Comments on: Founder / Laminitis Natural horse care and training tips Sat, 04 Oct 2014 11:30:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Playghosbuster Sat, 04 Oct 2014 11:30:57 +0000 That\’s a great question, buseace pasture conditions the type of plants, the time of day, and the time of year absolutely DO play an important role in managing your horse\’s diet. However, it\’s also a fairly complicated set of factors to try to get a concrete handle on, which, I imagine, is why Dr. Walsh has not attempted to include a higher level of approximation in the grazing time caloric calculations. In his article, Dr. Walsh makes the following comments about pasture conditions and grazing -If the horse is allowed out on grass, the amount of time they are out is recorded. The pasture should be examined to judge the amount of grass that is available for consumption and the types of grasses that are in the pasture .Weight loss diets based on pasture (forage) and hay require vitamin and mineral supplementation to protect against deficiencies. If the horse or pony has laminitis it is removed from grass until insulin levels are normal. Then, limited exposure to grass using strip or cell grazing or a grazing muzzle can be attempted, but the animal is carefully observed and checked for any signs of foot soreness or elevated insulin levels. Grazing is not allowed during the spring and fall when stresses pasture may accumulate dangerously high levels of nonstructural carbohydrates Dr. Walsh and I also advocate checking out the many resources available at with respect to diet. Kathryn Watts\’ research has been, and continues to be, an important piece in the search to understand and control laminitis.Hope that helps.
