Comments on: Natural horsemanship – Julie’s story Natural horse care and training tips Sun, 04 Feb 2024 20:43:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Don whaley Sat, 04 Jan 2014 02:06:16 +0000 nice to hear from fellow horseman. Don w

By: Carolyn Mon, 02 Dec 2013 19:21:34 +0000 I had a similar experience with an abused mustang that I adopted from a rescue group. For a few months before I adopted her I was her caretaker for the rescue group and I could not take her out of her stall. She was reclusive and wanted nothing to do with anyone and she trusted no one. I had to clean her stall with her in it but she kept on getting in my way. I started touching her and she liked it and we wound up spending countless hours in her stall with me just getting her used to being touched and with her hugging me to her with her head and neck. I taught her to accept having a halter put on her and to accept being touched and brushed and handled. We literally fell in love with each other and I eventually adopted her and our love relationship continues to this day with is now 2-1/2 years later. I have never experienced the kind of close relationship that I have with this horse with any of my other horses and it was all because we had the time to just “be” together rather than worry about what I might do with her that day. We just “were” and we both loved it.

By: Kay Wed, 23 Oct 2013 16:55:22 +0000 Joe camp is right……relationship first !

By: Tricia Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:01:43 +0000 I preach this every day to anyone who will listen. I, too, was taught at a very young age that you had to be the boss with your horse. It saddens me sometimes that I had to wait until after an MS diagnosis and 35 years had passed to discover this. It thrills me that more and more people are learning the meaning of having a real partnership with their horse. First thing I ask every person I work with (young or old) is “Do want to be a boss or a partner to your horse?”. They are often shocked how quickly this can happen before you ever get on their backs and it just gets better and better every day. Thanks for sharing this. 😀

By: Pauline Wed, 23 Oct 2013 07:45:55 +0000 There is just so much more to horses than riding them! I am glad you have learned that. As I get older I don’t ride much any more, but I can guarantee that the bond I have with our horses will mean that whenever I am near them, they will make me smile and make me feel loved. They give every bit as much as I do, sometimes more. When a flight animal wants to be near you, the feeling is beyond belief. They will protect you, guide you, heal you, respond to your deepest feelings. Most of the time we underestimate the capacity of these magnificent creatures.

By: Kim McBrayer Wed, 23 Oct 2013 05:19:25 +0000 What a heartwarming story! I’ve only had the privledge of having the “horse hobby” for about 10 years. It’s always been my theory to get to know your horse rather than “show him whose boss.” I’ve developed two great relationships with my own horses doing it my way!!!

By: Robyn Loveday Wed, 23 Oct 2013 04:58:42 +0000 GREAT STORY 😕

By: Gail Dowling Wed, 23 Oct 2013 04:52:38 +0000 What a great storey Al, 😆 I`m so glad i have my beautiful horses, but this very hot weather is nocking us out and we are worried about fires in the Tinonee area, we have just had a big fire in Old Bar about a month ago and that freigted us all dam it we need rain

By: Dr Wendy Wed, 23 Oct 2013 01:46:16 +0000 I love JUlie’s story. Everyone has a story and when we connect with one another so we understand through our weaknesses we become stronger. My Tango a palomino 18 year old gelding who history is largely unknown came to me fly bitten, unridden, underweight and he has grown so much as I have. My dream ever since I was a child has materialized now 62 and in love. I had to work through my old motorcycle accident and my fear and got back on him after my legs were jelly but my bond with him is so strong my only mistake is to not trust him more.
Love your site!

By: Kayla Miller Wed, 23 Oct 2013 01:30:48 +0000 🙁 I don’t get to ride mine anymore because he is at my uncles and we don’t have the money or time to go out there. So have fun and I agree it almost made me cry.
