Comments on: Good for hooves, or bad for hooves? Natural horse care and training tips Mon, 04 Nov 2013 19:37:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: marty Mon, 04 Nov 2013 19:37:33 +0000 I’m a barefoot convert the mustang I adopted never shod feet look good mmmm, read a lot,got a good barefoot trimmer haven’t had a problem. Uses mustang roll and I go everywhere rarely any chips but I agree diet and exercise is important I don’t use any oils on feet. What I always think of is the feet are the second heart of a horse need to keep that blood circulating

By: kathy Wed, 30 Oct 2013 12:18:29 +0000 I use a homemade mixture roughly of 1 3rd Stockholm tar, 1 3rd animal fat and 1 3rd vege oil.
My horses are barefoot, and do not put on when turned out. However, I do put on when working, though the mixture changes with the seasons. More fat ratio to the oil in summer to stop drying out, and more oil to fat ratio to stop getting too soggy in winter. This has worked for me for 30 yrs, on barefoot horses that muster cattle on rocky terrain. I live in Australia, so we are very dry in summer – so more fat. Just use your left over fat and oil from cooking, and mix with the tar as set above.

By: Janine Mon, 28 Oct 2013 13:13:24 +0000 In reply to Glen.

Glen, This is a very good comment! I appreciate the experience you have and you are correct in saying that what works well for one will not be what is needed in the other. Thank You

By: Maggie Mon, 28 Oct 2013 09:41:16 +0000 What you are going to do with your horse does matter. For instance you can’t expect a horse who normally works only in arenas or on sand etc to do a long walk in the bush over stones or ashphalt etc. He may be a little sore afterwards. Depending on he surface you normally ride on will dictate the type of shoe (or not) that he would need. Of course, as in the wild, if the horse did enough of walking on stones, rocky paths etc, his feet would toughen up to accommodate that. 😛

By: Tricia Neyland Mon, 28 Oct 2013 01:09:29 +0000 That is fantastic information from everyone…and I will be calling on it when I finally get my horse…to go barefoot sounds good to me…how do they go on the open bitumen road though, with no shoes??? Does it just toughen them up, as with humans?? Thankyou all for your input and I agree, food for thought and lots of alternatives and choices. 🙂

By: Colin Loechel Mon, 28 Oct 2013 00:31:24 +0000 Thank you all for your input. Most polite and well mannered and a good range experiences and suggestions which we can use to choose our own path

By: pat Lashley Sun, 27 Oct 2013 23:40:49 +0000 many years ago we used lard on hooves when needed. Was easy to come by then and economical and worked!

By: Jane Bloem Sun, 27 Oct 2013 21:38:09 +0000 😛 I agree whole heartedly with you Sarah.

By: Catharine Kintoff Sun, 27 Oct 2013 18:42:01 +0000 I have had an OTTB for 8 months which I am trying to keep barefoot, unlike her previous owners who kept her shod in the summer riding season. From reading Dr. Getty’s page, now realize that her “soft” hoofs are just an indication of protein and fat deficiency, just like humans grow longer stronger fingernails if we have a good dietary intake. In the summer when her hoofs started getting dry, I tried putting neatsfoot oil on her surface cracks, which caused them to get worse. I am now using Cornucresine Ointment on her coronary bands which was recommended by one of the previous owners. Barefoot is worth a try, as one barefoot farrier told me, it has to do with “diet, diet, diet and exercise.”

By: Val cormier Sun, 27 Oct 2013 17:01:42 +0000 God created horses. He did not require them to apply anything to them. It is just putting a bandade to a problem we humans have created. Start from the inside out. Supply proper feed to horse & heal it frst thru diet. That takes time. Try some organic feed that has no chemicles as ingrediants. Are you not aware of Monsanto. Our commercial feeds that have corn, which most do re loaded with geneticall modified organisims….GMO
Why not try essentials oils to the hoof if you must to.
And yes you can eat it to.Why not try someting simply as coconut oil. Has healing properties as well.Inexpensive to,on the hoof if you must to or add to the diet as well.
just some alternative suggestions.
