
Now, natural horse care expert Lara Sportelli says “stop pumping your horse full of harmful, manufactured chemicals,” and...
"Go to your garden for the most powerful horse medicines"
Open Lara Sportelli’s Herbal Medicine for Horses and discover…
- The plants and oils you must have if you spot laminitis (page 52)
- A secret fly repellant spray of lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus and garlic (page 35)
- A treatment for mild forms of colic? Yes! Grab some chamomile flowers and turn to page 42
- How to heal wounds like magic – with a remedy so simple and so common, you probably already have it in your kitchen (page 44)
- And much much more. As I shall explain, Fellow Horse Lover…
You may not think it now, but HORSE MEDICINE is everywhere.
And you only have to read this beautifully presented, wonderfully insightful book to see for yourself.
It grows along your country paths. (What can you treat with nettle leaves and clivers? Start on page 38 to find out.)
It hangs from the trees. (When to reach for the oranges and lemons? Page 25 explains.)
It grows in your own back garden. (Did you know there are 3 types of INTERNAL infections you can treat with thyme?)
And you can use these miracle medicines to treat all sorts of conditions… Common illnesses like bronchitis, blood disorders, eye infections and thrush… Even serious illnesses like mud fever, laminitis, colic and rheumatism.
There’s only one manual you need by your side: Herbal Medicine for Horses by Lara Sportelli. That’s not a claim. That’s a guarantee.
If this doesn’t open your eyes to the most natural, effective, inexpensive remedies, tell me. I’ll refund every penny.
Your guarantee lasts 60 days – Enough time for this book to pay for itself, I’d expect.
Because even if he isn’t ill, you can watch these herbs go to work on your horse as they...
- Flush away harmful disease-causing toxins
- Boost the immune system
- Pack your horse with all the vitamins he needs to maintain tip-top form
It’s all in this remarkable guide. How?
"Nature has given horses all the medicine they need."
I must confess, before I met Lara I couldn’t tell a dandelion from a burdock.
And if you’d told me a milk thistle could treat liver problems (page 54 of this book), I’d probably have scoffed.
So imagine my disbelief when I first met Lara’s Welsh X Thoroughbred, ‘Bob’.
It was winter. His paddock was worn and the ground was frozen. Bob couldn’t take his eyes off Lara’s left hand. What was he looking at?
Lara clutched a bag of dried seaweed, and when she held it out for Bob to sniff you’d never guess what happened next...
He snatched the dried seaweed, ripped a hole in the bag and devoured every last morsel.
"Bob already has seaweed in his stable," Lara said. "He probably needs extra, because there isn’t enough grass in his diet."
Yes. You can bet your best saddle Lara knows her stuff. But what amazed me – and what’s sure to amaze you – is Bob knows even more.
As Lara explains in Herbal Medicine for Horses – the very first line:
"Nature has given horses all the medicine they need. And for thousands of years they’ve had no trouble prescribing their own treatments."
Evolution told Bob to eat the seaweed. It’s an innate understanding of what to eat and when, passed down for generations.
Now, see the world through your horse’s eyes and help him continue this essential work
Of course, when you pull your horse’s medicine out the ground, you save a great deal of money.
But I’m sure money will be the farthest thing from your mind.
Frankly, when your horse bounces in his paddock – Free of illness. Free of chemicals, and more energetic than ever – it’s easy to forget the financial gains.
Herbal Medicine for Horses gives you a wonderful new perspective. You see the world through your horse’s eyes and help him continue his essential work.
It’s such a tremendous leap forwards from the chemical medicines forced on domestic horses each day.
And you can make these natural treatments more effective than ever, because Lara also gives you…
- The secrets to help your horse prescribe his own medicine. What vets don’t tell you.
- Subtle signs to judge how much medicine your horse needs. What does it mean when he licks oils with the underside of his tongue?
- Decoction and infusion recipes that accelerate a herb’s power and target ailments so fast even your horse won’t believe it.
- Clay mixes to draw toxins from wounds. Clay mixes to soothe sensitive skin.
- How to extract the goodness from hard roots, solid barks and seeds.
- Herbs and oils you can apply directly to the skin. Watch it soak through the pores.
- A breakdown of your horse’s anatomy. How can a medicine for nerves improve circulation?
- A quick-reference list of herbs to reach for, should you spot allergies, aggressiveness, bacterial infections, behavioural problems and much more.
If you don’t believe this book holds a complete method to make your horse happier, healthier, and perhaps add years to his life, I have only one suggestion.
Accept my offer. Follow this guide for 60 days.
Head straight for page 3 and see how your horse can self-select his own medicine.
And if you’re still not convinced, claim every penny back. You risk nothing. Yet your horse could gain everything. For example..
Here’s a natural way to relieve stiff horse joints – Recommended by Hercules
If you’ve followed any of Lara’s earlier guides, you probably know Bob isn’t her only horse.
She’s also the proud owner of Hercules, a pesky retired Shire X Thoroughbred – 25 years old, though you wouldn’t think it for a second.
What’s Hercules’ secret to a long, healthy retirement?
Lara offers him the same assortment of herbs she recommends in this book. He accepts what he needs and turns his nose away from what he doesn’t. It really is that simple.
One day – not long ago – Hercules leapt his paddock fence and made his way into Lara’s vegetable patch. What did he eat?
Spicy Celery.
Why did he eat it?
Because it’s known to relieve stiff joints.
If your horse is 15+, why not offer him celery seed right now? It’s just one of over a dozen treatments, recommended by Lara in her Caring for the Senior Horse chapter.
Read and follow this section carefully. It’s packed to the brim with powerful, natural ways to add years to your horse’s life and keep him fighting fit to the last – Like Hercules.
That really is the only reason you should grab your copy of Herbal Medicine for Horses.
Not to save money – Although you’re sure to recoup the cost of this book many times over.
Not to impress others – Although they’re sure to be astounded at how well you can read your horse... And theirs.
ask you to try this book to better understand your horse. To give him the natural medicines he’s searching for, but can’t find.
If your horse could tell you what he needs, he surely would. So I hope you agree, $7 is a small price to pay for this book. Click here to download it right now.
If you don’t agree, remember your 60-day guarantee. Satisfaction or your money back. No quibble.
P.S. Is 60 days enough time to notice the power of these herbal horse medicines?
I’ll answer that question with a remedy for abdominal pain - found on page 42.
Follow Lara’s directions:
- Roman/German chamomile for spasmodic and stress related colic.
- For impactions, offer Peppermint
- If the pain is gastric, offer Peppermint, Seaweed, Fennel
- Offer Seaweed, Peppermint, Fennel if your horse has digested an unsuitable food.
- Offer Carrot Seed for worm damage
"These remedies are hugely effective for relieving pain," says Lara. "Sometimes the symptoms disappear immediately."
So imagine what this book can reveal before your 60-day guarantee runs out. How much stronger, healthier and happier could your horse become?
Find out for yourself. You risk nothing.
If you’re not convinced this is filled with page after page of the most natural, effective horse medicines, tell me. I’ll refund every penny. No questions asked.
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