Comments on: War horse Natural horse care and training tips Thu, 06 Jun 2013 01:08:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Zoe Thu, 06 Jun 2013 01:08:58 +0000 I think a long training whip is a jolly useful instrument.

I can get on a horse who doesn’t wish to go forward. Give it a small squeeze with my legs. No response? Two quick flicks with the whip, then I release all pressure and allow the pony to move off. Repeat until we are going off the slightest suggestion with my legs or voice. By the end of a short session the horse is licking and chewing, because the pressure-release really does make perfect sense to them.

Admin, you like the parelli method. How is a dressage whip any different from a carrot stick? They are for the same purpose, to train the horse. Used correctly, neither injured or frightens the animal.

By: Frederick Booth Sun, 17 Mar 2013 20:35:18 +0000 I have started and saddle trained thoroughbreds for over 30 years and I have never used a whip to teach them to go forward or gallop.It takes time and patience to teach horses this way but it makes for a very strong bond and relationship.Some horses have taken a year to teach to gallop,others only a month or so.I try to use as little pressure as possible and release it quickly when they respond correctly.Fred
