic, simple and really works wonders on developing respect, trust and communication between you and your equine friend. I also have a 3 year old filly that HAD dominate issues. Now she respects my space, follows me and wants to spend time with me. I had removed her from my herd and pastured her alone for a month. That helped with her dominate personality with other horses as well. If you are too afraid of your filly, than consider a possible trade with her for an older gelding. A 10 year old horse will have more respect and since as well as calmness for your first horse. Many Blessings

By: Lisa Fri, 10 Oct 2014 12:38:39 +0000 Hi,
lots of great advice: the problem is simple. It is a human problem not a naughty horse.
Find somebody that can train you / or you and your horse together: starting with groundwork and stock standard natural horsemanship basics will get you a long way: take the time now, so it takes less time later.
rgds, Lisa

By: Janie Thu, 09 Oct 2014 14:26:20 +0000 I love your sute and all the comments. Please keep it coming!

By: mel Thu, 09 Oct 2014 00:34:19 +0000 Stopping to graze is normal. Pull tuft of green circle then go on.circling distracts from bad actions. Entices her to give into your leadership. Ya goota be the lead mare here.

By: Ray Wed, 08 Oct 2014 23:25:27 +0000 Christina, you weren’t specific about the kind of “naughty” behavior you’re experiencing from your filly, so I can’t make any suggestions but I believe she is training you instead of you training her. When she is misbehaving and you remove the pressure, i.e., leave, she has gotten the response from you she was seeking. You are inadvertently teaching her how to control you through her misbehavior. Horses learn by association.

With regard to your filly stopping to graze while being led, it sounds like she hasn’t had all the groundwork she needs. She should walk forward when you walk forward, halt when you halt, do turns on the forehand when asked and back when asked. Since she is your first horse, you may want to get a person with experience in ground training young horses to work with you and your filly. If she isn’t handled correctly at this point, her inappropriate behavior may escalate to the point of being dangerous.

By: shelly Wed, 08 Oct 2014 22:45:24 +0000 My horse has had what they call scratches. shes had it for a month or longer now. it has gotten better, but I would like it to go away now. I have used antibacterial soap. I keep removing the scabs and have also tried an antifungal. Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you.

By: Carol Wed, 08 Oct 2014 13:33:44 +0000 We have one like him at our Rescue – Far View Horse Rescue. John Lyons has great books on training. Lots of pictures and easy to follow instructions. I got
a bunch from Amazon, very cheap.

Get him in a round pen and work him! No need to be mean, just keep him moving till YOU let him stop. John has lots of other training tips. Good luck!
It took about 6 months for Jasper to turn himself around, but has done so.

By: alvernia savell Wed, 08 Oct 2014 00:39:42 +0000 I have a 7yr Arabian/quarter horse.I had a minor stroke in 2012 I have been doing real well with her until it comes to giving her an injection. I had always given her injection in her neck . Is there another safe place to give her one. ❓
