The mustang role

Take a quick look at a wild hoof photo – it tells you how the mustang roll should appear.

Far from ending with a perfect trim, 20+ miles of wild movement beats the hoof into a beautifully rounded object. The mustang roll doesn’t exist after a domestic barefoot trim. It cannot be forgotten. This final stage is also the most important.

A well-positioned mustang roll addresses almost every hoof ailment that afflicts the domestic horse. Apply this around the entire hoof. You’ll find…

Leverage is removed from the toe at the break-over point. This stops the toe from stretching outwards and flaring.

Jarring is taken away from the heel points on landing. The concussion is now absorbed across the entire heel-bar platform.

  • The risk of splits and cracks is reduced.
  • The risk of abscessing is reduced.
  • The vital callusing process is helped along.

The mustang roll is made up of two bevels.

First, use your rasp to bevel around the top edge of the hoof wall, from the toe round to the heels.

Then apply your second bevel underneath the hoof wall. Starting at the toe’s point of break-over, go right the way around the hoof, including the heels.

Your second bevel should be trimmed at a 90 degree angle to the floor.

Some really usefult tips are here

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