"Horse-Whisperer reveals horse body language secrets that give you an instant bond - with control and affection...

.... and they work on any horse you meet too!

You're about to master:
  • How to instantly relax any horse just by using your voice.
  • How to approach a horse so that you win its affection.
  • How to know exactly what your horse is feeling - and thinking - so you get the most from your time together.
  • How your horse's 'vocals' tell you what mood it's in and how it's feeling.
  • How to keep your horse beautifully clean and healthy without grooming for hours
  • How to start, stop and turn a horse with complete control and confidence
Of course, I'm biased, but most riding school don't teach what I'm about to show you - yet it's so important: how else are you going to bond with your horses?

How can somebody walk up to horse they have never met before, win its affection and have it under their control in moments?

And make it look effortless too – even though they don't seem to do much at all.

I've seen it countless times, and you probably have too, or you probably wouldn't be reading this.

It really got me wondering: what are these 'horse whisperers' doing that I'm not?

You've probably thought that too.

But that all changed for me, when I met Lara.

Lara's a barefoot trimmer. But she's also...well, you decide. I asked her if she'd ever been able to calm a horse nobody else could, as she's just so natural with them. Do you know what she said?

“Yes – lots of times!

Once, on a trimming appointment I was asked to hold a 17hh Maremmano stallion in a small round pen.

He seemed pretty quiet - right until the owner took the horse I had been working on away.

All of a sudden there was little me stuck on the end of a very big stallion. He exploded and became twice his size, rearing and striking out.

I had never seen two men run out of a pen so fast. But I didn't panic. In fact, I just laughed at how quickly they had scampered off - and waited for his rearing to finish.

Because I was laughing, I was totally at ease.

And because I was at ease, the horse had little to panic about.

When he'd finished rearing I just 'asked' his head toward me, and as soon I was able to put my hand on his neck I calmed him down completely.”

I was amazed. The questions flooded through my mind: did you let go of the rope? Pull it tighter? Why weren't you scared? How could you be so confident? How did you 'ask' his head towards you? Did you scratch his neck? What did you do when he was calm?

And then she told me... one by one.

But here's the thing: Anyone could do what she told me – even me!

And the more I thought about what Lara said, the more I 'got it'.

Lara explained how handling horses is all about communicating with them on a different level – theirs.

That's how some can walk up to a horse and create an instant, powerful bond with it right away...

It's all in the subtle body language cues that horses give off... they tell you exactly what a horse is thinking and what it is 'saying'.

It sounds pretty hypey, doesn't it?

Well, I kept hounding Lara for these nuggets of 'horsey talk', making notes and reading as much as I could on the subject – and then something amazing happened.

I was mucking out when the wind caught a plastic bag and it quickly rustled through the stable.

Minnie's ears pricked up and she snorted – just as Lara said she'd do when she's startled and fearful of something.

From then on, I watched Minnie with every spare second I had. Everything Lara had said, everything I'd read and everything I recently watched fell in to place.

Once you know what to look for, a horse's body language is as clear as if they were speaking to you.

That's the difference – all a 'horse whisperer' has that you don't is a natural empathy with the horse. Often without consciously doing so, they understand the horse’s body language.

It was a massive eye opener for me – but here's where it made the most difference:

Knowing how they feel is one thing, knowing what to do when you know how they feel is another!

It's this that transforms you from someone who loves horses into a ‘horse whisperer'.

And I've done all the hard work for you. Everything I've learnt, everything Lara told me, everything I've seen with my own eyes is all here, in this 41 page e-book.

You'll have people amazed with everything I found out – and wondering how you bond with a horse so quickly.

But if you've struggled with it before – don't worry – it's not your fault. You were just like me. Very few people teach what I've had to find out the hard way. Until now.

Everything I've discovered is all here – but written in a way anyone can understand. The way I see it, is if Lara can explain it to someone like me, anyone else will have no trouble picking it right up.

Every day, bit by bit, I put what I had learnt in to practice.

Some of my riding friends made fun of me – but not for long. They soon changed their minds when they saw the way the horses began to react to me. Then they practically begged me to tell them what I'd learnt.

They were hooked. “You should write a book about this!” Claire, one of my closest friends said. So I have – but best of all, I've written it with Lara help and stamp of approval.

In it, I share everything Lara told me – and everything I researched and saw working with my own eyes - it's all in observing their body language.

Of course, I'm biased, but I don't think you'll find a better book on how to instantly bond with your horse anywhere else (and I've trawled through countless books to find out everything I could – then tested it myself).

In fact, what you'll learn in this book, will teach you more than any of those expensive horse riding schools, who care more about fees than 'connecting' with the horse. Here's what you'll learn:
  • When your horse is stressed – and when the pressure causing it has gone... pg8
  • When you need to attract his attention (and especially before any training exercises)... pg10
  • Get the most from your horse – know when he's ready for a break... pg11
  • How to read his mood from his head position, eyes, nostrils, tail and muzzle... pg13
  • How your horse’s vocal language strengthens their body language – and what to look out for... pg13
  • How knowing which of the 4 personality types your horse is increases your bond... pg 16
  • Some simple but effective tricks on how to connect through grooming... pg18
  • A simple, simple exercise that gets your horse to yield to your pressure... pg 21
  • When to make eye contact with your horse – and when not to... pg22
  • How to break your horses 'work' up with 'play'... pg 22
  • Why following a riding pattern is critically important – for you and your horse... pg24
  • An easy and simple control test – do it every day and you'll have amazing control in next to no time
  • How your tack can make all the difference to the control and bond you have... pg 27
  • The correct way to lead a horse - it's not how you think... pg 28
  • How to win over a 'challenging horse', we all know one... pg 17
  • How certain sounds comfort your horse however spooked they are... pg19
  • What to do if your horse is spooked - and how to do it safeley..pg 20
Everything in this book is applicable. It's stuff you can use, immediately.

But what else makes it different?

The book focuses on connecting with your horse on a different level – theirs.

Every known horse body language trick and tip is in here. You'll instantly know how your horse is feeling, and how to react it so it bonds and follows you.

It's written for use, not theory.

So there's no waffle. No science. Just stuff that you can read, understand and apply.

In fact, I'll go so far as to say after you've read you'll be amazed at how much you can use the very next time your ride.

Best of all...

Everything you pick up in this book will be with you for a lifetime. You'll be using the things you learn for years and years... and constantly amazing people on how you 'bond' so quickly.

So how can you get this amazing book?

You can only get in online – so you won't find it anywhere else.

This means it comes in a digital format - download it instantly, at any time – even if it's 2am in the morning.

What's more, because it's not a physical product, there's big savings. No print costs. No shipping. Nothing.

And just consider: it usually costs you $35 for one riding lesson in which you might only pick up a few things...yet this is packed full of tips that you'll use time and time again.

In fact – you'd probably have to go on 10, 15, 20... maybe 30 lessons before you picked up some of the amazing tips in this book.

But thankfully you won't have to! Because for a fraction of that price, you can get it right now.

You can get it right now for just $29.97

And just to show you confident I am about this book, I'll throw in a no quibble, cast iron, 60 day, money back guarantee.

If you're not happy with it for any reason – or no reason at all – just say and I'll refund you in full.

The risk really is all mine. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. I promise, after reading this book you'll be bursting to go riding and put in to practice what you've learnt.

Buy it right now, here. This very minute! Your friends will be asking to borrow it...



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