A veteran gets in touch

Rob sent this in and I was very touched by it:

“To Saddle the Horse and all my Veteran Brothers and Sisters on Veterans Day, Enjoy!

Best regards,

Rob Foley”

A very moving piece – and a big thanks to Rob for sharing his story.


24 thoughts on “A veteran gets in touch”

  1. Fanie Badenhorst

    What a beatiful video.I was a teacher for 34 years.I whas very unhappy the last part of my career.I retired and i am working whith horses every day.Iam a new person for my family and friends. 😆

  2. Just being with horses and any animal daily makes my life complete. Amazing beings that are sent to us at their choice, as they chose us to help and heal us each day. Could live without a human but not an animal on a daily basis.

  3. This is beautiful. I always try to tell peoplehow healing these magnificent animals are. At the end of a bad day or just feeling down they can always make me forget all of my problems. Hope someone gets the big pictureand God bless Rob 🙂

    1. Know what you mean know matter how down , mad, or even sick being around horses makes you feal better and picks up your spirt

  4. Rob,
    I always new that horses were good for helping people with depression, but I never thought about the veterans. You have a powerful message,we can only hope that people listen. I hope that the Government takes it on-board to have it as an option to rehabilitate veterans. Good on you, God Bless. You also own some awesome horses.
    kind regards,

  5. I suffer from chronic depression . Being with horses, lets me be in the moment, and I forget about everything except me and the horse. I am taking lessons in dressage at a friends barn. I do have days where I have trouble getting myself up and dressed to go to the barn. I wish there was a program for people like me

  6. Rob is 100% correct. An effective, healthy and financially conservative therapy is FULLY AVAILABLE to our health care system (Affordable Health Care Act & private) for the veterans & others with emotional/mental/physical disorders or challenges. However, when will the government & health & pharmaceutical industries accept equine therapy as VALID? Sadly, any treatment (non evasive, non drug, less costly to consumers or tax payers) that cuts into the health care & drug manufacturing industry’s astronomical profits, FDA’s luxurious funding or lobbist’s salaries (kickbacks) will forever be shuffled to the back ground as untested or invalid (or whatever other excusable terminology they can dig up). The phenomenal mental & physical benefits of equine therapy will continue to be administered by the passion of private citizens like Rob who willingly sacrific personal resources to help every person they can. Bravo Rob!

    President Obama can tout the Affordable Health care Act as “good for Americans” till kingdom comes but I will never believe it. It’s all about money, greed, power and the excessively rich staying that way off the backs of the disappearing middle class.

  7. Hello Rob,
    What a totally amazing story. You have incredable insight & these animals God gave us are for a reason.Your horse is very obviously connected to you. Good for you Rob sharing you story..now lets us protest against to the government. So happy you are recommending this to other vets.Why do you get a petition going…we are all behind you.
    I used to suffer from chronic anxiety & depression. I had 2 wonderful animls. So I bought a small farm This sure has cured my anxiey & depression.Caring for these wonderful God created for a reason is extremely healthful, anti anxiety & depression proof.Great physical therapy to
    Thanks for sharing your story.
    From Canada

  8. I would love to send this video clip to both my doctor, Bruce Hoffman, who helps me overcoming the effects of my TBI as well as to my optician, Dr W.Padula whom I visit in the States each year coming from South Africa, as he has such a novel approach (linking eye and brain) to spectacles! Could you please send me the right website address. Thank you,
    Miriam Goodwin

  9. Without having my Horses Princess and Paddy in my life ,I think my depression would take over ,I also have a wonderful Border collie Dan,A

  10. Hi Bob
    6 months ago 11 April, a very damaged horse came into my life, I have been a very damaged person acute PTSD and major depression for 19 years. I spent all that winter ( Australia Winter) just sitting with my horse reading to her and telling her my story and I lisened to her story, we were together rain thunder and when the strong wind blew we sat in her shed, never in my life have I been so free of my mental illness. I believe her place was spritual and I have a free mind and happy sprit, when I am with her, I love my hores Liz with all my being. Liz is about to have a foal (actually on the 15th November the person who rescured her told me this.)We how sit together in waiting for this new baby foal we wonder and wish for a happy birth
    thankyou very much for telling your story to all of us my very bsest wishes
    Margaret Victoria Australia Downunder

  11. Thank you Mr. Foley. I’m a seasoned veteran. Navy/Marine Corps Corpsman 1983 to 1989. I adopted a Spanish breed feral Mustang mare July this year from the Utah BLM. She is in a private stable in Morgan, Utah with other Mustangs, quarters and Arabians. I’d rather deal with her than deal with people sometimes. The mental connection is unbelievable. Samba Pa Ti.

  12. Hmmm, there seems there could be a link here for the ‘wastage’ ott’s being put with sufferers of depression. It’s starting to make news here in Australia, it could be a win win…Just thinking out loud… 🙂

    1. So many TB’s shot because no good at racing. If someone had money, and the know how – save some of them, and rehabilitate them and Army people too….

  13. You are a veteran, therefore a hero in my book. Wish my brother had a chance to see this. He was in Vietnam . He took his own life several years ago. In the last couple years I have worked with therapy horses and I know what a difference it has made in my life.

  14. I worked with the RDA (Riding for Disabled) and was always amazed at the difference in the people once they were on a horse.

    In Australia, a woman set up a similar thing for people with their horses, or supplied horses to work with people who suffered the Victorian fires (88 lost their lives) and has helped heal.

    I think what he is doing is a great thing! and if he can involve the family too, a better thing! GOOD ON HIM! LOVE to Him!

  15. Thank you for sharing this video. I am a volunteer at a TB rescue ranch since January 2011. Everything Rob mention about equine therapy is true. I have several chronic physical illnesses that seem totally relieved when I’m with the horses, feeding them, cleaning stalls, taking them on walks for fresh grass, giving treats, whatever needed. The absolute joy I feel watching the horses gain back their trust of humans, put on healthy weight and dance in freedom and fun, raises my spirits higher than words can express. Rob, please keep telling your story. If the government accepts the importance of equine therapy then they will have to stop the slaughter (they have sanctioned) of these magnificent, ever-giving, beautiful creatures. God bless you and your message.

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