Comments on: Bareback riding Natural horse care and training tips Tue, 05 Nov 2024 16:40:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: jenny Tue, 05 Nov 2024 16:40:11 +0000 In reply to Bill.

Many riders love bareback riding because it creates a closer, more connected feeling with their horse—you can feel every movement and truly ride as one. For beginners, starting with a slow walk or trot helps build balance and confidence. It’s about taking it slow, finding your center, and enjoying the unique bond that comes from riding without a saddle.

By: Bill Tue, 05 Nov 2024 16:38:55 +0000 Why do many riders enjoy bareback riding, and how can beginners get comfortable with it?

By: Amber Sun, 27 Sep 2015 11:22:55 +0000 I ride used to always ride with a saddle but after a while i couldn’t be bothered putting the saddle on, so i started bareback, i found that my pony was more willing to jump higher, he felt a lot more comfortable and happier, i also found it heaps of fun!

By: Colleen Thu, 12 Mar 2015 12:12:06 +0000 I won my first race bareback trotting when I was about 10, didn’t know the horse could move so fast, was great. After not riding now for over 40 years I have got back in the saddle, and the lady that I’m riding with does not use a bit or shoes on her horses. Very new experience for me, always great to learn new things. Just loving riding again after such a long time.

By: Lucille Thu, 26 Feb 2015 05:33:05 +0000 I have been riding bareback all my life long. Even raced on my horse bareback. Not alone did I had a super good relationship with my Napoleon, but also I had good strong legs, good balance and a strong back. Now that I am on the end of my 30’s I have started riding with a saddle. One thing a still do, whenever I meet a new horse and have to ride him/her for the 1st time, I always ride them bareback. I believe they can feel your emotions through your body as well.

By: Kathy Villegas Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:01:05 +0000 In reply to Kinz.

I used to ride bareback as a young girl when I owned a horse. She would hold perfectly still so I could run up from behind her and push myself up onto her Indian style. My question is~ how do you get onto a horse bareback? I would never and probably could not do it now at 55. Thank you and please forgive my ignorance.

By: miriam morgan Mon, 11 Aug 2014 13:44:35 +0000 In reply to healing.

hi i got a horse from someone that rescued him . he is a beautiful chestnut with a few white paint spots on his back. the problem is he was a roper and the person that had him kept hitting him side his right side . he is is very jumpy. sometimes he will let me touch him a little but not much of the time.he hasnt been ridden in years but he is only 6 years old. i love him very much and i would love to be able to touch him and show my love to there any advice you may be able to help me with to try to get him where i can touch and love him. his name is cutter. thanks

By: Regi Wed, 06 Aug 2014 15:35:12 +0000 I love riding bareback especially because I ride my friend’s horse and her saddles are too small for me. We do use a bareback pad for him though. But I have found that my balance is improving dramatically. And sometimes we do bareback no bridle and that really helps my balance. Posting bareback is a great exercise as well. I love that too.

By: Liezel Fri, 01 Aug 2014 14:46:36 +0000 Hi, I want to agree with Kizmet 74, it is better to be with your horse and take every step together, we bought 5 wild horses they didn’t know people and grazed for all their lives, we we got them it was scary as it is the first time we have horses, I chose my horse as she is a appaloosa, she is a strawberry colour and is very scared she started trusting me in about three weeks, the other horses are a appaloosa x boerperd, what amazed me with her she started to eat from my hand at two weeks I can move freely around her and she alouse me too. My husband and has a mustang which he is alredy training she walks with him he brushes her. Each step we take with them are amazing the appaloosa x boerperd showed me what trust really are and that trust comes from both ways the calmer and relaxed you are will bring the best out in both of you, ourt horses ages are from 2yrs to 3yrs and Ella is 8yrs old.

By: Heidi Piltz Mon, 21 Jul 2014 20:08:02 +0000 I learned to ride bareback, as the irritable old lady we rented ponies from wouldn’t let us have saddles, as she didn’t want us to get them wet in the rain. We rode through the woods, and I had my first jumping lesson when we came across a fallen tree. Little mare was over it before I had a chance to panic, and at the time, I remember thinking it was rather like taking a sudden swoop in a rocking chair. Only thing that stops me now is that horses are slippery, and since every de-horsing I’ve had involved riding bareback, at age 60 with brittle bones, I have changed to using a bareback pad. It’s a special one, designed by an equine physiotherapist, to be kinder to a horse’s back than a regular one. We both love it!
