Barefoot Trimming PDF

Of course, I’m biased, but here’s the easiest way to start barefoot trimming yourself:

Understand what needs to be trimmed and how, then watch someone else trim your horse.

Ask yourself, was it a good trim, or a bad trim? Not knowing is where the danger is – but all you need do is read everything you can find on barefoot trimming – and then reread it. Watch every video you can find too.

In my Barefoot Trimming ‘Club’ you’ll see what not to trim – which is just as important as knowing what to trim – so even if you don’t trim until you want to, you’ll know whether your farrier is doing what is right for your horse.

Although trimming appears terrifying at first, give yourself a chance step by step. Read and reread, and then watch a farrier. Would you have done anything differently? If so, why?

Ease yourself in – you don’t even need to use a rasp, just course sandpaper. And just do one hoof a day, you don’t have to do all four at once.

Or, you can even tell a barefoot trimmer what you want and why. But be very sure your farrier is familiar with a natural bare foot trim – which is quite different to the pasture trim they do before shoeing.

Once you know what needs to be done and why, the whole process takes a different light and is far from daunting, because you can see exactly how they are transitioning and if they are being ‘worn’ evenly. Remember, healthy hooves are not trimmed – they are grown.

Keep going with it, and one day this will hit you like a lightning bolt:“I get it – I finally get!”

For some it’s their salvation – it is heart wrenching to see their horses lame and with no feelings in their hooves.

For others, it’s the long term health benefits – it’s very common, after years of training a horse, for tendon damage to end the horses ‘career’.

Many riders just enjoy the spring and sure footedness of a barefoot horse – which is impossible to describe until you’ve actually felt it.

Or perhaps it’s the anger of knowing your farrier just hasn’t got it right – and the guilt of not knowing what to do next.

I know you are only after what is right for your horse – and I believe I can give you that.

What’s more, I can guarantee it too.

Quite simply, if my barefoot club doesn’t get you barefoot trimming and your horses healthy and happy, I will refund you in full.

(In fact, you’ve got a whole 60 days to make your mind up, so I really do stand by what I say and teach.)

The club is the nuts and bolts of how to barefoot trim. But understanding what you need to do and why, is quite a distance from seeing how it’s done, which is why the program is split in to 16 parts.

You’ll see me, taking you through every stage of barefoot trimming. I cover:

  • Your regular maintenance trim – The more you trim, the less you’ll need to do each time. You’ll see how healthy hooves are grown, not trimmed!
  • The Sole – where to trim and where you must never.
  • The Hoof Wall – how to judge the height of the hoof wall
  • The Heels – why wild horses wear the heels short
  • The Bars – why they should begin with the heel at the level of the sole
  • The Frog – how to combat the shrivelled frog of a shod horse
  • The Quarters – why must shod horses’ quarters are left too long
  • The Mustang Roll – why a wild horses’ hoof is beatifully round
  • Inspection – what to look for, and why, after the trim
  • Common barefoot problems – and how to asses them
  • Transitioning – it’s all in strengthening the white line
  • Flares, bulges and cracks – how to keep them at bay with the mustang role.
  • Founder/Laminitis – how a bit of tough love can go a long way
  • Contracted heels and thrush – how and why movement is the remedy
  • Under-run Heels – how it’s rarely a heel only problem
  • Navicular – How it can be completely cured with regular trimming
  • Hoof boots – How they speed up transitioning
  • Conclusion – How barefoot trimming is helping the hoof rehabilitate itsel

As you can see, everything you need to know is there.

Even if you have no experience of trimming at all, my program will have you confidently looking after your horse’s hooves in not time at all.

Although we’ve never met, I would guess your horse is either in pain right now or costing you an unnecessary fortune.

(Although money is never the driving factor behind going barefoot, it can’t be overlooked.)

What do you have to lose?

It could be the answer to your problems – and salvation for your horse. You have nothing to lose either. Try my programe. If it’s not for you I’ll refund you in full – for any reason or no reason at all.

Barefoot trimming is not just for an exclusive group. It’s for anyone who wants to take the time to get the most from their horse.

Of course, I’m biased, but there is nothing like the beautiful bounce and stride of a barefoot horse. And you will never ride one as surefooted.

Try the course right now. You can download the ebook instantly (it’s in a PDF format).

To be honest, the book and videos will keep you busy for the first few weeks – but I dare say by then you’ll know more than most vets and horse owners.

Click the link below and make your own mind up – you really have nothing to lose.

The barefoot trimming ebook download costs just $19.97.

I am always adding tips and new videos to it – but for me the real value is in the posts and comments from other members.

Of course, I’m biased, but I $19.97 spent right now will save you fortunes in future farrier bills – not to mention the happiness of your horse.

I’ll see you on the other side!



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